# 拼接排序
select category_id,
concat_ws(',', -- 对排序后array拼接
sort_array( -- 对数组排序
collect_list( -- 竖转横
concat_ws(':',lpad(cast(rn as string),4,'0'),cast(topic_id as string)) -- 字符串排序需转为同位数
'\\d+\:','') -- 替换掉用于排序的拼接 0001:
from topic_recommend_score
where rn >= 1 and rn <= 1000
group by category_id
# json字符串解析
# 时间函数
(1) 获取当前时间: from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
# 条件中位数
percentile_approx(if(click_ps_cnt>0 and label=1,click_ps_cnt,null),0.5)
# 排名
(1) row_number() over() -- 123
(2) rank() over() -- 113
(3) dense_rank() over() -- 112
(4) ntile(3) over() -- 1112233(7r), 按数量平均切成3片(每片数量差值不超过1, 默认增加第一切片), 常用归一化 rn/3
# 字符串split
(1) lateral view explode (split(tagids, ',')) s as tagid -- hive
(2) cross join unnest (split(tagids, ',')) as s (tagid) -- presto
# 判断a字段是否包含b字段的内容
(1) a like concat('%', b, '%')
(2) array_contains(split(a, ' '), b) -- 此方法只适合判断a数组切分后是否有b元素, 如 a='xy', b='x', 此时返回false.