#T9 & O3 be originals is not abo

#T9 & O3 be originals is not abo

作者: Shimbo | 来源:发表于2021-03-28 20:18 被阅读0次

    即使身处于这个“双创”口号遍地开花的时代,我们依然时刻感受到创新离我们的距离。提到创新者我们想到的是乔布斯、马云、Elon Musk,仿佛是另一个世界的人,完美主义、工作狂、激进、passionate。但Ted演讲者Adam用个人经历告诉我们,这样的“定义”很可能会让我们错失投资的良机(Warby Parker).

    Adam用个人经历、名人案例、问卷分析、大数据分析(作曲家)等等告诉我们 Original thinkers:

    1. are late to the party

    2. feel doubt and fear

    3. have lots of bad ideas


    - know that quick to start but slow to finish can boost creativity

    - motivate yourself by doubting your ideas (and defaults, such as default browsers)

    - embrace the fear of failing to try (instead of failing after trial)

    - need a lot of bad ideas in order to get a few good ones (nobody judges you by your bad ideas if you come up with good ones, think of Thomas Edison and his creepy doils)


    另外Warby Parker也一直贯穿始终,时不时call back一下,让故事代替逻辑串联起框架。

    最后就是这句埋在段落中的金句,'To be originals you don't have to be first, you just have to be different and better.' 也许我们对创新者的确该改观了。珍惜身边(和自己)的拖延症、杠精和神经病,也许正是这些人将改变世界。



          本文标题:#T9 & O3 be originals is not abo
