Open standards, not sanctions, a

Open standards, not sanctions, a

作者: 翼飏_Sa | 来源:发表于2020-04-16 22:13 被阅读0次

    DAY 60 Open standards, not sanctions, are America’s best weapon against Huawei

    sanction  /ˈsæŋkʃn/   制裁
    1> sanction (against somebody) 
         an official order that limits trade, contact, etc. with a particular country, in order to make it do something, such as obeying international law
    2>  official permission or approval for an action or a change  =  authorization  

    America needs a new way to deal with the Chinese telecoms giant. Its own tech industry points the way

    Its 美国自己的科技产业指明了道路

    1 Technology is power. Whoever controls the global digital infrastructure controls the world. That is why America is so worried about China’s rise as a technological superpower. It also explains why it is going to such lengths, even using European-style industrial policy, to rein in Huawei, China’s leading maker of telecoms equipment. The company leads the world in 5g, the next generation of mobile networks, which are expected to become the central nervous system of the global economy.

    technological superpower  科技强国

    go to such lengths  不遗余力的

    rein in
    1>  to start to control somebody/something more strictly

    2 Yet by any measure America is losing the fight against Huawei, along with what President Donald Trump, steeped in zero-sum thinking, calls the “race to 5g”. The Chinese firm keeps on growing; the rollout of 5g in China continues apace; and most of America’s allies have so far ignored its entreaties to ban Huawei gear entirely from their national 5g networks on security grounds. Even so, the Trump administration seems intent on doubling down on its strategy. If hawks have their way, any chipmaker that uses American technology, which nearly all do, will soon have to ask for permission in Washington, dc, to sell its wares to Huawei.

    by any measure  不论以哪种标准 ;全方面

    along with 
    [词典]除某物以外; 随同…一起,跟…一起;

    steep in   [stiːp ɪn]  沉浸于;

    zero-sum thinking 零和思维


    rollout    [ˈroʊˌlaʊt]   n.首次展示;
    ​an occasion when a company introduces or starts to use a new product

    apace   /əˈpeɪs/
    ​at a fast speed; quickly

    entreaty    /ɪnˈtriːti/   n.恳求; 乞求;
    ​a serious and often emotional request

    on ... grounds 出于安全的理由  

    hawks   鹰派(主战)

    chipmaker  芯片制造商

     wares 成品

    3 The problem with America’s strategy is that it is trying to win today’s “tech cold war”, as some call it, with yesterday’s arsenal. In effect it is trying to build an impenetrable wall around Huawei by any means necessary. This is a fool’s errand in a hyper-connected world in which technology and talent can flow freely. It only provides extra incentives for Huawei—and China—to become technologically self-sufficient. If America wants to win the race to 5g and, more generally, the battle for digital supremacy, it needs a new approach. Happily, the country’s own technology industry points the way: it has thrived on openness, software and a healthy balance of competition and co-operation. And that approach is at last now being applied in telecoms.

    arsenal    [ˈɑːsənl]n.(统称) 武器; 兵工厂; 武器库; 军火库;

    errand    /ˈerənd/
    a job that you do for somebody that involves going somewhere to take a message, to buy something, deliver goods, etc.

    fool’s errand  /ˌfuːlz ˈerənd/  无用功,徒劳无益的事
    a task that has no hope of being done successfully

     digital supremacy  数字霸权  
     supremacy    /suˈpreməsi/    【U】
    ​a position in which you have more power, authority or status than anyone else

    it has thrived on  在……基础上实现了繁荣;

    is at last now being   现在终于被用在,at last 表示强调

    4 Mobile networks, long dominated by specialised hardware, are becoming defined by software. On April 8th Rakuten, a Japanese online giant, launched the world’s first fully “virtualised” mobile network, built using general-purpose hardware and lots of software (see article). Other mobile carriers will follow suit. Such networks would go a long way towards dealing with America’s concern about Huawei: that using the firm’s gear in 5g networks could let the Chinese government intercept data or sabotage rival economies.

    Mobile /ˈməʊbaɪl/  移动网络

    specialised hardware  专业硬件

    specialised/specialized    /ˈspeʃəlaɪzd/
    designed or developed for a particular purpose or area of knowledge


    launch 英[lɔːntʃ]  v.开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动); (首次) 上市,

    “virtualised”网络虚拟化; 虚拟; 虚拟化的; 虚拟的; 已虚拟化;

    general-purpose  英[ˌdʒenrəl ˈpɜːpəs]adj.多用途的; 多功能的;

    see article 参考文章

    deal with

    mobile carriers  n 移动运营商

     go a long way     ​(of money, food, etc.) to last a long time 

    intercept   [ˌɪntəˈsept]v.拦截; 拦阻; 截住; 

    sabotage  [ˈsæbətɑːʒ]v.蓄意破坏(以防止敌方利用或表示抗议); 刻意阻碍; 妨碍

    Japanese  [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz]

    5 Virtualised networks need not rely on one vendor, but can be built with components from many, allowing carriers to pick and choose—and, if necessary, to steer clear of those made in China. They also create an opening for American tech firms, which play only a small role in the mobile-telecoms networks of today. (Many of the components of Rakuten’s network are made in America.) Moreover, such networks are cheaper to develop, make and maintain than conventional ones, because they are made mostly from off-the-shelf hardware, controlled by software—doing away with the argument of many mobile operators, that banning Huawei would force them to buy more expensive kit from Ericsson and Nokia, its main competitors.

    vendor  提供者

    steer   /stɪə(r)/
    to control the direction in which a boat, car, etc. moves

    small role  微不足道的角色

    off-the-shelf  现成的?
    that can be bought immediately and does not have to be specially designed or ordered

    doing away with  = abolish
    1>  (informal) to kill somebody/yourself
    2> (informal) to stop doing or having something; to make something end

    Ericsson  爱立信

    6 Admittedly, virtualised networks will not solve all security problems, and the underlying standard, called Openran, is not yet mature. But it is early days for all 5g networks. It will take years to roll them out fully and the covid-19 crisis has done nothing to speed up the process. So there is time.

    underlying standard 基础标准
    underlying    /ˌʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ/
    important in a situation but not always easily noticed or stated clearly

    roll out

    7 The Trump administration and other governments should do all they can to accelerate the development of virtualised networks by subsidising research and perhaps even mandating the use of technical standards that allow mobile networks to be virtualised. All this may sound far-fetched at a time when America’s government appears stuck in the past and incapable of coming up with a coherent strategy. But as in many other domains, covid-19 creates room for new thinking. America will either pursue a tech cold war with an uncertain outcome, or help create an industry of the kind that American tech firms understand and have thrived in—letting Chinese companies join in only if they follow the rules. Sometimes establishing a robust, safe technology is not about concentrating power so much as diffusing it. 

    subsidising research  资助研究
    subsidise/subsidize  /ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz/  =fund
    to give money to somebody or an organization to help pay for something; to give a subsidy

    mandate  /ˈmændeɪt/   v.强制执行; 委托办理; 授权;
    1> to order somebody to behave, do something or vote in a particular way; to order something to be done
    2> to give somebody, especially a government or a committee, the authority to do something

    come up with  提出(计划、想法等); 设法拿出(所需钱款); 
    to find or produce an answer, a sum of money, etc.

    coherent   /kəʊˈhɪərənt/  adj.合乎逻辑的; 有条理的; 清楚易懂的; 有表达能力的
    1> logical and well organized; easy to understand and clear
    2> able to talk and express yourself clearly

    robust  /rəʊˈbʌst/
    1> strong and healthy
    2> strong; able to survive being used a lot and not likely to break = sturdy
    3> (of a system or an organization) strong and not likely to fail or become weak               =vigorous

    diffuse  /dɪˈfjuːs/   adj.弥漫的; 漫射的; 不清楚的; 难解的; 冗长的;
                                      v.传播; 普及; 使分散; 散布; 弥漫,渗透; (使光) 模糊,
    1> ​spread over a wide area
    2> ​not clear or easy to understand; using a lot of words




          本文标题:Open standards, not sanctions, a
