Java exception handling with met

Java exception handling with met

作者: JaedenKil | 来源:发表于2019-11-01 14:54 被阅读0次
    Scenario 1. If the super class does not declare an exception:
    1.1 The sub class declares a checked exception
    class SuperClass {
        void foo() {
    import java.io.IOException;
    class SubClass extends SuperClass {
        void foo() throws IOException {
    // overridden method does not throw 'java.io.IOException'
    1.1 The sub class declares a unchecked exception
    class SuperClass {
        void foo() {
    class SubClass extends SuperClass {
        void foo() throws ArithmeticException  {
    // Okay
    Scenario 2. If the super class declares an exception:
    2.1 The sub class declares a exception other than the child exception of the super class exception
    class SuperClass {
        void foo() throws RuntimeException {
    import java.io.IOException;
    class SubClass extends SuperClass {
        void foo() throws IOException {
    // overridden method does not throw 'java.io.IOException'
    2.2 The sub class declares a child exception of the super class exception
    class SuperClass {
        void foo() throws RuntimeException {
    class SubClass extends SuperClass {
        void foo() throws ArithmeticException {
    // Okay
    2.3 The sub class does not declare exception
    class SuperClass {
        void foo() throws RuntimeException {
    class SubClass extends SuperClass {
        void foo() {
    // Okay
    2.4 The sub class declares an unchecked exception
    import java.io.IOException;
    class SuperClass {
        void foo() throws IOException {
            System.out.println("This is in super class.");
    class SubClass extends SuperClass {
        void foo() throws ArithmeticException{
            System.out.println("This is in sub class.");
    // Okay


    • If Super Class does not declare an exception, then the Sub Class can only declare unchecked exceptions, but not the checked exceptions.
    • If SuperClass declares an exception, then the SubClass can only declare the child exceptions of the exception declared by the SuperClass, but not any other exception. Except the following scenario:
    • If SuperClass declares a checked exception, the SubClass can declare an unchecked exception.
    • If SuperClass declares an exception, then the SubClass can declare without exception.



        本文标题:Java exception handling with met
