In a test that has items formatted as multiple choice que...[作者空间]
Some countries such as the United Kingdom and France requ...[作者空间]
测量到分布程度的结果,原则上具有两种性质: 为非负数值, 与测量资料具有相同单位。 一个总量的标准差或一个随机变量...[作者空间]
1. 什么是测试效度? 测试效度这一概念源于心理计量学。美国教育研究协会、美国心理学协会和全美教育测量公会在201...[作者空间]
New digitally-based assessments (DBA) While most NAEP ass...[作者空间]
Readability is the ease with which a reader can understan...[作者空间]
Grades can feel daunting and a little perplexing as to ho...[作者空间]
About NAEP A Common Measure of Student Achievement The Na...[作者空间]
说说英语试题命制和试题中出现的词汇的词数的关系。 以高考题作为样本来阐述 首先,试题是由词汇构成的,这是表象,也就...[作者空间]
1 语言测试标准项回顾 谈到语言测试的标准,大凡都不能不谈到效度(validity)、信度(reliability...[作者空间]
Teacher's Guide to Performance-Based Learning and Assessm...[作者空间]
SOLO Taxonomy (structure of observed learning outcomes) p...[作者空间]
The Rasch model, named after Georg Rasch, is a family of ...[作者空间]
A rubric for assessment, usually in the form of a matrix ...[作者空间]
先说发展性评价和形成评价的区别和联系 联系: 两者都追求的是质性评价理念。 区别: 1、形成性评价包发展性评价,是...[作者空间]
Answering multiple-choice questions (MCQs) successfully r...[作者空间]
Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedago...[作者空间]
1)MAP(MeasuresofAcademicProgress):适用于2–12年级。 2)MapforPrim...[作者空间]
Testing Testing常译作“测试”。在语言测试领域,我们关注学生的语言能力,而其本质属于人的心理特征,是...[作者空间]