2020-10-04按着神的旨意(彼得前书5:1-4)As Go

2020-10-04按着神的旨意(彼得前书5:1-4)As Go

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-10-04 01:18 被阅读0次
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Sam Crabtree 山姆·克拉布特里
North Campus 北堂
1Peter 5:1-4 彼得前书5:1-4
So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: 2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; 3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. 4 And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. 我这同作长老,也是为基督受苦作见证,又是同享将来所要显现的荣耀的,劝你们当中作长老的:2 务要牧养在你们中间的 神的羊群,按着 神的旨意看顾他们。不是出于勉强,而是出于甘心;不是因为贪财,而是出于热诚;3 也不是要辖制托付你们的羊群,而是作他们的榜样。4 到了牧长显现的时候,你们必定得着那永不衰残的荣耀冠冕。
Main Point of the text is: Shepherd the flock. 这段经文的要点是:牧养羊群
The main phrase to mull over: “as God would have you. 值得深思的关键片语:“按着神的旨意”。
When Peter (the writer of this letter) was on the beach with the resurrected Jesus, Jesus asked him, “Do you love me?” 当彼得(这封信的作者)与复活的耶稣在海滩上时,耶稣问他:“你爱我吗?”
Isn’t that a good question? 这不是个好问题吗?
What would be your answer to the Lord this morning? 今天早上,你对主的回答会是什么?
Sam, do you love me? 山姆,你爱我吗?
After asking Peter if he loved Jesus, Jesus added this, “Feed my sheep.” How could Peter obey Jesus command to feed his sheep? 在问彼得是否爱耶稣之后,耶稣又补充了这样一句话:“你牧养我的羊”。彼得是如何听从耶稣的命令喂养祂的羊呢?
Answer: By writing this letter. 答案:通过写这封信。
This letter is food for sheep, for us. Let’s eat. 这封信就是给羊群的食物,也是给我们的。那我们就吃吧。
Let’s be nourished (as much as instructed. For as much as a sermon might seem to be for our brains, a sermon is for our spirits.) 让我们得到滋养(如指示的那样。因为讲道看似是为我们的大脑服务的,但实际上是为我们的灵服务的)。
When preparing this message, it seemed as though the Lord asked me, “Sam, do you love me? Feed my sheep.” 在准备这篇信息的时候,主好像在问我:“山姆,你爱我吗?牧养我的羊群。”
What then is the food from this passage with which we are to be fed? 那么,从这段话中,我们可以吃到什么食物来得喂养呢?
Here’s our diet for the next few minutes: 这是我们接下来的饮食:
1. Who writes this letter to us? It would be good to chew on that. 1.是谁给我们写这封信?这值得我们咀嚼。
2. On whose authority does he write? Ruminate on that. 2.他是凭谁的权柄写这封信?这值得我们反刍。
3. To whom is today’s text addressed? We’ll bite into that. 3.今天的经文是写给谁的呢?我们要啃一啃。
4.What should the readers do, and avoid doing? 4.读者们该做什么,不该做什么?
5. Why bother? 5.何必呢?
1. Who writes this letter to us? 1.谁写这封信给我们?
What difference does that make to ask that question? 问这个问题会带来什么不同?
If I received a phone call that said, “What’s the account number?” it matters whether the note is from: my wife? A telemarketer? 如果我接到一个电话,说:“账号是多少?”重要的是这个信息是来自:我老婆?一个电话推销员?
So who is writing this letter to us? 那么是谁在给我们写这封信呢?
Notice the second word: “I”. (It’s not in the original, but it’s implied, so the English translators give the word “I” to us; and it makes sense in the context of the rest of the sentence.) 请注意“我”这个字。(原文中没有这个词,但它是隐含的,所以译者把“我”这个词给了我们;而且从句子其他部分的上下文来看,这个词是合理的)。
Who is this writer? He gives us three answers in the text: 这个作者是谁?他在文中给我们三个答案:
1. A fellow elder – a shepherd (see v2) operating under the Chief Shepherd (v4) 1.一个同作长老的——一位牧者(见第2节)在牧长手下工作(第4节)。
2. A witness of the sufferings of Christ 2.一个为基督受苦作见证的
3. A partaker in the glory that is to be revealed 3.一个同享将来所要显现的荣耀的
Why would he list these three items in his brief resume? 他为什么会在简短的简历中列出这三条呢?
I would think he would mention only items that have some bearing on what he 1) has been saying, and 2) is about to say. 我认为他只会提到与他1)一直在说的,和2)即将说的有一定关系的内容。
He doesn’t mention what town he’s from, because that doesn’t have any direct bearing on what he’s going to say to us. 他没有提到他是哪个城市的人,因为这与他要对我们说的话没有任何直接关系。
So why would he mention these three items from his resume? 那么他为什么会在简历中提到这三条呢?
Think of what else he does NOT mention: 想一想,他还有什么没有提到的。
• he is married • 他结过婚。
• he has a brother named Andrew • 他有个兄弟叫安德烈。
• he’s a professional fisherman, one time catching 153 large fish in one catch. [One of the other biblical writers mentions that about him, but he doesn’t mention it about himself.] • 他还是个专业的渔夫,有一次一网捞到153条大鱼。[圣经的其他作者之一提到了他,但他自己没有提到这件事。]
• he carried a sword and cut off Malchus’ ear as a demonstration of loyalty to Jesus. • 他曾拿着刀,割下马勒古的耳朵,以示对耶稣的忠诚。
• he personally knew King Agrippa • 他还认识亚基帕王。
• when in prison he was awakened by an angel while sleeping between two soldiers. His chains fell off and the angel led him out. • 当他在监狱里睡在两个士兵中间时,被天使唤醒。他的锁链就断了,天使带他出去。
• he’s one of the original twelve apostles. [We are currently interviewing an applicant to become pastor at the north campus; if he were one of the original twelve apostles, I suspect he might mention that on his résumé.] • 他是最初的十二使徒之一。[我们目前正在面试一位申请成为北堂牧师的人;如果他是最初的十二使徒之一,我猜想他可能会在简历上提到这一点。]
• his name was Simon, but he was renamed by Jesus himself. [Where did you get your name? If you used to have one name, but Jesus changed it to another, I wouldn’t blame you if you worked that in to your letter.] I’m not aware of anyone in history having the name Peter (Cephas) prior to him. • 他的名字本来叫西门,但他的名字是耶稣亲自改的。[你的名字是怎么来的?如果你以前有一个名字,但耶稣把它改成了另一个名字,如果你在信中加入了这一点,我也不会怪你。]我不知道历史上有人在他之前有彼得(矶法)这个名字。
• He walked on water! • 他曾在水上行走!
• Jesus himself sent him to prepare the Passover meal. • 耶稣亲自派他去准备逾越节的晚宴。
• in the upper room he personally broke-bread-with-Jesus. [I’ve had communion hundreds of times, and the bread was never handed to me by Jesus himself.] • 在楼上的房间里,他与耶稣面对面擘饼。[我领过几百次圣餐, 从来没有从耶稣手里接过饼]
• he ate fish that Jesus himself cooked on the beach • 他吃过耶稣在海滩上亲自烤的鱼。
• early on Sunday morning he ran (!) to the empty tomb • 星期天一大早,他就跑(!)到空荡荡的墓里。
• with his own eyes he saw the empty linen grave clothes [This Peter who is writing to us was there!] …an eye witness. • 他亲眼看到了空空的细麻布墓衣[这位给我们写信的彼得就在那里!]……他是一个目击者。
• he preached at Pentacost and 3,000 came to faith! • 他在五旬节那天传道,3000人信了!
• he said to a lame man, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” And taking him by the hand, raised him up, and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong – he was walking, and leaping, and praising God. [Does your heart praise God at the hearing of an account like that?] • 他对一个瘸子说:“金银我都没有,只把我有的给你:我奉拿撒勒人耶稣基督的名,吩咐你行走!”于是拉着他的手,扶他起来;他的脚和踝骨立刻强壮有力, 他连走带跳,赞美神。[听到这样的描述,你的心是否在赞美神?]
• (fasten your seat belts) he exposed the deception of Ananias and Sapphira, and immediately they both dropped dead – AND a great fear came upon the whole church. [duh] • (系好你的安全带)他揭穿了亚拿尼亚和撒非喇的骗局,他们立刻都死了—而且大恐惧临到整个教会。[咄]
• multitudes carried their sick into the streets, that as Peter came by, his shadow might fall on some of them… AND they were all healed! • 众人把他们的病人抬到街上,当彼得经过时,他的影子落在他们中的一些人身上......而他们都得了医治!
• when arrested, imprisoned and forbidden to teach in Jesus’ name, Peter confidently replies to his captors, “We must obey God rather than men.” • 当被捕、入狱并被禁止奉耶稣的名义传道时,彼得自信地回答来捉拿他的人说:“服从 神过于服从人,是应当的。”
• when Tabitha dies, they called for Peter, who comes, sends the people out of the room, kneels, and prays, and turning to the body he says, “Tabitha, arise.” … And she opens her eyes, and when she sees Peter, she sits up. • 当戴比莎死后,他们叫来了彼得,彼得来了,把人赶出房间,跪下来祷告,然后对着尸体说:“戴比莎,起来!” ...... 她睁开眼睛,一看到彼得,就坐了起来。
Peter doesn’t mention any of that stuff. He thinks there is something else that authorizes him to say what he’s about to say. 彼得都没有提到这些事。他认为还有别的什么授权他说出他要说的话。
What then are the three credential he puts forward? 那么他提出的三个凭证是什么呢?
A fellow elder. 一个同作长老的。
One of a plurality. Not higher or lower than the others. 多人中的一分子。比别不高也不低。
He puts himself on the same footing as the elders everywhere. 他把自己和各地的长老们放在同等的位置上。
Witness of the sufferings of Christ – what did he witness? He saw; 为基督受苦作见证—他见证了什么?他看见了;
• In the garden, Jesus sweating as it were drops of blood. • 在客西马尼园里,耶稣汗流如血。
• Jesus arrested and bound by the band of soldiers and their captain. • 耶稣被士兵和他们的首领逮捕捆绑。
• The officer strike Jesus in the court of the high priest. • 官员在大祭司的法庭上打耶稣。
• Jesus flogged in Pilate’s courtyard. [I made a cudgel once…] • 耶稣在彼拉多的院子里被鞭打。[我曾做过一根短棍... ]
• The soldiers twist together a crown of thorns, put in on his head, and mock him with a purple robe. • 士兵们编了一个荆棘冠,戴在祂头上,拿紫袍嘲笑祂。
• He heard the gathered crowds cry out about his friend, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” • 他听到聚在一起的众人对着他的朋友(译注:指耶稣)喊:“把他钉十字架!把他钉十字架!”
• Saw Jesus carry his own cross to the place of a skull, Golgotha. • 他看着耶稣背着自己的十字架来到髑髅地,各各他。
• Jesus crucified… spiked to wood, not able to scratch himself, wipe his bloody lip, or shoe flies away. Unable to visit the restroom. • 耶稣被钉十字架... 被钉在木头上,不能给自己搔痒,不能擦掉自己嘴唇上的血,也不能赶走苍蝇。也不能上厕所。
A partaker in the glory to be revealed 一个同享将来所要显现的荣耀的
Peter was an eyewitness of PAST glory. 彼得是过去所显荣耀的目击见证人。
2 Peter 1:16 we were eyewitnesses of his majesty… 18 we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain. 彼得后书1:16我们却是亲眼看见过他威荣的人…… 18 这从天上发出来的声音,是我们和他同在圣山上的时候,亲自听见过的。
Luke 9:32 Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they became fully awake they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him. 路加福音9:32彼得和同伴都在打盹。醒过来之后,就看见他的荣光,并与他站在一起的那两个人。
How did he feel about that experience? Here’s what he said: “Master, it is good that we are here. Let us make three tents.” 他对这段经历的感受如何?当时他说:“主啊,我们在这里真好!我们可以搭三个帐棚。”
He declared, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God.” (Mt 16:16) 他曾宣告:“你是基督,是永生神的儿子。”(马太福音16:16)
That’s glory revealed in the past. But there is glory yet to be revealed. 那是过去所显现的荣耀。但还有将要显现的荣耀。
Romans 8:18-23 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 罗马书8:18-23我看现在的苦难,与将要向我们显出的荣耀,是无法相比的。19 被造的万物都热切渴望 神的众子显现出来。20 因为被造的万物服在虚空之下,不是自己愿意这样,而是由于使它屈服的那一位;21 被造的万物盼望自己得着释放,脱离败坏的奴役,得着 神儿女荣耀的自由。22 我们知道被造的万物直到现在都一同在痛苦呻吟。23 不但这样,连我们这些有圣灵作为初熟果子的人,自己也在内心歎息,热切期待成为嗣子,就是我们的身体得赎。
Christian, you are not a witness of Christ’s sufferings in the way Peter was, but you shall have the privilege of being a partaker of Jesus’ glory in the same was as Peter will. 基督徒,你们不像彼得那样见证基督受苦,但你要像彼得一样,有同享耶稣荣耀的殊荣。
These three then are Peter’s credentials: 那么这三个就是彼得的凭据:
• A fellow elder • 一个同作长老的。
• An eye witness of the sufferings of Christ • 一个为基督受苦作见证的
• A partaker in the glory to be revealed • 一个同享将来所要显现的荣耀的
But he is not writing merely on his the authority of his own credentials. 但他并不是仅仅凭着自己的资历来写。
2. On whose authority does Peter write? 2. 他是凭谁的权柄写这封信?
2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; 2 务要牧养在你们中间的 神的羊群,按着 神的旨意看顾他们。不是出于勉强,而是出于甘心;
Peter writes on the authority of God. 彼得是凭着神的权柄来写。
3. To whom is today’s text addressed? 3. 今天的经文是写给谁的呢?
1 so I exhort the elders among you. 1 劝你们当中作长老的。
Peter is addressing the elders… BUT doing so in the presence of the entire church. 彼得在向长老们讲话......但却是当着整个教会的面。
Peter writes to elders while all the others are eavesdropping; this provides a measure of earthly accountability to the elders. 彼得给长老写信,而其他的人都在旁听;这为长老们在地上提供了一种问责机制。
It would be as if, in the presence of all the children and youth here, I said to all the dads, “Commend their mother for the good things she does. That’s your job.” All the children, youth, moms, and the rest of the congregation know what the agenda is. 这就好比,我当着在座的所有孩子和青少年的面,对所有的爸爸们说:“你们要表扬他们的妈妈,因为她做了很多好事。那是你们的职责。”所有的孩子、青少年、妈妈们和其他会众都知道是怎么回事。
So it is with eldership – because Peter writes openly, the entire church is made aware of how the elders should conduct themselves. 长老职分也是如此—因为彼得公开地写,所以整个教会都知道长老应该如何行事。
In the beginning of his letter Peter identifies himself as an apostle, but here he exhorts himself along with the other elders. 在信的开头,彼得把自己定位为使徒,但在这里他劝勉自己连同其他长老。
• Peter does not claim to be the head of the Church, a vicar, or a pope. • 彼得并没有自称是教会的头、主教或教皇。
• Notice – Peter exhorts. He doesn’t command. And as a fellow elder, he exhorts himself. The elders are not under compulsion. • 注意—彼得是在劝勉。他不是在下命令。而作为同辈的长老,他也劝诫自己。长老们不是出于勉强。
• He doesn’t say, “Remember now, when I speak, people drop dead.” • 他没有说:“现在记住,我一开口,人就会死掉。”
So – Peter, on the authority of God, writes to the church. What does he say? 所以—彼得在神的权柄下,给教会写信。他说了些什么?
4. What should his readers do and avoid doing? 4. 读者们该做什么,不该做什么?
All readers – elders and everyone else – should encourage elders to shepherd well. Namely: 所有的读者—长老们和其他所有人都应该鼓励长老们要好好牧养。亦即:
a) Elders should set an example. a)长老们要做好榜样。
b) Everyone else should follow that example as the elders follow Jesus. b)其他所有人都应该效法这个榜样,就像长老们效法耶稣一样。
Observe: Peter’s text gives us three terms that apply to the same office: 观察:彼得的文字给了我们三个描述同一职分的术语:
A. (v1) Elder is an office. A.(第1节)长老是职分。
B. (v2) Shepherd is a function. When Peter says, “shepherd” the flock, shepherd is a verb. B.(第2节)牧养是职能。当彼得说“牧养”羊群的时候,牧养是动词。
C. (v2) Overseer (“exercising oversight”) is a function. C.(第2节)监督(“看顾”)是职能。
“Shepherd the flock,” Peter says. How are we like a flock? “牧养羊群,”彼得说。我们怎么像一群羊?
Luke 12:32 32 “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” 路加福音12:3232 “你们这小群,不要怕,因为你们的父乐意把国赐给你们。”
According to Jesus, the flock has fears that it need not fear. Sheep can be skittish. The Chief Shepherd says, “I’ve got this; I’ve got you.” Good under-shepherds remind the flock of what the Chief Shepherd said and did, what the Chief Shepherd says and does. 按照耶稣的说法,羊群总是害怕一些不需要害怕的东西。羊群易受惊吓。牧长说:“我搞定了这个,我也拥有了你们。”好的下级牧人会提醒羊群,牧长说了什么,做了什么,牧长在说什么,在做什么。
Peter gives elders three pairs of exhortations: 彼得给了长老们三对劝勉
Shepherd under compulsion 出于勉强 willingly 出于甘心
Do it for shameful gain 因为贪财 eagerly 出于热诚
Domineering 辖制 be an example 作榜样
How are elders to exercise oversight? 1 Willingly, 2 eagerly, as 3 models. 长老要如何进行监督?1 甘心、2热诚、3 作榜样。
What do elders get out of this? We’ll come back to that in a moment. 长老们能从中得到什么?我们稍后再来谈这个问题。
What does it mean to for an elder to pay attention to the flock? 对于长老来说,关注照看羊群是什么意思?
I get help from Paul speaking to the elders in Acts 20:26-31 我从使徒行传20:26-31中保罗对长老们的讲话中得到帮助。
Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all, 27 for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God. 28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. 29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. 31 Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears. 所以我今天向你们作证,我是清白的,与众人的罪(“罪” 原文作“血”) 无关。27 因为 神的全部计划,我已经毫无保留地传给你们了。28 圣灵既然立你们为全群的监督,牧养 神用自己的血所赎来的教会,你们就应当为自己谨慎,也为全群谨慎。29 我知道在我离开之后,必有凶暴的豺狼进入你们中间,不顾惜羊群。30 你们自己中间也必有人起来,讲些歪曲悖谬的话,引诱门徒跟从他们。31 所以你们应当警醒,记念我三年之久,昼夜不停地带着眼泪劝戒你们各人。
Do you see: 你是否看到了:
• his (1) willingness? • 他的(1)甘心?
• his (2) eagerness? • 他的(2)热诚?
• his (3) modeling of vigilance to guard the truth? • 他的(3)警醒守护真道的榜样?
Back to Peter – he exhorts elders to become examples… of what? 回到彼得——他劝勉长老们作榜样……什么榜样?
The bible offers us several answers, but allow me to point to just one: Peter points to it in verse 5 and verse 6 which will we consider next week, Lord willing. 圣经为我们提供了几个答案,但请允许我只指出一个。彼得在第5节和第6节指出了这个问题 我们下周会考虑这个问题,主保佑。
Of humble service: 谦卑的服事:
Are elders the only believers who are to model humility? Clearly not. But elders are exhorted to lead by example. 难道只有长老们才是信徒谦卑的榜样吗?显然不是这样。但长老们受勉励要以身作则。
Humility wisely suffers. 谦卑明智地受苦。
Throughout the Peter’s letter, there is a pattern: suffering precedes glory. 纵观彼得的信,有一个规律:先苦难后荣耀。
6 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, 7 so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 6 因此,你们要喜乐。然而,你们现今在各种试炼中或许暂时会难过,7 是要叫你们的信心经过试验,就比那被火炼过,仍会朽坏的金子更宝贵,可以在耶稣基督显现的时候,得着称赞、荣耀和尊贵。
10 he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories. 10 预先见证,关于基督要受苦难后来得荣耀。
21 who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, 21 那使他从死人中复活、又给他荣耀的 神
2:19 For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. 20 …if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God. 2:19 因为人若在 神面前为良心的缘故,忍受冤屈的苦楚,是有福的。20 ……你们若因行善而受苦,能忍耐,在 神看来,这是有福的。
3:14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. 3:14 就算你们要为义受苦,也是有福的。
4:13 But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. 4:13 倒要欢喜,因为你们既然在基督的受苦上有分,就在他荣耀显现的时候,可以欢喜快乐。
5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 5:6 所以你们要谦卑,服在 神大能的手下,到了时候,他必叫你们升高。
5:10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 5:10 但满有恩典的 神,就是在基督里召你们进入他永远荣耀的那一位,在你们受了短暂的苦难之后,必定亲自成全你们,坚固你们,赐力量给你们,建立你们。
v4 – We have a chief shepherd, and he models humility. 第4节——我们有一位牧长,祂是谦卑的典范。
Jesus washes the feet of his entourage, and tells them they ought to do the same for one another. 耶稣为祂的随从洗脚,并告诉他们也应该为彼此洗脚。
Heb 13:20 Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, 21 equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. 希伯来书13:20愿赐平安的 神,就是那凭着永约的血,把群羊的大牧人我们的主耶稣,从死人中领出来的那一位,21 在一切善事上成全你们,好使你们遵行他的旨意;又藉着耶稣基督在我们里面,行他所喜悦的事。愿荣耀归给他,直到永永远远。阿们。
Bethlehem, you are my flock, 伯利恒会众,你们是我的羊群,
but you are not MY flock. 但你们也不是我的羊群。
Every under-shepherd has a Chief Shepherd. 每一位下级牧者都有一位牧长。
We currently need many under-shepherds. We need new small groups and new leaders of small groups. 目前,我们需要很多下级牧人。我们需要新的小组和新的小组长。
• For one thing, the social distancing brought about by COVID has had the effect that many groups which were “open” are now “full” simply because their living rooms are maxed out. • 其一,新冠带来的社会疏离效应,让很多原本“开放”的小组,现在只因其客厅已坐满而“爆满”。
• You can do it. You can host a small group within your comfort level, as God gives you enablement. There is a spectrum of options – zoom, in-person, hybrid, various sizes of groups, and so on. • 你也可以这样做。你可以在你的舒适度范围内凭着神赐给你的能力主持一个小组。你有一系列的选择—Zoom、面对面、混合、各种规模的小组等。
• Orientation for NEW leaders of small groups – Sun, Oct 11, 6:30pm. • 新小组长培训 - 10月11日,星期日,下午6:30。
If eldering is not a matter of perks, privilege and power, but a matter humility, of taking on the responsibility for guarding the deposit, are hard work and long hours, of suffering with the sheep (yes, elders know suffering personally – dear flock, don’t keep your anguish to yourself; God uses means to shepherd the flock: elders being one of the means), if eldering is difficult, why shoulder that yoke, that load? 如果当长老不是关乎福利、特权和权力的问题,而是关乎谦卑的问题,要承担守护所托付的责任,是费时费力的工作,还要与羊一同受苦(是的,长老亲身体会苦难—亲爱的羊群,不要把苦难留给自己,神用手段牧养羊群:长老就是手段之一),既然作长老是困难的,那为什么要肩负那个轭,那个重担?
5. Why bother? Why bother to shepherd the flock willingly, striving to become a godly example? 5. 何必呢?为什么要心甘情愿地牧养羊群,努力成为敬虔的榜样呢?
Because there is a reward. See v4. 因为有奖赏。请看第4节。
The reward is unfading – durable, perpetual, abiding, enduring, imperishable. 那奖赏是永不衰残的——耐久、永久、持久、不可朽坏。
Summary 总结
1. This text is written by a fellow elder, an eyewitness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed. 1.这段经文是由一位长老写的,他是基督受苦的目击者,也是即将显露的荣耀的参与者。
2. He writes with God’s authority. 2.他是凭着神的权柄写。
3. He addresses the elders, and you. 3.他写给长老们,也写给你们。
4. The elders should shepherd well as good examples. 4.长老们应该好好地牧养,做个好榜样。
5. Why bother? Because when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. 5.何必呢?因为到了牧长显现的时候,你们必定得着那永不衰残的荣耀冠冕。
How shall we then live? As God would have you. 那我们该如何生活?如同上帝希望你的那样。
Communion Meditation 圣餐默想
As we remember the crucifixion of Jesus at this moment, we can see that Jesus fulfilled all three aspects of Peter’s exhortation: 当我们此刻想起耶稣被钉在十字架上时,我们可以看到,耶稣实现了彼得劝告的三个方面:
1Peter 5:1-4 彼得前书5:1-4
A) not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; -he could have called twelve legions of angels. A)不是出于勉强,而是出于甘心,按着 神的旨意;——祂本可以派十二营以上的天使下来。
B) not for shameful gain, but eagerly; -for the joy set before him he endured the cross. B)不是因为贪财,而是出于热诚;——他因为那摆在面前的喜乐,就忍受了十字架。
C)not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. –Peter said (2:21), “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.” C) 也不是要辖制讬付你们的羊群,而是作他们的榜样。——彼得说(2:21):“你们就是为此蒙召,因基督也为你们受过苦,给你们留下榜样,叫你们跟随他的脚踪行。”
Explain - open communion 解释: 开放式圣餐
• How to manage the cups • 如何使用杯
Closing 结束
Prayer ministers will be at the back, wearing lanyards. 祷告团队会在后台,挂着胸牌。
Discussion Questions 讨论问题
1. What authority does Peter have to write what he writes? 1.彼得有什么权柄写下他所写的东西?
2. What is humility? How can you cross-reference your answer with other texts in the bible? 2.什么是谦卑?你的回答如何参照圣经其它经文?
3. What is the significance of Peter inserting the phrase “as God would have you”? 3.彼得插入“按着神的旨意”这句话的意义是什么?
4. In what ways might a person pray for elders? 4.一个人可以从哪些方面为长老们祷告?
5. In what ways might a person pray for the flock? 5.一个人可以从哪些方面为羊群祷告?



      本文标题:2020-10-04按着神的旨意(彼得前书5:1-4)As Go
