Step 1 Go to TARGETS-> Build Settings -> No Common Blocks -> No
Step 2 Go to TARGETS-> Build Settings -> enable testability -> No
Step 1 Go to TARGETS-> Build Settings -> No Common Blocks...
XCode12编译真机可以运行,模拟器报错如下 No architectures to compile for (...
暂时列出两个报错: 报错1:Xcode 升级后运行模拟器或者真机均报错Multiple commands prod...
跑单纯的helloworld,模拟器运行正常,真机报错Unable to instantiate activity...
模拟器: 真机: 报错处理: XXX have the same architectures (arm64) an...
老项目集成flutter的坑,报错如下(模拟器不报错,真机报错): 网上说要将项目的bitcode关闭: 这个没错...
真机模拟器库无法合并,报错:have the same architectures (arm64) and can...
问题一:真机模拟器库无法合并,报错:have the same architectures (arm64) and...
升级xcode 12 后运行真机没有问题 ,运行模拟器报错:No architectures to compile...