Wellness: Optimal health, incorporating the ability to fu...[作者空间]
Visual Cortex: The region of the occipital lobes in which...[作者空间]
Variable-interval (VI) Schedule: A schedule of reinforcem...[作者空间]
Trichromatic Theory: The theory that there are three type...[作者空间]
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): In classical conditioning, ...[作者空间]
Type B Behavior Pattern: As compared to Type A behavior p...[作者空间]
Transduction: Transformation of one form of energy into a...[作者空间]
Tolerance: A situation that occurs with continued use of ...[作者空间]
Think-aloud Protocol: Report made by an experimental part...[作者空间]
Thalamus: The brain structure that relays sensory impulse...[作者空间]
Terminal button: A bulblike structure at the branched end...[作者空间]
Temporal Lobe: Region of the brain found below the latera...[作者空间]
Systematic Desensitization: A behavioral therapy techniqu...[作者空间]
Sympathetic Division: The subdivision of the autonomic ne...[作者空间]
Structuralism: The study of the structure of mind and beh...[作者空间]
Within-subjects Design: A research design that uses each ...[作者空间]
Stimulus Discrimination: A conditioning process in which ...[作者空间]
Stereotype Threat: The threat associated with being at ri...[作者空间]
Standard Deviation (SD): The average difference of a set ...[作者空间]
Stimulus-driven Capture: A determinant of why people sele...[作者空间]