2-BSCM-Demand Management

2-BSCM-Demand Management

作者: 浔溱 | 来源:发表于2018-07-15 01:19 被阅读0次


    Basic of Supply Chain Management

    Session 2: Demand Management


    Supply chain management reacts to customer demand. Through marketing and customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management also influences and shapes demand. Through demand planning, supply chain management recognizes demand through forecasting and customer order management.


    This session reviews the importance of these business processes and addresses the following topics related to demand planning:


    • Characteristics of demand -- including types, sources, and patterns

    • Forecasting -- including purposes and uses, principles, data collection, techniques, and tracking and measurement

    Learning Objectives 学习目标

    • Demand Management Processes 需求管理流程

      • Describe the significance of marketing management and CRM.

      • Explain the role and objectives of demand planning, such as forecasting and customer order management.

    • Characteristics of Demand 需求的特征

      • Differentiate independent from dependent demand.

      • Identity at least five sources of independent demand.

      • Recognize at least four demand patterns.

    • Basic Forecasting Concepts 预测的基本概念

      • Describe three planning levels that are supported by demand forecasts.

      • Explain four major principles of forecasting and three principles of data collection and preparation.

      • Differentiate quantitative from qualitative forecasting techniques.

    • Estimate Demand 估计需求

      • Calculate and explain the logic of and exponential smoothing forecast.

      • Explain the logic behind the calculation of a seasonal forecast.

      • Calculate and explain the use of the mean absolute deviation (MAD) to measure and evaluate forecast error.

    Demand Management Processes 需求管理流程

    Customer demand drives the supply chain. Customers have an inherent demand for products and services. Producers of goods and services react to that demand. Through a process called demand management, producers also influence and shape demand through marketing and sales activities; they recognize demand through forecasting and customer orders. In this session, we address three important business processes that relate to demand management:


    • marketing management 营销管理
    • CRM
    • demand planning, such as forecasting and customer orders

    In the end, proper demand management is strategically important because it facilitates the planning and use of resources throughout the supply chain.

    What other factors might influence demand?

    Marketing Management

    Marketing Mix 营销组合

    The marketing management process relies on a set of tools called the marketing mix, or the four Ps, which are summarized below. The objective is to leverage each P in order to
    (1) create products and services with order winning and qualifying characteristics consistent with strategy,
    (2) price them,
    (3) promote them, and
    (4) place them in the right distribution channels.


    Marketing mix Examples of marketing decisions
    Product Design, quality, cost, flexibility, features, variety, sizes, brand name, returns, service, and warranty policies 设计、质量、成本、灵活性、特性、品种、尺寸、品牌名称、退货、服务和保修政策
    Price Commodity or premium price, market penetration price, loss leader, discounts, credit terms, and allowances 定价或溢价价格,市场渗透率价格,亏损率,折扣,信用条款和津贴
    Promotion Sales promotions, advertising, campaigns, and public relations 促销、广告、活动和公共关系
    Place Sales channels; delivery mode/speed/dependability/flexibility; distribution inventory policy 销售渠道;发送模式/速度/可靠性/灵活性;库存分配策略

    For the purposes of this course, this brief marketing mix description provides an awareness of the decisions marketing faces in influencing and shaping demand.


    Order Winners and Qualifiers 订单赢家和资格要素

    The characteristics of products and services are a key element of the marketing mix. An important role of marketing management is to develop and implement marketing plans for products and services with order winning or qualifying characteristics.


    • Order qualifying characteristics must be exhibited by a firm's products and services in order for the firm to be a viable competitor in the marketplace.

    • Order winning characteristics cause customers to choose a product over its competitors' products.

    • Examples of order winning and order qualifying characteristics are quality, speed, dependability, flexibility, and cost. These are sometimes referred to as performance objectives.

    A useful comparison of the difference between and order winner and an order qualifier is provided in a CPIM reference source, Operations Strategy, Slack et al., 2003. The authors cite fast-food retailer Burger King (BK) as an example. BK views the following as order qualifiers that do not significantly differentiate their products and services from those of competitors:

    CPIM参考资料来源《Operations Strategy》(Slack等人2003年)提供了一个关于订单赢家和订单资格要素之间差异的有用比较。作者以快餐零售商汉堡王(BK)为例。BK认为以下是订单资格要素,它们的产品和服务与竞争对手的产品和服务没有显著区别:

    • Speed of service -- Key competitors are about as fast in both drive-through service and counter service.

    • Dependability -- Reliability of BK's full range of product and service availability and its ordering experience consistency also are on par with the industry.

    • Flexibility -- BK is similar to competitors in its ability to meet changing sales volume and mix, or product option, requirements during the day.

    • Cost -- BK's prices are not the cheapest but are not much different from their competitors' prices.

    Voice of the Customer 客户的声音

    Determining order qualifying and winning characteristics relies to a great extent on the design of products to meet customer expectations: the voice of the customer. Later in this course, we will review a formal method developed for use in quality management and lean manufacturing for determining the voice of the customer during product and process design. This method, quality function deployment, will be addressed in Session 9.


    Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理

    CRM -- The collection and analysis of information designed for sales and marketing decision support to understand and support existing and potential customer needs. It includes account management, catalog and order entry, payment processing, credits and adjustments, and other function.

    -- APICS Dictionary


    The quality of a company's interaction with its customers can become a strategic asset and differentiator. It provides an advantage in attracting new customers and creating loyalty among existing ones. Important interactions with customers occur in a number of areas, as shown in the following examples.


    • Design assistance: helping customers in the design of new products or improvement of existing ones

    • Determination of customer needs: assessing the customer's business and creating or expanding product offerings to help the customer achieve better business results

    • Information and communications: collecting and analyzing customer data to support targeted marketing campaigns and practices, such as Amazon.com Inc.'s suggestions of books to buy based on a customer's past purchases

      收集和分析客户数据,以支持有针对性的营销活动和实践,如亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc.)根据客户过去的购买情况提出购买书籍的建议。

    Customer order management is a major CRM activity and also plays a major role from a supply chain operations efficiency and customer service perspective in enabling the following:


    • Fast and accurate order entry and tracking

    • Ability to provide and meet promised delivery dates and quantities

    • Handling customer inquiries and service complaints, returns, and repair requests

    • Accurate and timely shipping documentation, invoicing, and recoding of sales history

    Along with marketing management, CRM plays an important role in demand management.


    Demand Planning 需求计划

    Demand planning is the recognition of demand, which comes in two forms:

    • demand forecasts 需求预测
    • management of actual customer orders from internal and external customers

    Forecasts and customer orders drive operations, and manufacturers have to get these right in order to understand what, how much, and when to produce products. Different types of orders are discussed under sources of demand in the next section on characteristics of demand.


    It is important to understand the characteristics of demand in order to understand the demand forecasting process. These two topics will be addressed in the next two sections.

    Characteristics of Demand 需求的特征

    In this section we will discuss the following characteristics of demand that are key influences on demand forecasting:

    • independent versus dependent demand 独立需求与依赖需求
    • sources of demand 需求来源
    • demand patterns 需求模式

    Independent Versus Dependent Demand 独立需求与依赖需求

    There are two types of demand: independent and dependent demand. Independent demand is the basis for demand planning in terms of forecasts and customer orders.


    • Independent demand is demand for a product that is not related to the demand for any other product. An automobile manufacturer forecasts demand for motor vehicles; demand for the motor vehicles is independent.


    • Dependent demand is demand for a product that is related to the demand for another product. Dependent demand is calculated.In the automobile manufacturer example, it is not necessary to forecast the demand for tires, steering wheels, and other components. Demand for these components is dependent on the number of vehicles forecasted and will be derived during a planning process called material requirements planning (MRP), which is further discussed in Session 4. Tires and other components bought independently of automobiles, however, would be considered independent demand.


    This is an important concept in demand planning. Forecasting deals with independent demand.


    Sources of Demand 需求来源

    There are five common sources of independent demand used in forecasting and managed during order processing.


    • Forecast -- Predictions of future demand based on quantitative or qualitative methods, or a combination of the two

    • Customer orders -- These orders are from external customers for particular products or numbers of products, often referred to as actual demand as opposed to a forecasted demand, including service parts and spare parts. (Note that the same part planned by MRP as a component of an end item would represent dependent demand.)

    • Replenishment orders form distribution centers -- Based on customer orders placed on distribution centers and on distribution center forecasts

    • Interplant transfers -- Orders for manufactured parts or components from other divisions in the company

    • Other sources of demand -- Examples include orders for products needed for marketing and product demonstrations

    Note that these are characterized as sources of independent demand. Independent demand is the basis for forecasting.


    Demand Patterns and Stability 需求模式和稳定性

    The plotting of demand data in a time series reveals that demand can take on different patterns. Forecasters analyze and attempt to understand these patterns in terms of shape and stability.



    There are four basic demand patterns, or components:

    • Trend: Visual 2-15 shows three examples of trends -- increasing, decreasing, and level. In the increasing and decreasing trends, demand changes at a steady rate from period to period. This particular example shows a linear rate of increase and decrease, but the year-to-year rate of change could be exponential. The trend pattern also can be level.


    demand patterns trend
    • Seasonal: Visual 2-16 shows the regular fluctuation of quarterly demand over the course of three years -- the result of seasonal influences such as weather, school calendars, and social customs. Seasonal demand patterns also can occur in shorter time intervals, such as monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly -- as in sales of consumer products -- and can show signs of trend.


    • Random: Visual 2-17 shows demand fluctuation due to random occurrences such as inclement weather, special events, and the vagaries of human behavior. Over time, random demand will vary near the average and the variations will cancel each other out. If variations are small, the random variation is considered stable. When they are large, it is considered unstable. Random variation can exist within a trend or seasonal demand pattern but does not alter the general pattern.


    • Cyclical: Cyclical demand is characterized by wave-like fluctuations that take place over long time spans, such as several years, and are tried to external influences such as the business cycle. Forecasting of cycles is the domain of economic forecasters, though businesses recognize their impact on demand and sales.


    Stable Versus Dynamic Demand 稳定需求对比动态需求

    Demand patterns may change over time.

    • Patterns that retain their general shape over time are called stable and are easier to forecast.

    • Dynamic patterns are less predictable, though technically in the long run they may have a random pattern. Dynamic changes make the prediction and forecasting of demand difficult and prone to error.

    Visual 2-18 presents a simple model that highlights the implications of the difference between stable and dynamic demand.

    • The model assumes that average demand is the same over time for both stable and dynamic demand.

    • Though average demand is the same in the stable and dynamic demand scenarios shown, the wide and irregular fluctuations of dynamic demand make it difficult to develop and accurate forecast.

    • Variations in the stable demand scenario are relatively predictable and remain consistently within predetermined or expected upper and lower limits, allowing for random variations. It is easier to develop a forecast based on average demand and develop an inventory policy -- for example, safety stock - for this scenario.

    Forecasting 预测

    In this section, we will address the following important concepts relating to the purposes and principles of forecasting:

    • purposes and uses of the forecast 预测的目的和用途
    • principles of forecasting 预测原理
    • principle of data collection and preparation 数据收集和准备原则

    Purposes and Uses of the Forecast 预测的目的和用途

    In Session 1, we learned about the multilevel planning methodology used to plan priorities and capacity: manufacturing planning and control (MPC). Demand forecasts support planning at the following three levels:

    • business planning 商业计划
    • sales and operations planning (S&OP) 销售及运营计划
    • master scheduling 主调度

    Forecasts become more detailed as the planning moves from the business planning to the master scheduling level, whose output is the master production schedule (MPS).


    Principles of Forecasting 预测的原则

    In Introduction to Materials Management, the authors point out that there are four major, simple, and common-sense principles of forecasting. They include the following:

    Forecasting principle Comment and discussion
    1 Forecasts are rarely 100 percent accurate over time.
    They are not expected to be. Forecasts are based on statistical probability. Errors are inevitable and must be expected.
    2 Every forecast must include an estimate of error, because the error can be used to determine the level of safety stock required to minimize the impact of the forecast error.
    Based on a study of the variability around the average demand, forecasters can provide statistically based estimates of error as a percentage of the forecast or as a range between maximum and minimum values.
    3 Forecasts are more accurate for families or product groups of items.
    A good analogy is that it is easier to forecast the overall demand for a single type of cola beverage than to forecast its specific configurations such as cans, bottles, package sizes, and so on.
    4 Forecasts are more accurate in the short term.
    Long-range forecasts are more susceptible than short-term forecasts to unexpected events that will affect the forecast.

    Principle 2 is especially an important one. It is counterintuitive to think that forecasts can predict the exact demand for and item during a specific period in the future, but their forecasts can be highly useful if they also include an estimate of the probable range of error.


    Principle 4 holds an important lesson for supply chain management. Because forecasts are much more accurate in the short term, companies that shorten their production lead times can react to short-term rather than long-term demand forecast data. As you will learn in this course, lead-time reduction is a major operational concern for manufacturing enterprises.


    Data Collection and Preparation Principles 数据收集和准备原则

    Most forecasts are based on historical data, and the collection and preparation of the data for use in forecasting is of utmost importance. It requires judgment and sound analytical skills.


    There are three major principles of data collection and preparation:


    Data collection and preparation principle Comment and discussion
    1 Record data in the terms needed for the forecast.
    * Record demand -- preferably customer requests -- and not sales or shipments. The latter are not a true indication of demand.
    * Use the same forecast periods as the production schedule: weeks, months, quarters, and so on.
    * The items forecast should match those controlled by manufacturing.
    2 Record the circumstances relating to the data.
    Historical demand data can be influenced by events such as promotions, weather, price changes, strikes, and competitor marketing initiatives. These factors need to be accounted for in the data analysis.
    3 Record demand separately for different customer groups.
    Different channels of distribution (customer types) have different ordering cycles and lot-size order quantities. Record data for each group separately to account for the lumpiness of demand over the forecast horizon.

    Principle 1: To match the items planned at the S&OP level, the forecast should be at the product family or group level. At the MPS level, the forecast needs to be at the end item or item option level for all items within product families -- the actual end items.


    Principle 3 : Customer A orders two same-size large lots a year and customer B orders same-size small lots once a month. It would be reasonable to forecast customer B's demand on a monthly average basis, but to do the same for customer A actually will mask the umpires of customer A's demand -- resulting in a very inaccurate aggregate monthly forecast.



    Forecasting Techniques 预测技术

    Forecasting techniques, also referred to as methods, are in two categories. The second category, quantitative techniques, consists of two sub-categories:


    • qualitative 定性
    • quantitative 定量
      • extrinsic 外在
      • intrinsic 内在
    Qualitative Techniques 定性技术

    Qualitative techniques are based on intuition and informed opinion; they therefore tend to be subjective.


    They are a necessary supplement to quantitative techniques for business planning. For example, qualitative techniques assist in forecasting general business trends and the demand for new products through market research, historical analogy, test marketing, and the Delphi method of having a panel of experts.


    These techniques are used for medium- to long-range planning, where business conditions, opportunities, and trends are likely to change and where quantitative techniques are not fully adequate.


    Quantitative Techniques: Extrinsic 定量技术:外在

    Extrinsic techniques are based on the idea of correlation and cause and effect. They rely on external indicators to make projections or forecasts of demand. For example, housing starts influence the sale of building materials. Housing-starts data published by the home building industry therefore as used as a leading indicator of demand for a wide range of other products associated with home building such as appliances, carpeting, and other home furnishings.


    There are two commonly used types of leading indicators used in making extrinsic forecasts:


    • Economic : some examples include housing starts, construction contract awards, contract wards by the military, and orders for large military and commercial aircraft.


    • Demographic: Examples include changes in the population such as the birth rate, age distribution, income and education levels, and ethnicity.


    Extrinsic forecasts tend to look beyond the short term and are used mainly to forecast total company demand and demand for smilies of products rather than individual end items.


    Quantitative Techniques: Intrinsic 定量技术:内在

    Intrinsic forecasting techniques use time-sequenced historical data, or time series data, for an item as the source for projecting further demand. This technique is based on number of assumptions.


    • What happened in the past helps you understand what will happen in the future.

    • Whether or not time series data are available in company information systems -- the usually are.

    • What patterns of demand are revealed in time series data; for example, trend, seasonal, random, and cyclical should be major factors in forecasting future demand.

    Examples of two basic intrinsic forecasting techniques are discussed below: moving averages and exponential smoothing.


    Moving-Average Forecast 移动平均预测


    Moving-average forecasts are based on the following principles:

    • Best used when demand is stable, there is little trend or seasonality, and demand variations are random.

    • When past demand fluctuates because of random variation, as it often does, it is better to forecast based on average demand than second-guess the effect of random fluctuation.

    Sample Calculations 样本计算

    Let's assume that we are at the end of December and need to forecast demand for the next month, January. Demand of the last 12 months has shown random variation. Average demand was 79, and the sum of positive and negative variances from the average was zero. Forecasters face a few choices, including


    • using the demand for the previous January: 92

    • using the demand for the previous month, December: 84

    • using the average demand for preceding months -- for example, the January to December average is 79.

    The average demand calculation for previous periods applied to the forecast period is in part the basic logic of moving-average forecasting. In this case, we calculated the average demand for January through December to arrive at 79.


    These are three different results for a demand pattern that shows random variation and has no obvious upward or downward trend. Being random, however, demand just happens to be higher in both January and November. The advantage of using an average is that it neutralizes that impact of random variation on the forecast and results in a safer forecast.


    Moving-Average Forecast Logic 移动平均预测逻辑

    The moving-average forecast uses the average of demand for the past three to six months, for example, to forecast demand for the next month. We'll use three months in this example.


    At the end of month 3, the average demand for months 1 through 3 would be the forecast for month 4.


    At the end of month 6, the average demand for months 4 through 6 would be the forecast for month 7.


    At the end of month 7, the average demand for months 5 through 7 would become the forecast for month 8, and so forth.


    Moving-average forecasting issues 移动平均预测问题

    The data shown below are for two moving-average forecast scenarios based on the same demand data: a three-month moving-average forecast and a six-month moving-average forecast.


    Note that an upward demand trend begins in month 6. The forecasts in both scenarios are slow to react, although the three-month moving-average forecast reacts a lot quicker in months 7, 8, and 9 to the sudden increases in demand.



    The lessons learned are as follows:

    • The moving-average forecast will lag the development of a rising or falling trend.

    • The further back the moving-average forecast reaches for data to include in average demand, the greater the lag. For example, the six-month moving-average forecast for month 6 included three more months of earlier demand than the three-month moving-average forecast.

    • On the other hand, the three-month moving-average forecast may have overreacted if the demand surge is an aberration and demand suddenly falls to the level before period 6.

    • The moving-average forecast works best when demand is stable and continuous. In this type of situation, it will filter out random variation.

    Exponential Smoothing 指数平滑法

    Logic 逻辑

    The logic of the exponential smoothing forecast is straightforward and as follows:

    • Take the old forecast and the demand for the latest, most current period.

    • Assign a weighting factor or smoothing constant (α, alpha) to the latest period's demand to give it an appropriate weighting relative to the forecast.

    • Calculate the weighted average of the old forecast and the latest demand.

    Calculation Summary 计算概要

    The exponential smoothing forecast technique is similar to the moving-average forecast, but requires less data management and is easier to calculate.


    • At the end of a current period (for example, month 1), start the exponential smoothing process with a moving-average forecast for the next period -- month 2 -- as described in a previous section. You have now established an old forecast.

    • At the end of month 2, use the actual demand and the old forecast for month 2 to calculate an exponential smoothing forecasts for month 3.

    • To the actual demand for month 2, assign a weighting factor or smoothing constant α, which means that the weighting for the old forecast component is 1 - α.
      第2个月的实际需求,分配一个权重因子或平滑常数α,这意味着旧的预测组件权重为1 - α。

    • Calculate the forecast for month 3 based on a weighted average calculation as follows:

      New forecast = (α)(latest demand)+(1-α)(previous forecast)

    Smoothing Constant 平滑常数

    Selection of an appropriate smoothing constant (α) requires analysis of demand patterns and judgment. A low alpha value such as .2 will give much more weight to the old forecast (1 - .2 = .8), which might not be appropriate if there is an upward or downward demand trend. In either case, a higher α would be appropriate.
    选择合适的平滑常数(α)需要分析需求模式和判断。像.2这样的低alpha值会使旧的预测(1 -。2 = .8)更有分量,如果有向上或向下的需求趋势,这可能是不合适的。无论哪种情况,较高的α都是合适的。

    By using spreadsheets or simulation software, it is possible to run simulations with different alpha values to see which one best fits the historical demand pattern for particular products.


    Seasonal Forecast 季节性预测

    For products with a seasonal demand pattern, the forecasting process is as follows. Note that these steps assume seasonal periods are quarters of the year.


    • Step 1: Calculate a seasonal index of demand for each period, which might be for each quarter of a year, to account for seasonality in historical demand.

    • Step 2: Develop deseasonalized demand by developing total forecast for a year and divide it by the number of periods, or quarters. This takes the seasonality out. The result is average demand across all seasons.

    • Step 3: Develop a seasonal forecast for each quarter by multiplying the deseasonalized demand by each quarter's seasonal index.

    Seasonal Index/Seasonality (Step 1)


    The first step in the forecast is to determine seasonality by calculating the seasonal index for each period, or quarter, using the equation shown. The indices indicate the degree of variation from the average through each quarter within an annual cycle.


    Seasonal index = (period average demand) / (average demand for all periods)
    • Period average demand can be calculated using the data for years 1 to 3 in the demand table. For example, for quarter 1 the period average demand equals 128.

    • The average demand for all quarters is equal to the three-year average of total demand (400) divided by the number of quarters (4), which equals 100.

    • Based on the equation for the seasonal index, the index for quarter 1 is 1.28. The seasonal index for quarter 2,3, and 4 are calculated in the same way.


        Seasonal index (Q1) = 128 / 100 = 1.28
    demand history
    Deseasonalized Forecast (Step 2)

    The second step consists of two parts:

    • Make the forecast for the next year.

    • Deseasonalize the forecast -- distribute it evenly across the four quarters.

    Let's assume that, based on product improvements and an increased marketing plan, the company forecasts demand for year 4 will be 420.

    How will this forecast be distributed across the four quarters of year 4? The annual forecast, divided by four, results in an average demand of 105 units per quarter. We call this deseasonalizing the demand.
    这一预测将如何在第四年的四个季度中分布? 年度预测除以4,结果是每季度平均需求105台。我们称之为需求的不稳定。

    Deseasonalized demand (average demand / period) = (annual forecast) / (number of periods) = 420 / 4 = 105 units
    稳定需求(平均需求/周期)=(年度预测)/(周期数)= 420 / 4 = 105个单位
    Seasonal Forecast (Step 3)


    The third and final step is to convert deseasonalized, or average, demand for the four periods into a seasonal or seasonality-adjusted forecast. The process is simple : For each quarter, multiply the deseasonalized forecast by the seasonal index established in Step 1.


    Expected quarter demand               =     (seasonal index) * (deseasonalized forecast demand) 
    预期季度需求                            =     (季节指数)*(消除季节变动后的预测需求)
    Expected first quarter demand         =    1.28 * 105    = 134 units
    Expected second quarter demand        =   1.02 * 105     = 107 units
    Expected third quarter demand         =    .75 * 105     = 79 units  
    Expected fourth quarter demand        =    .95 * 105     = 100 units
    Total forecast demand                 =                 420 units

    Tracking the Forecast 跟踪预测

    The purpose of tracking the forecast is to compare it within actual demand to measure and improve its accuracy. In the process, we can learn the following:


    • why demand differs from the forecast -- has a demand changed or has a trend developed?

    • the need to plan around the error, such as adjusting demand history to account for exceptional one-time reasons for error

    • how to improve the forecast

    This section introduces and provides awareness for some of the basic concepts of tracking the forecast. These basic concepts include the following:

    • forecast error -- both bias and random 预测误差——偏差和随机
    • measuring forecast error 测量预测误差
    Bias 偏差
    bias VS random

    Refer to the data in the Visual 2-50. Bias exists when the cumulative variation of actual demand from the cumulative forecast is not zero. Cumulative demand is 90 units higher than forecast.


    This means that the average monthly demand was 115 units (690 units / 6 months) instead of 100.

    这意味着月平均需求量为115台(690台/ 6个月),而不是100台。

    There are some actions to take and alternatives to consider:


    • Investigate and take into account the cause of the error, such as sales promotions, large on-time orders, a customer shutdown, machine breakdowns, exceptional weather events, and new customers.

    • If necessary, adjust the demand history.

    • Change the monthly average forecast.

    Measuring Forecast Error 测量预测误差

    The degree of deviation from average demand presents a challenge to inventory management. How much safety stock, for example, should be carried to deal with random variations in demand and to achieve desired customer service levels? This is why it is important to measure and evaluate forecast error.


    Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) 平均绝对偏差

    Here is a quick, high-level summary of a simple and proven statistical approach to measuring and evaluating forecast error. Remember, forecast error, or deviation, is the actual period demand minus the forecast (A-F). If actual demand exceeds forecast, the error will have a positive value and vice versa. In calculating MAD, however, the MAD is used to determine the dispersion of the forecast error around average demand. Let's illustrate by calculating the value of the MAD using the data and formula below.


    MAD normal-distribution

    Now let's look at the statistically determined dispersion of forecast error using a normal distribution curve for the data shown above. (See Visual 2-53)

    • The center is the central tendency or average, which in this case is the forecast.

    • Forecast error, which are not shown in the visual, are randomly dispersed on both sides of the central tendency.

    • Statistically, in a normal distribution, 60 percent of the forecast error will fall within ±1 MAD of the average, 90% will fall within ±2 MAD, and 98% will fall within ±3 MAD.
      正态分布,预测误差的60%将会平均落在±1 MAD,90%落在±2 MAD,98%会在±3 MAD。

    • If the actual demand is tightly bunched around the center, then the dispersion is narrow and forecast accuracy is relatively high -- and vice versa for demand that is widely dispersed.

    • As shown in the Visual 2-53 in the example we just calculated, 60% of the errors, or period demand quantities, were within ±22 units, 90% were within ±44 units, and 98% were within ±66 units of the average.


    Measurements such as MAD are important because they indicate the relative cost of different levels of customer service. For example, by using safety factor tables, planners can convert the MAD of 22 units into safety stock requirements for desired service level percentages.


    Standard Deviation 标准差

    MAD and standard deviation are alternate methods to measure forecast error. Standard deviation is covered in more detail in other CPIM modules, especially as it relates to determining safety stock levels.


    Uses of Forecast Measurement 预测测量的使用

    You should come away from this discussion within an appreciation of how measuring and understanding forecast error can help a company deal with demand uncertainty in the following areas:


    • identifying changes and trends in demand

    • identifying and adjusting for forecast error that results from random events

    • adjusting the period forecast as close to the true forecast average demand as possible to eliminate or minimize bias in the forecast

    • making decisions on safety stock and service levels based on the degree of random variation, or forecast error

    Supply Chain Management Implications 供应链管理的影响

    Finally, from a supply chain management viewpoint, one way to deal with forecast error is to reduce reliance on forecasts, especially long-term forecasts. This requires continuous process improvement to reduce manufacturing lead times through


    • increasing collaboration with customers and suppliers in the area of demand management, especially in sharing demand information and collaboration planning, forecasting, and replenishment

    • increasing manufacturing flexibility internally and operations integration externally with customers and suppliers.

    These steps will enable manufacturers to react quickly to shorter-term forecasts as they become more flexible and efficient.




          本文标题:2-BSCM-Demand Management
