化石较正Fossil Calibration

化石较正Fossil Calibration

作者: 我想养只猫zhl | 来源:发表于2021-11-13 21:59 被阅读0次

    Best Practices for Justifying Fossil Calibrations 

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2011/9/21 Systematic Biology

    The lack of rigorous protocols for assigning calibrations based on fossils raises serious questions about the credibility of divergence dating results (e.g., Shaul and Graur 2002Brochu et al. 2004Graur and Martin 2004Hedges and Kumar 2004Reisz and Müller 2004a2004bTheodor 2004van Tuinen and Hadly 2004a2004bvan Tuinen et al. 2004Benton and Donoghue 2007Donoghue and Benton 2007Parham and Irmis 2008Ksepka 2009Benton et al. 2009Heads 2011).


    We do not deny that a posteriori methods are a useful means of evaluating calibrations, but there can be no substitute for a priori assessment of the veracity of paleontological data.

    posteriori 和 priori是什么意思

     We likewise encourage biologists relying on nonfossil calibrations for molecular divergence estimates (e.g., ages of island or mountain range formations, continental drift, and biomarkers) to develop their own set of rigorous guidelines so that their calibrations may also be evaluated in a systematic way.




          本文标题:化石较正Fossil Calibration
