n1 samba4配置

n1 samba4配置

作者: 叶儿爱琵琶 | 来源:发表于2023-01-09 21:09 被阅读0次


    smbpasswd  -a root


        netbios name = openwrt
        interfaces = |INTERFACES|
        server string = |DESCRIPTION|
        unix charset = |CHARSET|
        workgroup = |WORKGROUP|
        ## This global parameter allows the Samba admin to limit what interfaces on a machine will serve SMB requests.
        ## 此全局参数允许 Samba 管理员限制机器上的哪些接口将监听 SMB 请求。
        bind interfaces only = no
        ## max connections用来指定连接Samba Server的最大连接数目。如果超出连接数目,则新的连接请求将被拒绝。0表示不限制。
        max connections = 0
        ## time for inactive connections to-be closed in minutes
        ## deadtime用来设置断掉一个没有打开任何文件的连接的时间。单位是分钟,0代表Samba Server不自动切断任何连接。
        deadtime = 15
        ## disable core dumps
        enable core files = no
        ## set security (auto, user, domain, ads)
        ##设置用户访问Samba Server的验证方式,一共有四种验证方式的安全级别。
        ##auto:表示自动判断,不需要samba账户就可登陆samba服务器。即用户访问Samba Server不需要提供用户名和口令, 安全性能较低。+经测试是在没有设定“valid users”参数就会判断为匿名访问
        ##user:表示系统账户要先添加进samba库然后变成samba用户,使用samba用户来登陆,简单来讲就是需要使用用户密码登录。Samba Server共享目录只能被授权的用户访问,由Samba Server负责检查账号和密码的正确性。账号和密码要在本Samba Server中建立。安全性能适中。
        ##domain:表示把 samba 服务器加入到N 域,由NT的域控制器来进行身份验证。域安全级别,使用主域控制器(PDC)来完成认证。
        ##ADS :(Active Directory Service,活动目录服务),是samba3.0中新增的身份验证方式,采用ADS验证方式,samba服务器集成到活动目录中。
        security = user
        ## This parameter controls whether a remote client is allowed or required to use SMB encryption.
        ## 该参数控制是否允许或要求远程客户端使用SMB加密。
        ## It has different effects depending on whether the connection uses SMB1 or SMB2 and newer:
        ## 根据连接使用SMB1或SMB2及更高版本,效果会有所不同:
        ## If the connection uses SMB1, then this option controls the use of a Samba-specific extension to the SMB protocol introduced in Samba 3.2 that makes use of the Unix extensions.
        ## 如果连接使用SMB1,则此选项控制Samba 3.2中引入的特定于Samba的SMB协议扩展的使用,该协议使用Unix扩展。
        ## If the connection uses SMB2 or newer, then this option controls the use of the SMB-level encryption that is supported in SMB version 3.0 and above and available in Windows 8 and newer. 
        ## 如果连接使用SMB2或更高版本,则此选项控制SMB 3.0及更高版本支持、Windows 8及更高版本提供的SMB级别加密的使用。
        ## (default/auto,desired,required,off)
        #smb encrypt = default
        ## set invalid users
        ## 设置无效用户
        #invalid users = root
        ## map unknow users to guest
        ## 将未知用户映射为访客
        #map to guest = Bad User
        ## allow client access to accounts that have null passwords. 
        ## 允许客户端访问具有空密码的帐户。
        null passwords = yes
        ## The old plaintext passdb backend. Some Samba features will not work if this passdb backend is used. (NOTE: enabled for size reasons)
        ## 旧的明文passdb后端。如果使用此passdb后端,某些Samba功能将无法工作。(注意:由于尺寸原因而启用)
        ## (tdbsam,smbpasswd,ldapsam)
        ## passdb backend就是用户后台的意思。目前有三种后台:smbpasswd、tdbsam和ldapsam。sam应该是security account manager(安全账户管理)的简写。
        ## 1)smbpasswd:该方式是使用smb自己的工具smbpasswd来给系统用户(真实用户或者虚拟用户)设置一个Samba密码,客户端就用这个密码来访问Samba的资源。smbpasswd文件默认在/etc/samba目录下,不过有时候要手工建立该文件。
        ## 2)tdbsam:该方式则是使用一个数据库文件来建立用户数据库。数据库文件叫passdb.tdb,默认在/etc/samba目录下。passdb.tdb用户数据库可以使用smbpasswd –a来建立Samba用户,不过要建立的Samba用户必须先是系统用户。我们也可以使用pdbedit命令来建立Samba账户。pdbedit命令的参数很多,我们列出几个主要的。
        ## pdbedit –a username:新建Samba账户。
        ## pdbedit –x username:删除Samba账户。
        ## pdbedit –L:列出Samba用户列表,读取passdb.tdb数据库文件。
        ## pdbedit –Lv:列出Samba用户列表的详细信息。
        ## pdbedit –c “[D]” –u username:暂停该Samba用户的账号。
        ## pdbedit –c “[]” –u username:恢复该Samba用户的账号。
        ## 3)ldapsam:该方式则是基于LDAP的账户管理方式来验证用户。首先要建立LDAP服务,然后设置“passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://LDAP Server”
        passdb backend = smbpasswd
        ## Set location of smbpasswd ('smbd -b' will show default compiled location)
        ## 设置smbpasswd的位置('smbd-b'将显示默认的编译位置)
        #smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd 
        ## LAN (IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY) WAN (IPTOS_THROUGHPUT) WiFi (SO_KEEPALIVE) try&error for buffer sizes (SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536)
        ## 用来设置服务器和客户端之间会话的Socket选项,可以优化传输速度
        #socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_RCVBUF=131072 SO_SNDBUF=131072
        #socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY
        ## If this integer parameter is set to a non-zero value, Samba will read from files asynchronously when the request size is bigger than this value.
        ## 如果此整数参数设置为非零值,当请求大小大于此值时,Samba 将异步读取文件。
        ## Note that it happens only for non-chained and non-chaining reads and when not using write cache.
        ## 请注意,它仅发生在非链接和非链接读取以及不使用写入缓存时。
        ## The only reasonable values for this parameter are 0 (no async I/O) and 1 (always do async I/O).
        ## 此参数唯一合理的值是 0(无异步 I/O)和 1(始终执行异步 I/O)。
        ## (1/0)
        aio read size = 0
        #aio write size = 0
        ## If Samba has been built with asynchronous I/O support, Samba will not wait until write requests are finished before returning the result to the client for files listed in this parameter.
        ## 如果 Samba 已使用异步 I/O 支持构建,则 Samba 不会等到写入请求完成后才将结果返回给客户端,以获取此参数中列出的文件。
        ## Instead, Samba will immediately return that the write request has been finished successfully, no matter if the operation will succeed or not.
        ## 相反,无论操作是否成功,Samba 都会立即返回写请求已成功完成。
        ## This might speed up clients without aio support, but is really dangerous, because data could be lost and files could be damaged. 
        ## 这可能会在没有 aio 支持的情况下加速客户端,但确实很危险,因为数据可能会丢失,文件可能会损坏。
        #aio write behind = /*.tmp/
        ## lower CPU useage if supported and aio is disabled (aio read size = 0 ; aio write size = 0)
        ## 如果支持并禁用 aio,则降低 CPU 使用率 (aio read size = 0 ; aio write size = 0)
        ## is this still broken? issue is from 2019 (NOTE: see https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14095 )
        ## 这还是坏了吗?问题来自 2019 年(注意:请参阅 https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14095 )
        ## (no, yes)
        use sendfile = yes
        ## samba will behave as previous versions of Samba would and will fail the lock request immediately if the lock range cannot be obtained.
        ## samba 将像以前版本的 Samba 一样运行,如果无法获得锁定范围,它将立即使锁定请求失败。
        #blocking locks = No
        ## disable loading of all printcap printers by default (iprint, cups, lpstat)
        ## 默认禁用所有 printcap 打印机的加载(iprint、cups、lpstat)
        load printers = No
        printcap name = /dev/null
        ## Enabling this parameter will disable Samba's support for the SPOOLSS set of MS-RPC's.
        ## 启用此参数将禁用 Samba 对 MS-RPC 的 SPOOLSS 集的支持。
        disable spoolss = yes
        ## This parameters controls how printer status information is interpreted on your system.
        ## 此参数控制打印机状态信息在系统上的解释方式。
        printing = bsd
        ## Disable that nmbd is acting as a WINS server for unknow netbios names
        ## 禁用 nmbd 作为未知 netbios 名称的 WINS 服务器
        #dns proxy = No
        ## win/unix user mapping backend
        ## win/unix 用户映射后端
        #idmap config * : backend = tdb
        ## Allows the server name that is advertised through MDNS to be set to the hostname rather than the Samba NETBIOS name.
        ## 允许将通过 MDNS 通告的服务器名称设置为主机名,而不是 Samba NETBIOS 名称。
        ## This allows an administrator to make Samba registered MDNS records match the case of the hostname rather than being in all capitals.
        ## 这允许管理员使 Samba 注册的 MDNS 记录与主机名的大小写匹配,而不是全部大写。
        ## (netbios, mdns)
        #mdns name = mdns
        ## Clients that only support netbios won't be able to see your samba server when netbios support is disabled.
        ## 仅支持 netbios 的客户端在禁用 netbios 支持时将无法看到您的 samba 服务器。
        #disable netbios = Yes
        ## Setting this value to no will cause nmbd never to become a local master browser.
        ## 将此值设置为 no 将导致 nmbd 永远不会成为本地主浏览器。
        #local master = no
        ## (auto, yes) If this is set to yes, on startup, nmbd will force an election, and it will have a slight advantage in winning the election. It is recommended that this parameter is used in conjunction with domain master = yes, so that nmbd can guarantee becoming a domain master. 
        ##(自动,是)如果设置为是,在启动时,nmbd将强制进行选举,并且在赢得选举时会有一点优势。建议将此参数与domain master=yes结合使用,这样nmbd就可以保证成为域主机。
        #preferred master = yes
        ## (445 139) Specifies which ports the server should listen on for SMB traffic.
        ## (445 139) 指定服务器应在哪些端口上侦听 SMB 流量。
        ## 139 is netbios/nmbd
        smb ports = 445 139 4455 44555
        ## This is a list of files and directories that are neither visible nor accessible.
        ## 这是既不可见也不可访问的文件和目录的列表。
        ## Each entry in the list must be separated by a '/', which allows spaces to be included in the entry. '*' and '?' can be used to specify multiple files or directories as in DOS wildcards.
        ## 列表中的每个条目必须用“/”分隔,这允许在条目中包含空格。“*”和“?”可用于指定多个文件或目录,如在 DOS 通配符中一样。
        veto files = /Thumbs.db/.DS_Store/._.DS_Store/.apdisk/
        ## If a directory that is to be deleted contains nothing but veto files this deletion will fail unless you also set the delete veto files parameter to yes.
        ## 如果要删除的目录只包含否决文件,则此删除将失败,除非您还将删除否决文件参数设置为 yes。
        delete veto files = yes
    ################ Filesystem and creation rules ################
        ## reported filesystem type (NTFS,Samba,FAT)
        ## 报告的文件系统类型(NTFS、Samba、FAT)
        #fstype = FAT
        ## Allows a user who has write access to the file (by whatever means, including an ACL permission) to modify the permissions (including ACL) on it.
        ## 允许对文件具有写入访问权限(以任何方式,包括ACL权限)的用户修改其权限(包括ACL)。
        #dos filemode = Yes
        ## file/dir creating rules
        ## 文件/目录创建规则
        #create mask = 0666
        #directory mask = 0777
        #force group = root
        #force user = root
        #inherit owner = windows and unix
    ######### Dynamic written config options #########
        ## windows 7 能正常访问,而部分windows 10 不能访问,老是弹出“拒绝访问”,按网上方法设置了、系统重装了n遍还是一样,就用以下两行代码,能解决。
        lanman auth = yes
        ntlm auth = ntlmv1-permitted
        path = /mnt/sda1/aria2
        force user = root
        force group = root
        create mask = 0666
        directory mask = 0777
        read only = yes
        write list = root
        guest ok = no
        #对于windows 以游客身份是否访问(yes/no),
        inherit owner = yes
        path = /mnt/sda1/downloads
        force user = root
        force group = root
        invalid users = you
        create mask = 0666
        directory mask = 0777
        read only = no
        guest ok = no
        inherit owner = yes
        path = /mnt/sda1/shared
        #force user = root
        #force group = root
        create mask = 0666
        directory mask = 0777
        valid users = root you
        read only = no
        writable = yes
        write list = root
        guest ok = no
        inherit owner = yes
        path = /mnt/sda1/video
        force user = root
        force group = root
        invalid users = you
        create mask = 0666
        directory mask = 0777
        read only = no
        guest ok = no
        inherit owner = yes



          本文标题:n1 samba4配置
