"You do not have to prove anything to anyone. It is wonde...[作者空间]
"Destiny is what you creat for yourself. Fate is when you...[作者空间]
"By trying to punish someone,you only end up punishing yo...[作者空间]
"If you are too serious about everything,you will only kn...[作者空间]
"If all your energies are focused in one direction, enlig...[作者空间]
"Whatever is most needed right now, that's what we should...[作者空间]
"Look clearly and deeply - beyond all compulsions of your...[作者空间]
how can I follow my passion if it has nothing to do with ...[作者空间]
"True health fundamentally means to be in tune with natur...[作者空间]
"Your body and mind are just accumulations that you have ...[作者空间]
If you can gracefully walk through the material in the wo...[作者空间]
"You cannot control what the world throws at you. But wha...[作者空间]
"If you break the shell of your personality, you will sim...[作者空间]
"Whatever happens, the question is, are you becoming a be...[作者空间]
"When there is no envy, jealousy, and comparison within y...[作者空间]
"When you are in a great hurry to do something, just hold...[作者空间]
Fear, anger, resentment, and stress are poisons you creat...[作者空间]
"There is no place where there is no grace." --Sadhguru “...[作者空间]
"Whatever you do, just check- is it for the wellbeing of ...[作者空间]