美文网首页skyline for mobile(android)


作者: Darshan | 来源:发表于2019-09-26 10:36 被阅读0次

    这个例子演示了如何创建一个圆,设置其属性,然后飞到它。这个例子使用了 ICreator701 (CreatePosition, CreateColor, CreateCircle, CreateMessage), INavigate701(FlyTo), IPosition701 (Copy, Pitch), IColor701, ITerrainRegularPolygon701 (Radius, Message), IFillStyle701 (Color) 和 ITerraExplorerMessage701 (ID) 接口。

        private void CreateCircle() {
            try {
                UI.runOnRenderThread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        // B.  Create position for circle  1. 为圆创建一个坐标位置
                        // B1. Set position input parameters (San Fransico shore) 1.1 设置坐标位置的参数
                        double dXCoord = -122.49460;
                        double dYCoord = 37.78816;
                        double dAltitude = 100.0;
                        int eAltitudeTypeCode = 0;//AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE;
                        double dYaw = 0.0;
                        double dPitch = 0.0;
                        double dRoll = 0.0;
                        double dDistance = 5000;
                        // B2. Create Position   1.2创建坐标位置
                        IPosition cPos = ISGWorld.getInstance().getCreator().CreatePosition(dXCoord, dYCoord, dAltitude, eAltitudeTypeCode, dYaw, dPitch, dRoll, dDistance);
                        // C. create FillColor for circle  2.为圆创建颜色
                        //       {
                        // C1. Set fill color input params - RGB and Alpha 2.1设置填充颜色参数
                        int nRed = 0;
                        int nGreen = 255;
                        int nBlue = 0;
                        int nAlpha = 0x7F;
                        // 50% opacity
                        // C2. Create fill color  2.2创建填充颜色
                        IColor cFillColor = ISGWorld.getInstance().getCreator().CreateColor(nRed, nGreen, nBlue, nAlpha);
                        // }
                        // D. Create circle using created position and fill color (for line color use Abgr uint value)
                        //       {
                        // D1. Set circle input params
                        Object nLineColor = 0xFFFF0000;   // Abgr value - Solid blue
                        double dCircleRadius = 200;     // in meters
                        // D2. Create circle       v
                        ITerrainRegularPolygon cCircle = ISGWorld.getInstance().getCreator().CreateCircle(cPos, dCircleRadius, nLineColor, cFillColor, "", "Circle");
                        // }       //       // E. Get and change circle properties       //
                        // {       // E1. Get & Set circle radius
                        double dNewCircleRadius = 300;
                        double dCurrentCircleRadius = cCircle.getRadius();
                        // Get circle radius
                        // Set new circle radius
                        // E2. Get fill style and change its properties
                        int nRGB_Red = 0xFF0000;  // uing Rgb - Red color
                        double dAlpha = 0.2;       // 80% transparent
                        IFillStyle cFillStyle = cCircle.getFillStyle();
                        // }       //
                        // F. Add Message to created circle       //
                        // {       // F1. Set message input parameters
                        int eMsgClient = 5; //MsgClient6.MC_POPUP;
                        String tMessage = "Hello Circle";
                        int eMsgType = 0; //MsgType.TYPE_TEXT;
                        boolean bIsBringToFront = true;
                        // F2. Create message and add to circle
                        ITerraExplorerMessage cMessage = ISGWorld.getInstance().getCreator().CreateMessage(eMsgClient, tMessage, eMsgType, bIsBringToFront);
    //        }
                        //       // G. FlyTo created circle       //
                        //       {
                        IPosition cFlyToPos = cPos.Copy();
                        cFlyToPos.setPitch(-89.0); // Set camera to look downward on circle
    //                   }
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e("Tag", e.getMessage());



