

作者: jadefan | 来源:发表于2019-10-26 19:15 被阅读0次

<MapboxGL.PointAnnotation />

PointAnnotation represents a one-dimensional shape located at a single geographical coordinate. PointAnnotation is legacy, soon to be deprecated, and should use ShapeSource and SymbolLayer instead.


Prop Type Default Required Description
id string none true A string that uniquely identifies the annotation
title string none false The string containing the annotation’s title. Note this is required to be set if you want to see a callout appear on iOS.
snippet string none false The string containing the annotation’s snippet(subtitle). Not displayed in the default callout.
selected bool none false Manually selects/deselects annotation
@type {[type]}
draggable bool false false Enable or disable dragging. Defaults to false.
coordinate array none true The center point (specified as a map coordinate) of the annotation.
anchor shape {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} false Specifies the anchor being set on a particular point of the annotation.
The anchor point is specified in the continuous space [0.0, 1.0] x [0.0, 1.0],
where (0, 0) is the top-left corner of the image, and (1, 1) is the bottom-right corner.
Note this is only for custom annotations not the default pin view.
Defaults to the center of the view.
指定在注释的特定点上设置的锚点。锚点在连续空间[0.0,1.0]x[0.0,1.0]中指定,其中(0,0)是图像的左上角,(1,1)是右下角。注意:这只适用于自定义注释,而不是默认的管脚视图。<br />默认为视图的中心。
  x number none true FIX ME NO DESCRIPTION
  y number none true FIX ME NO DESCRIPTION
onSelected func none false This callback is fired once this annotation is selected. Returns a Feature as the first param.
onDeselected func none false This callback is fired once this annotation is deselected.
onDragStart func none false This callback is fired once this annotation has started being dragged.
onDragEnd func none false This callback is fired once this annotation has stopped being dragged.



