26: Three tips on how to better

26: Three tips on how to better

作者: 李绅Luis | 来源:发表于2017-06-22 23:55 被阅读0次

    Three tips on how to better at language learning

    The premise of these tips is that you can speak English.

    1. Practice for an influency exam. Setting an clear improvement goal can force to learn and practice. I aim to improve my English. So TOEFL or IELTS may be proper for me.
    1. Use extensive reading. Once you're already speaking, getting to read a lot can be a great way to expand your vocabulary. Getting graded readers can help you make the leap into full native reading situations. I have read a lot for the last 18 months. It helped me a lot to expand my vocabulary.
    1. Rewatch the old TV shows dubbed in the language. If watching native-language shows is too hard, rewatch the old shows you already know the plot to in the new language. This allows for extensive listening practice. I tried my best to watch movies in English subtitles several months ago. Now I can catch most of the meanu without subtitles when I am watch a movie.

    By the way, I get all of above tips from Scott Young's blog.

    2. Three moments of joy


    Moment 1: I finished building my resume this afternoon.

    Moment 2: My final dinner with my best friends is pretty good. I am honoured to meet them and make friends with them in the college.

    Moment 3: I had phone call with my mom and sister. I will get my sister's Gaokao grade tomorrow.

    A picture a word: commencement



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