go around1.消息或笑话流传,传播;If a piece of news or a joke is going around, it is being told by many people in the same period of time.
2.造访;拜访 例Mike went round to see them.迈克去拜访了他们。
3.经常做;习惯打扮成 例I had got in the habit of going around with bare feet...我已经习惯光脚。
4.都能分到;够每人一份 例Eventually we will not have enough water to go around.最终,我们将没有足够的水供大家喝。
另一个名词意思转换键;切换键计算机名词 动词(computing 计) (两种状态之间)切换,转换
Many other fuzzy students tried the same cure and have written with clarity ever since.
fuzzy这里意思1<物、想法等> 模糊不清的
2 <毛发>鬈缩的 3<布、衣服> 似绒毛的,起 [绒] 毛的
例a fuzzy plan of action内容不协调的行动计划
a fuzzy recollection of past events对往事的模糊的记忆
cure这里意思 ~ (for sth) something that will solve a problem, improve a bad situation, etc.
例a cure for poverty解决贫穷问题的措施
—and eventually it touches on work being done in many pockets of medicine and psychology.
touch这里意思涉及,处理To deal with, especially in passing; treat briefly or allusively
例some remarks touching recent events.一些言论涉及到近期的事件
..., they are able to store and retrieve extraordinary amounts of information.
retrieve to find and bring back something找回;取回;挽回
例•We taught our dog to retrieve a ball.我们教狗捡球。
•Computers are used tostore and retrieve informationefficiently.
cow 恐吓;吓唬;威胁;胁迫【SYN】intimidate
»She was easily cowed by people in authority.她很容易被有权势的人吓住。
turgid 1. <液体>混浊的,溷浊的
2. <烟、云等> 弥漫的,浓密的 (heavy)
3. <思想、文体等> 混乱的,紊乱的
The engineers spoke in an arcane language studded with acronyms.
1.decorated with small raised pieces of metal用饰钉装饰的:
»a studded leather belt饰钉装饰的皮带
2. ~ with sth having a lot of sth on or in it 布满(或有很多)…的
»The sky was clear and studded with stars.天空晴朗,繁星点点。
»an essay studded with quotations旁征博引的文章
Prominent in every issue was a message of exhortation from the division vice-president
exhortation exhort的名词,规劝;敦促;告诫
An exhortation is a loud or enthusiastic urging.
press box (体育场的)新闻工作室,记者席
a special area or a room at a sports ground where sports journalists sit
Smith was a devout angler, and it was a pleasure to watch him bait his hook and come up with that slippery fish, a sports commissioner, gasping for air.
devout 1.(强调内心信仰的深入与强烈的)虔诚的
有趣的延伸:Devout is often used to describe religious individuals, but this word also pop ups in the context ofsports fans— a fact that may shed some light on the role of sports in today's society.
2 衷心的,热烈的 a ~ hope衷心 [真诚] 的希望
devoutly[修饰 hope,believe 等的动词] 衷心地,热诚地
angler 1 钓鱼者,钓鱼人
辨析:fisherman 通常指把捉鱼做职业的“渔民”,称垂钓的“雅人”最好用 angler。
2 善用计谋的人,为达目的不择手段的人
3 (又作 angler fish) ‘鱼’琵琶鱼
2.(the) Holy [Sacred] Writ圣经
3.writ((古))write 的过去式.过去分词
writ 'large1. easy to see or understand显而易见的;公然
»Mistrust was writ large on her face.她脸上明显流露出不信任的神情。
2. (用于名词后) being a large or obvious example of the thing mentioned 明摆着;公然:
»This is deception writ large.这是明目张胆的欺骗。
aperture 1 开口,穴,孔,洞,间隙,隙缝
2 (照相机、望远镜等可受光的) 孔径,开度; 光圈
An aperture is an opening, usually a small one.
...because it jogs a set of beliefs and forces us to reexamine them.
jog 这里是引申义,轻轻地晃动一系列信仰,使我们重新审视自己 。
1.轻轻地推 [撞] ,摇动; 轻碰 (以促使注意)
He ~ged me. 他轻轻地推了我
2.摇晃前进; 乘车摇晃而行; 缓缓而行,磨磨蹭蹭地走去
The cart jogged down the narrow road. 货车缓缓地沿著狭窄的路往前移动
3 (为健康) 缓慢地跑,做慢跑运动
延伸:jog sb's memory唤起(某人的)记忆,提醒(某人)
jog along 缓慢平稳地进行
pirouette 源自法语“陀螺”的意思 (尤指芭蕾舞中的)单脚尖旋转
»She pirouetted across the stage.
innards 1.内脏;(尤指)胃the organs inside the body of a person or an animal, especially the stomach【SYN】 entrails , guts
2. the parts inside a machine(机器的)内部结构
simmer1 <羹汤、肉等> 以文火慢慢煮 [煮沸]
2. <水壶等> 发出丝丝声
3. <人>快要爆发出 [强烈的感情] [with]
He was ~ing with laughter.他忍俊不禁
This argument has been simmering for months.这场争论已酝酿了几个月了。
simmer down(1)<食物等> (用文火) 熬煮
(2) <愤怒、争执等> 平静 [缓和] 下来
cutting edge 和 acerbic wit 尖刻毒辣的妙语
edge(语言等的) 尖刻,尖酸
acerbic1 酸的; 涩的~ apples没有熟的酸苹果
2 <言语、态度、性情等>尖刻的,刻薄的,严苛的
an ~ and hard-faced man性情尖刻面目冷酷的人
cutting edge短语1.the ~ (of sth) the newest, most advanced stage in the development of sth (处于某事物发展的)尖端,最前沿,领先阶段:
»working at the cutting edge of computer technology在计算机技术的最前端工作
2. an aspect of sth that gives it an advantage有利方面;优势
»We're relying on him to give the team a cutting edge.我们指望他给这个队带来优势。
梳理一下本书第三章 Forms结构吧。
这几章提到的很多什么风格要精心选词,内容要保证每个细节是有效的。就是前两章clarity, simplicity, brevity and humanity的具体的运用嘛。
科技写作Another way of making science accessible is to write like a person and not like a scientist. 商务写作The way to warm up any institution is to locate the missing “I.”等等
所说的不都是抛下脑海中各种形式:科学家,工作,体育作家,艺术家等专业人士的限制,让自己write like a person,being yourself.——humanity
当然语言上也是一样,谈了很多,最后都是clarity, simplicity, brevity......
当然作者写的很细致,举了大量的例子描如何按上面的类别来写作,以及注意事项或原则。要仔细思考运用的话,最好多看第一章Principles和第二章Methods,再结合第三章 Forms去看去实践,更有意思。