作者: Katie_Pan | 来源:发表于2022-03-13 17:19 被阅读0次

    <Undercover Billionaire> 027

    Release date: 2019-8-6

    Type: Reality Show

    Running time: Eight episodes, 45 mins/ each

    Recommendation Rate: ★★★★★

    Four questions:

    1、What’s the main idea and the message or value of the reality show that the director is going to convey?

    Billionaires can also be common people, they just work harder, much smarter and smile at faliures.So anyone could be a billionaire if he can suffer what the others can't, do what they others didn't. Don't envy those rich people, they experienced more than you can imagined.

    2、Find the most touching or what you think is the most important details from each episodes(conversation、picture or plot).

    Episode 1

    A、Principles: Find your buyer first and work backwards. Based on what they want. Most people do it wrong, they create a product and then they go looking for someone to sell it to. Lining up the sale first is often the difference between hot commodities and junk.

    Recognize your strengths and weaknesses.

    No job is beneath you.Working hard at a job, any job, builds confidence and gives you self value. That confidence will help catapult you to the next level.

    Diversify your efforts.多方开辟财源

    Tap into the herd mentality. 善用群众心理 Get in front of a group, and sell them. If you can get just two people in that group to buy what you're selling, odds are the whole herd's gonna follow.

    B、Golden words:People miss out on a lot of opportunities when they panic and quit too early. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Real contacts are very important. 

    C、Glenn's wife said, he is a challenge lover, when the others don't know what to do, he can do it, and that always happen. Glenn said life is an adventure.If I have a goal, I'm not backing down. I was deeply touched by this billionaire, he doesn't study well, he became a father at his 14 and his parents are alcholics. He earned a bunch of money all by himself. From nobody to billionaire. And this time he only have 100 dollars, a broken car and a cell phone with no contacts, he has to build a worth 1 million dollars  company within 3 months. It was too hard at the beginning, but when he realized that, he still decided to continue, never give up.

    Episode 2

    A、Principles: the trick to build a successful business is to choose something that the market needs and build a great team. Identify a need and fill it. What's vital in your business is making sure that you know all aspects of the business. Know your ...(知道你在干什么).

    One of my most important business principles is human capital.(人力资本) I've surrounded myself with people smarter than I am. My most important criteria for hiring someone is their personality.

    Instill confidence. If your team doesn't believe in you, you're going nowhere. Part of running successful busniess it to make sure your team believes in the vision as much as you do.

    B、Golden words: you are in suvival mode, you are not allowed to think about business or growing anything. Purchasing assets and then using them to make more money.

    C、Always know where you are in your journey and what you gonna do next. Keep clear mind, it means follow your heart but bring with your brain. Even the last minute, don't lose hope, you'll always find your chance to turn over. It's not easy to challenge yourself, but you can do it little by little. You may meet many difficulties, calm down and look for a new way.

    Episode 3 

    A、Principles: Be ready to pivot(做好变通的准备) Not every deal goes as planned and a good business person is always prepared to handle the quick turns and failures that come with running or starting a business.

    One of the keys to running a successful business is surrounding yourself with people who are the experts in their field.

    Do your due diligence(尽职做好调查)Just because you've got a great idea doesn't mean it's right for the market. Always research and vet your business before you get too far down the road.

    Know how to motivate. Motivating people is one of the biggest hurdles in business. How do you push someone to be better without knocking them down? Knowing how to read people and what tactics to use in order to motivate them to step it up.

    B、Golden words: life is like that, you gotta just continue to get up and go it again and figure it out. If It's not one thing, it's another. The silver lining is that the pivot forced me to come up with an even stronger idea. Never let them see you sweat! You gotta be kind of cool, make sure that you don't lose your leverage. Trying not to celebrate the highs too high or the lows too low.

    C、Mostly things will not happen just as you planned, be ready to justfy and it may lead to a even better idea, so if not the end, who knows it's lucky or unlucky. Build a strong team and share the same vision, we can do a lot than we can imagine.

    Episode 4

    A、Principles: Turn rivals into revenue(化敌为友)Always eliminate potential conflicts by striking deals that are mutually beneficial.

    Creat space for talent(为人才创造空间)If the spot does't exist, create one.

    Less is more(化繁为简)Cut out any information that's irrelevant.Be clear with what you want and stick to the essentials.

    No is just the start of the conversation.(拒绝只是对话的起头)The word no, is only the start of a conversation. All successful businesses have been told the word no more than they've heard the word yes.

    B、Golden words: Be prepare for setbacks, it's how you recover that counts. It was pretty humbling to have the push back that we did.

    C、Glenn shared an experience, someone once said no to me on a very crucial deal. Instead of taking the no. I took a red eye, flew all night across the country, got in front of them, and turned that no into a yes. Every time when you take the no, if that's what you want, think about how to turn it to a yes. You've always have choice unless you give it up.

    Episode 5

    A、Principles: Find people smarter than you. This is the number one business principle.

    Set your own table.(摆好筵席)Don't wait for the perfect opportunity to fall into your lap, because it never will.

    Lose the battle to win the war. 

    B、Golden words: business is tough,that people are gonna eat you up, fighting for every scrap you can get. Don't let a set-back kill your confidence. Always remember you're gonna have them no matter what. It's inevitable. So take it and learn from it. These are the days that you fight because that's the only way you'll win. Once bitten, twice shy.(一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳)

    C、There are always set-backs on your way targets, they can not be avoided, face it and fight for the last minute, you can win.

    Episode 6

    A、Principles:Don't pigonhole your players. People have different abilities, make good use of them.

    Check the plane before you fly it. Pilots go through an exhaustive checklist before they take off because lives are at stake.

    If things go wrong, don't go with them.(场面难堪的时候不要随之起舞)The ability to remain cool under pressure is what sets apart the pros.

    B、Golden words:I could still relate, I have clawed my way up. I fought for everything that I have and I wasn't given anything. Two reasons for not losing your temper, it won't do us any good, forget about these guys.

    C、Glenn shared a story, at the height of the financial crisis, I walked out of a deal very upset and said I'll never work with them. I'll never do a deal. But I needed to make a deal. So they withdrew my original deal, came back and charged me an extra fifty percent  on top of what I was trying to get. Why? Because I lost my cool. And I had to take it. From Glenn's sharing, I've learned that is crucial to be cool under pressure, if you lost your temper, it won't do any good to you, and at the same time, you'll also lose something on your side. It's not worth it.

    Episode 7

    A、Principles: Shut up and listen. Open your ears to the experts you've surrounded yourself with. And recognize they're offering up feedback to help you succeed.

    Leaders need to step up.(领导者必须站出来)

    Combat is optional.(冲突是自己的选择)When conflicts arise, combat is optional.

    Endure more pain than anyone else.(比别人忍受更多痛苦)The reason i've been successful is because I've pushed through tough times, and endured more pain than my competitors. In short, I didn't quit. Anyone can build a successful business, make no mistakes, building your own business is extremely hard and success comes to those who push through the pain.

    B、Golden words: Keep your competitors close.Make your competition your friends. You gotta be resourceful. Adults are just grown children. They just need someone to listen to them. When you make excuses, you never reach your goals.

    C、Trough all the difficulites and hardships, when they won the competition, I almost burst into tears, it's true that success comes to those who push through the pain. Another touching point is when I heard Glenn said make excuses, you never reach your goals. I can't agree more. Keep this mind and warn myself whenever I had excuses.

    Episode 8

    A、Principles: Don't confuse effort with results.

    Hand-ups not handouts(赞扬而不是贬低)People deserve a hand-up, not a handout.

    B、Golden words: There's a blessing and a curse to owning your own business.I see something in you, and I wanna give you a shot. You don't have to come from money, you just have to find good people and then you can do anything. With talent, hard work, intuition and ultimate resilience, you'll find that taking a risk can manifest your dream. Only bettering ourselves and work together.

    C、Though Glenn failed to his target, the underdog BBQ worth 750000 dollars. Then he added 1 million to run the resturant. I've really learned a lot from this billionaire. It's never easy to be successful, there are a lot we can do. Perhaps I won't build my own business for my whole life, but whatever I do, I'll keep Glenn's spirit. Never make excuses, endure more pain than anyone else.

    3、What did you learn from the reality show?

    Below is a list of all the principles Glenn shared with us. For me, it's more than that, I got a successful man's spirit, I know I don't have that ambition to be that rich, because I know myself well and I know what kind of life I wanna have, but I'll launch to achieve my dreams with all I learned from Glenn. 



