这时候我无意看到Jim Kurose 的一份演讲ppt,突然感觉自己这几年在一个虚名笼罩的地方,吃着几乎没有的资源,在痛苦的挣扎,但所作所为也似乎这么久以来,没这么错,虽然也不怎么对。 我记下这篇随笔,关于Jim教授的宝贵建议,一遍我剩下的将近一年的时光里,可以作为鞭策。
"10 pieces of advice I wish my PhD advisor had given me", 这是这个演讲题目。虽然我一直觉得我的博士生涯走了太多的弯路,但也觉得如果我一年级的时候看到这个,或许会好上很多。 这里的十条建议: 1)study broadly。 Take math courses (every math course I’ve taken has been valuable; won’t have time later; research fields draw increasingly on math as they mature; theory is timeless!) . 这里吐槽一句,曾经听到过的一些功利的学习和科研思维,认为无关紧要的东西,不该去积累和学习,实在是大谬。 Take Important courses outside CS。 You will never again have so much “relaxed”time to study, learn, think
2) Choosing, defining a research problem. Pick your problems carefully. Complexity, sophistication are themselves not of interest. Simple is sometimes harder! Avoid point solutions
3)Publishing : There is life beyond sigcomm, infocom. Quality over quantity. Don’t be driven by conference deadlines. Don’t submit just to get reviews. 这后几条,我感觉我完全就是反例,但是这些真理,刚做科研都明白,但是小小的6分的带来的压迫感以及缺乏高水平指导的痛苦,谁又能体会呢。
4)Time: your most precious resource
5)Learn how to write really well. 看完之后,我立刻把Jim 推荐的两本书《Writing for Computer Science》《The Elements of Style》下载下来,打算这个礼拜啃掉,羞愧中。
6)Learn how to speak really well
7)Learn the process of doing research grad student = apprentice&& professor = master artisan 实在贴切
8)Think about what you want to do afterwards
9)A community of scholars 学术荒漠总是人祸大于其他因素
10)Identify role models Who does something you care about really wel l?
同样以Jack K. Wolf的名言结尾,
“Pick a place, job where you’ll have fun, enjoy living, enjoy your colleagues. Without that, no level of success will make you happy.”