Trail Jitjisu in DS Team BJJ
Close to my office and where I live
1. Jam pack people
2. Not intensive enough, only one thing to learn and practice in a time, no interactive or conjoint movements.
3. Fee is much more higher
Re-enroll in the place I used to train in Takapuna, it seems a better one to learn.
Dream more often
Take 5 mins/day everyday, relax and meditate and experience the euphoric feeling of what it would be like to accomplish everything you want to accomplish in life and evern more
The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dream
Methods and Object in Javascript
1. better to define object as: var object = { }
2. method is just another object
3. methods expression and methods statement
4. JSON and object convertion
1. I thought it was apyramidyou needed toscale, so I gave you a voice, my voice, to guide you along the way.
2. Memory,improvisation,each step harder to reach than the last.
3. Consciousness isn't a journey upward, but a journey inward. Not a pyramid, butamaze.
4. Better if she's dead.