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NS3 部分类简单说明

NS3 部分类简单说明

作者: shawn168 | 来源:发表于2017-06-25 20:28 被阅读364次

1.class DcaTxop : public Dcf

 * \brief handle packet fragmentation and retransmissions.
 * \ingroup wifi
 * This class implements the packet fragmentation and
 * retransmission policy. It uses the ns3::MacLow and ns3::DcfManager
 * helper classes to respectively send packets and decide when
 * to send them. Packets are stored in a ns3::WifiMacQueue until
 * they can be sent.
 * The policy currently implemented uses a simple fragmentation
 * threshold: any packet bigger than this threshold is fragmented
 * in fragments whose size is smaller than the threshold.
 * The retransmission policy is also very simple: every packet is
 * retransmitted until it is either successfully transmitted or
 * it has been retransmitted up until the ssrc or slrc thresholds.
 * The rts/cts policy is similar to the fragmentation policy: when
 * a packet is bigger than a threshold, the rts/cts protocol is used.

该类继承包分组和重传策略。它使用ns3::MacLow and ns3::DcfManager帮助类分别完成发送包和决定何时发送包。包被存储在ns3::WifiMacQueue中,止到发送出去。
重传策略也非常简单:每一个包竟被重传止到被成功传输或者已经被重传达到了ssrc or slrc阈值。

2.class MacRxMiddle

 * \ingroup wifi
 * This class handles duplicate detection and recomposition of fragments.


3. class MacTxMiddle

 * \ingroup wifi
 * Handles sequence numbering of IEEE 802.11 data frames


4. class MacLow : public Object

 * \ingroup wifi
 * \brief handle RTS/CTS/DATA/ACK transactions.


5. class DcfManager

 * \brief Manage a set of ns3::DcfState
 * \ingroup wifi
 * Handle a set of independent ns3::DcfState, each of which represents
 * a single DCF within a MAC stack. Each ns3::DcfState has a priority
 * implicitely associated with it (the priority is determined when the
 * ns3::DcfState is added to the DcfManager: the first DcfState to be
 * added gets the highest priority, the second, the second highest
 * priority, and so on.) which is used to handle "internal" collisions.
 * i.e., when two local DcfState are expected to get access to the
 * medium at the same time, the highest priority local DcfState wins
 * access to the medium and the other DcfState suffers a "internal"
 * collision.


6. class WifiRemoteStationManager : public Object

 * \ingroup wifi
 * \brief hold a list of per-remote-station state.
 * \sa ns3::WifiRemoteStation.

保存一系列per-remote-station state

7. class EdcaTxopN : public Dcf

 * \ingroup wifi
 * This queue contains packets for a particular access class.
 * possibles access classes are:
 *   -AC_VO : voice, tid = 6,7         ^
 *   -AC_VI : video, tid = 4,5         |
 *   -AC_BE : best-effort, tid = 0,3   |  priority
 *   -AC_BK : background, tid = 1,2    |
 * For more details see section in 802.11 standard.

-AC_VO : voice, tid = 6,7 ^
-AC_VI : video, tid = 4,5 |
-AC_BE : best-effort, tid = 0,3 | priority
-AC_BK : background, tid = 1,2 |

8. enum TypeOfStation

 * Enumeration for type of station


9. class WifiMode

 * \brief represent a single transmission mode
 * \ingroup wifi 
 * A WifiMode is implemented by a single integer which is used
 * to lookup in a global array the characteristics of the
 * associated transmission mode. It is thus extremely cheap to
 * keep a WifiMode variable around.
 * \see attribute_WifiMode


10. enum WifiModulationClass

 * This enumeration defines the modulation classes per
 * (Table 9-4 "Modulation classes"; IEEE 802.11-2012).


11. class WifiModeFactory

 * \brief create WifiMode class instances and keep track of them.
 * This factory ensures that each WifiMode created has a unique name
 * and assigns to each of them a unique integer.


12. class MacLowDcfListener

 * \brief listen to NAV events
 * \ingroup wifi
 * This class is typically connected to an instance of ns3::Dcf
 * and calls to its methods are forwards to the corresponding
 * ns3::Dcf methods.


13. class MacLowAggregationCapableTransmissionListener

 * \ingroup wifi
 * \brief listen for block ack events.


14. class MacLowTransmissionParameters

 * \brief control how a packet is transmitted.
 * \ingroup wifi
 * The ns3::MacLow::StartTransmission method expects
 * an instance of this class to describe how the packet
 * should be transmitted.


15. class WifiTxVector

 * This class mimics(模仿) the TXVECTOR which is to be
 * passed to the PHY in order to define the parameters which are to be
 * used for a transmission. See IEEE 802.11-2007 15.2.6 "Transmit PLCP",
 * and also "PMD_SAP peer-to-peer service primitive(原始的)
 * parameters".
 * If this class is constructed with the constructor that takes no
 * arguments, then the client must explicitly(明确的) set the mode and
 * transmit power level parameters before using them.  Default
 * member initializers(初始化) are provided for the other parameters, to
 * conform to a non-MIMO/long guard configuration, although these
 * may also be explicitly set after object construction.
 * When used in a infrastructure context, WifiTxVector values should be
 * drawn from WifiRemoteStationManager parameters since rate adaptation
 * is responsible for picking the mode, number of streams, etc., but in
 * the case in which there is no such manager (e.g. mesh), the client
 * still needs to initialize at least the mode and transmit power level
 * appropriately.
 * \note the above reference is valid for the DSSS PHY only (clause
 * 15). TXVECTOR is defined also for the other PHYs, however they
 * don't include the TXPWRLVL explicitly in the TXVECTOR. This is
 * somewhat strange, since all PHYs actually have a
 * PMD_TXPWRLVL.request primitive. We decide to include the power
 * level in WifiTxVector for all PHYs, since it serves better our
 * purposes, and furthermore it seems close to the way real devices
 * work (e.g., madwifi).

该类模仿了TXVECTOR,它将被传递到PHY,这是为了定义一次传输所用的参数。请看IEEE 802.11-2007 15.2.6 "Transmit PLCP"和 "PMD_SAP peer-to-peer service primitive(原始的)parameters".
如果该类使用没有参数的构造器构建,则客户端必须在使用它们之前明确的设置模式和传输能量水平参数。提供了其他参数来完成默认的成员初始化,确保一个non-MIMO /long guard configuration,尽管这些可能在对象创建之后来明确的设置。

16. struct Item

   * A struct that holds information about a packet for putting
   * in a packet queue.
     * \param packet
     * \param hdr
     * \param tstamp


   * typedef for packet (struct Item) queue.
  typedef std::list<struct Item> PacketQueue;包队列

17. class InterferenceHelper

 * \ingroup wifi
 * \brief handles interference calculations



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