今天和大家分享最新 OnyX 3.4.1 版本,支持最新的 macOS High Sierra 10.13 系统,这是一款Mac上集成了系统优化、维护、清理等功能于一身的Mac系统维护软件,OnyX 支持验证启动盘和系统文件结构,运行各种系统维护任务,调整 Finder,Dock,Spotlight 登录窗口以及一些 Apple 内建程序的隐藏功能等,并且是免费软件,非常的优秀!
OnyX is a multifunction utility for macOS which you can use to verify the startup disk and the structure of its system files, to run miscellaneous tasks of cleaning and system maintenance, to configure some hidden parameters of many of Apple’s applications, and more.
