作者: 冰封钻石 | 来源:发表于2017-01-22 22:04 被阅读29次

You know what I like about people? They stack so well.
Let me get this for you. want the paper?
This is too much.
It's not half enough. Thanks for opening up for me.
Any time, day or night. You know that.
In a town where everyone's so carefully reinventing themselves, what I like about Freddy is that he doesn't even pretend to change. Ooh. I'm late. Every Tuesday I sit

down with the speaker and the majority leader to discuss the week's agenda. Well, discuss is probably the wrong word. They talk while I sit quietly and imaging

their lightly salted faces frying in a skillet.

Vasquez must be shitting herself. Shitting herself, when Walker is shitting himself
and shoveling his shit on her shit.
Bob, I'm planning on eating.
Do we have a backup on the docket?
You're on that, right, Frank?
Yeah, I'm working with my staff--
Republicans are gonna ram this up our ass. I would if I was them.
Why, even if we squeak it through the house, watch them mangle it in the senate.
Or filibuster.
Why, sure, if it looks anything like this...
I don't know why Walker's trying to tackle a charging elephant. It's madness.
Congressmen, sorry to interrupt, but I saw you sitting over here--
Remy. Gentlemen, this is Remy Danton.
Remy, this is Speaker Birch and Congress--
I'm well aware. Mr. Speaker, Congressman.
Remy just made partner at Glendon Hill.
Glendon Hill? Great team over there. Congratulations.
Thank you.
When was the last time they added a partner?
It's been a while.
Well, they know a winner when they see one. Remy was the best press secretary I ever had.
Why did you let him go?
I didn't. They stole him away.
What accounts do you have?
San Corp Industries is my main one. I run that account now. Anyhow, I'll let you get back to it. Sorry again to interrupt.
No problem.
Very nice to meet you both.
Lobbyists keep getting younger And younger.
He's probably making more than all of us combined.
Gentlemen, this one's on me. I'm gonna track down that check.

Glendon Hill fronts San Corp Industries. San Corp is deep into natural gas. I don't give a hoot about natural gas, but I have 67 deputy whips, and they all need cash

to win races. San Corp helps me purchase loyalty, and in return they expect mine. It's degrading, I know, but when the tit's that big, everybody gets in line. Tell them

I'm on top of it.
I need more than that.
You are well aware that I do not drop the ball on things like this, Remy.
Promises, Frank. Secretary of State, Argentine and off shore drilling contracts--
Talk to me when I've solved the problem. Don't waste my time when I'm working on solving the problem.
When there's billions on the line, You can't not call me back. I can't not show up.
Fine. Thank you for your diligence.
Eight figures to you and the D triple C. 6 million to build that library of yours in your name.
I know.
Don't make them throw money at your challenger next cycle.
You've made your point.
Have I? I hope so.
Such a waste of talent. He chose money over power. In this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes. Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after

ten years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries. I cannot respect someone who doesn't see the difference.

What am I looking at?
The Williams register.
College. September '78.
And why am I looking at it?
The editorial.
Not that interesting.
Michael Kern went to Williams. Check out the masthead. And then there's this.
It's thin.
The guy's a unicorn. He pisses rainbows.
You think We can get traction with this?
I think You could.
Linda Vasquez is on the phone.
Ah, I'm surprised it took her this long.
It's only 6 past 9:00.
Which means she read the Herald 3 hours ago and spent the past 2 1/2 getting reamed by the president. Tell her I'm on my way.

You were supposed to keep Donald in line. You assured me that you--
25 years he's been pushing this particular agenda. We got between the mother bear and her cub. It's a setback. That's all.
On our first day in office.
Linda, I've worked with four presidents. Setbacks are a dime a dozen with a bill of this size.
Frank, if you can't control this--
I don't take well to being micromanaged, Linda. You want to do my job for me and run the White House? Good luck. I won't stand in your way.
Okay, Frank. Fine. This is yours now. If this thing can't make it to the floor in the first 100 days, then I'll let you explain to the president why he lied to the American

I'm gonna get back to work.
Please do.

Well, we really should be doing this on a Friday instead of a Wednesday. If we do it on a Friday, people have the weekend--
Fine. We'll do it on Friday. Is all the paperwork ready?
Some of the more senior people are trickier. There's severance.
But we shouldn't run into any legal issues.
No, no. We use at-will employment contracts across the board.
Well, get started first thing Friday. I want all of the exit interviews done by lunch.
Claire, I just can't help but think that this is a mistake.
We've discussed this already, Evelyn.
I know, I know, but I just have to say it for the sake of my conscience. I think that you are dismantling what we have built over the past ten years, and I-- and I think

the way you're handling this is... is cruel.
It's not easy, Evelyn. But it's necessary.
You have always asked me to be honest with you. It's how we work together. I disagree with something, I say it. Well, I disagree 100%. Please, Claire, don't do this.
I respect your opinion, Evelyn, and I appreciate you sharing it with me, but I'm not going to change my mind. Friday, then.
If that's what you want.

This is major reform, a complete overhaul. That would usually take months.
Well, we only have days, not months.
But think about the process. We can't just change--
When I ask my colleagues, your bosses, who are the smartest minds in education,
out of hundreds, we arrived at you-- the six of you in this room. Now, I realize it is a difficult task, but we have the opportunity to make history here. And I want all

of us to make it together. So good luck. We're counting on you.
Page 1.
These bullet points reflect the key planks at the center of our bill. Get comfy. This is your home until we have a presentable first draft.


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    You know what I like about people? They stack so well.Let...

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