

作者: 欢快相逢 | 来源:发表于2019-08-07 09:02 被阅读0次

xu xhou (徐州) otherwise(另一方面)known as Pengcheng in ancient times is a major city in  and the fourth largest prefecture -level city(地级市)of jiangsu Province,china.

it's population was 8,500,000,at the 2010 census (人口普查) whom 2,600,000 lived in the built -up (or metro 市区)area  made of Quanshan,Gulou,Yunlong and Tongshan (铜山区)districts。

it is known for its role as a transportation hub(交通枢纽)in northwestern jiangshu,as it has expressways (高速公路)and railway links connecting directly to the provinces of Henan and Shandong,the neighboring port city of Lianyun gang ,as well as the economic hub shanghai.

xuzhou Guanyin international Airport (观音机场)is located in xuzhou,jiangshu Province ,people's republic of china,over 45 kilometres (28 mi) from the downtown area in the southeast  outskirts(郊区) of the city .xuzhou airport was opened on November 8,1997with 20,000 sq.m.terminal(航空大楼) building and 3,400m runway (跑道)。its construction cost was estimated (据估计)$105 million,with most of the cost provided by the xuzhou municipal government (市政府)。 


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