Reading Books Will Help You Buil

Reading Books Will Help You Buil

作者: 一支吉玛 | 来源:发表于2018-01-24 17:17 被阅读0次

                                                                                        —— 选自Medium 网站(吉玛译)

    Books are the training weights of the mind” –Seneca


    The most useful definition of technology I’ve heard is, “the ability to do more with less.”


    Books are a powerful technology.


    We only live one life, but through reading books, we can gain the wisdom from thousands. When an author writes, re-writes, and edits, they are turning their words into a more perfect version of themselves. When you read, you get to spend time in a meditative state with a wise person’s more perfect self.


    Books are the most undervalued and under-appreciated technology in the world.


    How do we know they’re so valuable? We need only to examine how the best and the worst people throughout history have viewed books.


    The worst seek to downplay, ban, or burn them. The fact that books have haters who are willing to destroy them confirms their power.


    The best adore books… and aren’t afraid to celebrate them.         


    Like every other technology, if we use books without intentions or guides, they don’t lead anywhere.


    But when we learn how to appropriately value, select, and acquire them with stakes and incentives (buy them, read them, then discuss with friends or a book club)… reading books helps us build priceless habits.


    1. Reading books helps you build the habit of taking the right kind of nootropic


    I apologize to all the modafinil lovers out there, but books have most nootropics beat. Eventually, nootropics wear off. Meanwhile, reading permanently upgrades your mind, leaving you with a lifetime of benefits. The side effects of books have been tested by time, whereas the latest nootropics? Not so much. When you get into the habit of taking a nootropic such as reading through books, the benefits compound.

    我向所有的莫达非尼爱好者道歉,但是书是最有效的益智药。最终,益智药会逐渐消失,同时,阅读会永久地提升你的思维,让你终生受益。书籍的副作用通过了时间的考验,而最新的益智药呢? 并非如此。当你养成阅读书籍的习惯,你会受益多多。

    “Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.” — Warren Buffett                           


    2. Reading books helps you build the habit of upgrade your mental operating system


    There are many people who never update their mental operating systems through reading. Upgrading your mental OS is an ongoing habit you have to develop, and books help you do it. So how does this mental OS update occur?


    The best books are written when the author is in a flow state. The author transmits their wisdom, muse, or insights with minimal ego. When a reader seeking wisdom moves through these words and enters their own flow state… magic happens.


    I don’t know how it works, but after enough time of reading, my mind always feels upgraded. Programming our minds by moving consciously into the flow state of another wise person is powerful.


    When we upgrade our mental OS, our main apps (speaking, writing, and communicating) all begin to run faster and more smoothly.


    3. Reading books helps you build the habit of sitting quietly in a room alone


    Eric Hoffer was onto something when he said that, “A man by himself is in bad company.” This might be true initially, but we can grow ourselves out of this place. It takes hard work to become good company to ourselves. But if we read books, pause for reflection, and continually improve ourselves… we can develop the habit of sitting quietly in a room alone. By reading books, we build an inessential habit, which can help fight some of the greatest human challenges of our time:


    “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone” — Blaise Pascal


    4. Reading books helps you build the habit of getting direct experience        


    There are tradeoffs for everything in life, but reading a lot (of the best books) isn’t dangerous. The hunger for wisdom seems to be the only desire that we can satiate. There isn’t a risk of overindulgence. After enough reading, we become charged with good ideas and courage to go out and explore the world. Once we get fueled up on enough wisdom, we become inspired to embark on our next hero and heroine’s journey. This means we’re guaranteed to get direct experience in the real world without some technological filter.


    Binge reading books leads to a hunger for experience in the real world.


    5. Reading books helps you build the habit of meditation


    The more we read and spend time with books, the more we’re forced to practice mindfulness and meditation. Reading builds the habits of patience, calmness, and builds our ability to focus deeply on a single thing for an extended period of time.


    6. Reading books helps you build the habit of strategic isolation


    “Sanity in this culture, requires a certain amount of alienation.” –Terence McKenna


    Books and reading are one of the last societally acceptable reasons for being alone. If you need respite from society, there is no better strategic isolation than books. Books help keep us safe from crowds.


    7. Reading books helps you build the habit of telling the truth


    I am of course confident that I will fulfil my tasks as a writer in all circumstances — from my grave even more successfully and more irrefutably than in my lifetime. No one can bar the road to truth, and to advance its cause I am prepared to accept even death. But may it be that repeated lessons will finally teach us not to stop the writer’s pen during his lifetime? At no time has this ennobled our history.” –Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


    Throughout history, books have given artists and philosophers an antifragile vehicle to place truth. So what do I mean by this? There are many people who hate to think. When they hear something wise, they’ll react viscerally, or even attack the person that brought them truth. Many in society hate the idea of pursuing truth (becoming less wrong) or developing heuristics and insights about how the world works. As Leo Strauss proposed, the best secrets are often hidden inside stories and books.


    Most creatives know this to be true, and know that the only way to deliver truth in a palatable way that can survive attack is a book or parable. Because the book is sold, it helps these ideas survive attack, and gives the author a chance to capture a small amount of value from his or her ideas. This is a big leap forward for humans. Throughout our history, those who make others think are usually the first to be scapegoated, ostracized, or demonized. Books give the would-be scapegoat a vehicle to place their ideas so that they can survive attack, and sometimes even spread because of the attack.


    The developed world has evolved in how we persecute those who bring forth truth. We went from horrible past methods of scapegoating (stoning, crucifixion) into small time scapegoating (attempting to cut off an individual’s livelihood by suing, slander, online comments, etc).


    Technology can’t change our lives, only we can. When we take a perfect technology like books and wield them for good (by reading and applying what we learn) we’ll build habits that will change our lives, lift up those around us, or even gain the secrets necessary to create new types of perfect technology.


    Link:Reading Books Will Help You Build These 7 Habits



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