翻译Rewrite Tool

翻译Rewrite Tool

作者: 葶寳寳 | 来源:发表于2018-09-24 19:56 被阅读0次


Rewrite Tool

  The Rewrite tool enables you to create rules that modify requests and 
  responses as they pass through Charles. Rules such as adding or 
  changing a header or search and replace some text in the response 

你可以用Charles Rewrite功能来重写通过Charles的请求和响应规则:比如添加或修改header、查找并且替换响应中的一些内容。

Rewrite Sets

 Rewrite sets can be individually activated and deactivated. Each set 
 contains a list of locations and rules. The locations choose the requests 
 and responses on which the rules will operate.


Rewrite Rules

 Each rule describes a single rewrite operation. The rule may affect the 
 headers, the body, or parts of the request URL; it may operate on the 
 request and or the response; it may then define search and replace or 
 just replace style rewriting.



 The type specifies the type of rewriting operation to perform. There are 
 four different categories of rewrite rule types; header rules, URL rules, 
 query parameter rules, and body rules. The header and query 
 parameter rules affect the header fields and query string parameters 
 respectively; adding, modifying or removing headers and parameters. 
 The URL and body rules perform find and replace on the different parts 
 of the URL and on the body.

需要指定执行Rewrite操作的类型。有四种不同的Rewrite类别,分别是header规则、URL规则、query parameter规则和body规则。headerquery parameter规则分别影响header字段和query参数,可以添加、修改或者删除headerparameterURLbody rules规则在URL的不同部分和body上执行查找和替换。


 Choose where to apply the rewrite rule; on the request, response or both.



The match fields contain the text to match in the request or response to 
decide whether to fire this rule. You can optionally leave the name or 
value blank, or both, to match any value. If you leave both the name 
and value fields blank you will match all requests / responses.


 Regex support may be enabled, providing Perl-style regular 
 expressions for your match. If you include groups in your regular 
 expression they may be used in the match fields.


 The name field is an exact match field unless regex is enabled, in 
 which case it supports partial matches. The name field is case- 
 insensitive for both regex and normal matching. The name field may be 
 disabled if you are creating a rewrite rule type that doesn't require it.

如果不启用regex, name字段就是一个完全匹配字段,在这种情况下,它支持部分匹配。name字段对正则表达式和普通匹配都不区分大小写。如果正在创建不需要重写规则类型,则名称字段可能被禁用。

 The value field is a partial match unless you turn on Match whole value 
 in which case it is an exact match. The value field is case-insensitive 
 for both regex and normal matching for header and query parameter 
 rules, and case-sensitive for URL and body rules.

除非你勾选了Match whole value,否则value字段是部分匹配。在这种情况下,它是一个精确的匹配。对于value字段,在headerquery parameter规则中,正则表达式和常规匹配不区分大小写,而在URLbody规则中区分。


 The new/replace fields contain the text to add or replace in the request 
 or response when this rule is fired. Leave either the name or value 
 blank to leave them the same as the matched name or value.


 If regex support is enabled for the match you may reference match 
 groups using $1, $2 and so on.


 The behaviour of the name and value fields depends upon the match. If 
 there is a corresponding match then the field acts as a replacement for 
 the matched text, otherwise if the match is blank then the fields 
 replaces the whole name or value.


 The value field supports Replace First or Replace All modes. The 
 name field always operates in replace-first mode if the name match is a 
 regex, otherwise it is an exact match and replaces the whole name.


 The name and or value fields may be disabled if you are creating a 
 rewrite rule type that doesn't require them.



 Rewrite rules can be difficult to debug if they are not working as you 
 expect. It is often best to build up a rule slowly with frequent testing.


Location Matching

 Each location match may contain protocol, host, port and path patterns 
 to match specific URLs. Locations may include wildcards. More help for 
 creating location matches may be found when you add a new location 
 to this tool.



 The Rewrite tool can be difficult to debug when your rewrite operation 
 isn't working as expected. If you have trouble try including a very basic 
 rule such as one that adds an obvious header, so you can see whether 
 your rules are matching the request at all. Also turn on Debug in Error 
 Log to get some debugging information printed in the Error Log 
 accessed from the Window menu in Charles.

Rewrite tool很难调试,当你的重写操作没有按预期工作时。如果您遇到困难,可以尝试一个非常基本的规则,比如添加一个明显的头部规则,这样你就可以看到你的规则是否与请求完全匹配。还可以在错误日志中打开Debug,以从Charles中的窗口菜单中获取在错误日志中打印的调试信息。



      本文标题:翻译Rewrite Tool
