thankfully: adv. used to say that you are glad that something has happened, especially because a difficult situation has ended or been avoided
Thankfully, we found a flaw in our product before the launch and fixed it immediately.
句子: Thankfully, I received my wages right on the same day on which I have to pay the Huabei bill.
翻译: 谢天谢地,我在要还花呗的同一天收到了薪水。
场景: 就昨天的事,差点都要去借钱了……
句子: Thankfully, everyone was too busy doing their own thing to notice my embarrassment.
翻译: 幸好大家都在忙着自己的事情,没人注意到我的窘态。
场景: 工作时发生的小插曲。