

作者: 每日英文晨读 | 来源:发表于2023-12-23 10:28 被阅读0次

Christmas Eve is a warm and peaceful night, and at this special moment, I want to say to you: May you have peace and hope for every year.


Peaceful and safe, this is my sincerest wish for you. No matter when or where, I hope you can go through each day peacefully and happily, without any troubles or sorrows. Time flies and life is like a song, I hope your years are filled with happiness and joy, and that there is no pain or sadness. May your life be as warm as Christmas Eve, filled with laughter and love every day.


Having hope, this is my expectation for you. Life needs goals and hopes, only with hope, can there be motivation and courage to pursue. May you always have a seed of longing for progress in your heart, let it grow strong with the nourishment of time, and let your life be filled with hope and longing. Whether it is success in career or happiness in family, I hope you can have something to look forward to, strive for it, and work hard for it.


Christmas Eve is a night of missing family. No matter where we are, no matter how far apart, our hearts are always closely connected. Just like the starlight on Christmas Eve, although scattered in the sky, their brilliance can illuminate the whole night. May our longing be like starlight, crossing time and space, warming each other's hearts.


On this night, let us pray for people all over the world. May the world be peaceful, may everyone be healthy. May those in need receive help, may the lonely find warmth and companionship. May this world be filled with love and tolerance, may each of us become a part of this world, and make efforts for it.


Christmas Eve not only gives us warmth and blessings, but also inspires us to reflect on life. Let us cherish every peaceful night, and feel the emotions and strength it brings to us. May you have peace and hope for every year, may the blessings of Christmas Eve always be with you.



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