2019-11-17 遇见你之前

2019-11-17 遇见你之前

作者: 赵嘉欣 | 来源:发表于2019-11-17 12:27 被阅读0次

这是我第一遍简书 昨晚无聊看一部电影 《遇见你之前》 

整理了一些有意思的语句 和最后男主写给女主的信。 

You are a warm,chatty and life - enhancing presence

You appear to have a problem with your skirt


Paralyzed瘫痪 amyotrophy肌肉萎缩 Irritable暴躁

Shall I make us all a cup of tea

Can we strike a deal whereby you are very un- chatty around me

Still a disaster

Every time I speak,he looks at me like I’m stupid

To be fair I am pretty stupid

Pop a tire

You don’t have to be an arse

Your friends got the shitty treatment.

So if you would be really nice if you didn’t try and make my life as miserable

As you apparently make everyone else’s

Not because I care about you or particularly enjoy your company


Sarcasm is fine I just don’t like superiority

I am not exactly built for it,my life is duller 

It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible

Well you need a shave,if that beard gets any longer,I will picking food out of it

A few weeks should have passed by the time you read this. If you followed the instructions you will be in Paris. On one of those chairs that never sit quite level on the pavement. I hope it still sunny. Across the bridge to your right you will see L’Artisan Parfumeur you should try the scent called papillons extreme. I always did think it would smell great on you. There are a few things I wanted to say and couldn’t,because you would have got all emotional and you wouldn’t have let me finish. So here it is.

Live boldly,Jiaxin Push yourself. Don’t settle. Wear those stripy legs with pride. Knowing you still have possibilities is a luxury. Knowing I might have given them to you has eased something for me. So,this is it. You are scored on my heart. You were from the first day you walked in with your sweet smile and your ridiculous clothes. And your bad jokes. Your complete inability to ever hide a single thing you felt. Don’t think of me too often. I don’t want you getting sad. Just live well. Just live I will be walking beside you every step of the way. Love XX


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      本文标题:2019-11-17 遇见你之前
