Types of meteorites

Types of meteorites

作者: 73bde23b4ecf | 来源:发表于2018-04-18 00:18 被阅读0次

Meteorites are usually divided into four major categories based on their internal iron and nickel metals: Stone meteorites, iron meteorites, stone iron meteorites, and glass meteorites. The content of iron and nickel in the stony meteorite is less than or equal to 30%. The content of iron and nickel in the stony meteorite is between 30% and 65%, and the content of iron and nickel in iron meteorite is greater than or equal to 95%. The glass meteorite does not contain metal. Identification of a sample is a meteorite, can be considered from the following aspects: 1. the appearance of fusion crust: meteorite to fall through the dense atmosphere in the ground before the meteorite during landing and atmospheric friction generated heat, to melt and form a layer of thin shell surface melting. Therefore, the surface of the newly landed meteorite has a black shell with a thickness of about 1 millimeters. 2. surface imprint: in addition, due to the interaction between meteorites and large airflow, the surface of the meteorite will leave a lot of gas prints, like fingers pressed by fingers. 3. internal metals: iron meteorites and stone iron meteorites are made up of metal iron. The nickel content of these iron is very high (5 - 10%). There are also metallic particles inside the chondrite, and fine metal particles can be seen on the fresh fracture surface. 4.: because most meteorites containing magnetic iron, so 95% of the meteorites can be magnet. 5. pellets: most meteorites are chondrites (90% of the total). These meteorites have a large number of millimeter - sized silicate balls, called chondrules. Round chondrules can be seen on the fresh fracture surface of the chondrite. 6. proportion: the proportion of iron meteorites is 8 grams /cm3, far larger than the proportion of ordinary rocks on the earth. A chondrite has a heavy weight because it contains a small amount of metal.

Wang Caijun, a meteorite Hunter


Types of meteorites Types of meteorites Types of meteorites Types of meteorites Types of meteorites Types of meteorites



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