How Basic Performance Analysis S

How Basic Performance Analysis S

作者: 鲸息_Leon | 来源:发表于2017-07-13 21:55 被阅读0次


    How Basic Performance Analysis Saved Us Millions
    Michael Malis
    May 19, 2017
    9 min read

    This is the story of how I applied basic performance analysis techniques to find a small change that resulted in a 10x improvement in CPU use for our Postgres cluster and will save Heap millions of dollars over the next year.
    Indexing Data for Customer Analytics
    Heap is a customer analytics tool that automatically captures every user interaction with your website or app. Once installed on a website, Heap will automatically track every pageview, click, form submission, and more. From there, the owner of the website can use Heap to perform many different kinds of aggregations over different subsets of the raw data.
    In order to make it possible to get insights out of this data, Heap lets users define events in terms of the raw data. An example might be a “Login”, which could be defined as a “form submission on the /login
    To make analyses fast, we use a very unusual indexing strategy which relies on Postgres’ partial indexing feature. A partial index is like a normal Postgres index, except it only contains rows that satisfy a specified predicate. You can think of it like a regular index with a WHERE
    clause. For every event definition one of our customers creates, we create a partial index on that customer’s raw event data, restricted to the rows which match the definition. Whenever a new row is inserted into our events
    table, Postgres will automatically test the event against the predicate of each partial index on the table and add the row to the necessary indexes.
    For each event definition, the corresponding partial index makes it very fast to retrieve all matching events because the index contains exactly the events that satisfy the definition. If you want to learn more about how we use partial indexes, you should read our blog post on how we index our data which goes more in depth.
    Problem: Unusually High CPU Usage
    When we first rolled out this indexing strategy, our CPU use was significantly higher than it was with our previous indexing strategy. This made sense, we thought: our largest customers have thousands of these indexes and in order to support filters based on CSS selectors, lots of these partial indexes contain a regular expression filter. We thought that since regular expressions are fairly expensive to evaluate, it only made sense that testing a thousand regexes against every event as it was inserted would cause Postgres to use a ton of CPU. There was no real evidence this was the case, but it became the explanation everyone at Heap gave for why Postgres used so much CPU. We assumed it was a fundamental tradeoff of the indexing strategy.
    Around October, as our data volume continued to increase, we started having issues ingesting all of the data coming in during peak hours. On some days it would take hours for a new event to show up in the Heap dashboard. This is completely unacceptable for a tool meant for real time analytics. Instead of going the typical route and throwing money at the problem, I thought I would try my hand at optimizing Heap’s ingestion throughput.
    Visualizing CPU Use with Flame Graphs
    Prior to this I had limited experience debugging performance issues. After googling for a bit, I came across one of Brendan Gregg’s posts on flame graphs. A flame graph is a type of visualization Brendan Gregg invented as a way to quickly identify which parts of your code are taking up CPU. The first step in creating a flame graph is to take samples of the stack of the process using the Linux perf
    perf record -p $(pid of process) -F 99 -g -- sleep 60

    This will sample the stack of the given process at 99 times a second for 60 seconds and write the data to a file called perf.data. From there, you can run the following commands from Brendan Gregg’s flame graph library to process the file and generate a flame graph:
    perf script | ./stackcollapse-perf.pl > out.perf-folded
    ./flamegraph.pl out.perf-folded > flame-graph.svg

    One of the first flame graphs I created was of a Postgres backend process. Due to our use of connection pooling, a single backend process will serve multiple queries. Since the vast majority of queries we run are INSERT
    s, a flame graph of a Postgres backend process would give us a good idea of where the CPU was spent when inserting events into the database. After running the above commands on a pid for a Postgres process I got from pg_stat_activity
    , I obtained the following flame graph:

    The unit on the left is hours of latency. We were able to clear about an hour of backlog in only minutes.

    After deploying batching, I took another flame graph of inserts:

    This time, it appears a large portion of the time is now going to ExecQual
    (red bar in the middle), which based on the source code, is the function used to evaluate partial index predicates. That means Postgres is now spending most of the CPU doing the actual work of evaluating partial index predicates.
    I made this discovery six months ago. Since then, we haven’t needed to add any additional CPU to our cluster and it doesn’t look like we will need to in the next few months either! I was able to find this win using only rudimentary performance analysis techniques. It really doesn’t take much to find 10x wins.
    By the way, if you are interested in doing this kind of work, we are hiring! Apply here or reach out on twitter.



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