2017-11-9 周四
trace 挽具,西方挽马的唯一手段
far stronger were the ancient memories/passed down from his ancestors
far stronger 要更强大
come alive 再生
stand upright 站直
lean forward from the hips 从胯部以上身体向前倾斜
shining coals 发光的煤炭,比喻野兽渴望猎物时的眼睛
should 会 if they did not invite me, I should be offended
trace and trail 缰绳和雪道
round 丰满的,肥胖的 round pink cheeks
greater friction on the sled 雪橇上更大的摩擦力
bite through 咬断
train 队列 baggage train 辎重队
talk of 谈论,说起