

作者: 乐淘淘的书房 | 来源:发表于2023-06-26 12:34 被阅读0次

Life is experience,not destination.The God creates lives with an aim to let it bloom as brilliantly as they can.I am grateful for those bring me to this world.

With the precious resources granted to me,I should experience as much as possible and live a life as wonderful as possible.Last night I stayed up late for celebrity videos.

There guys are so charming and impressive that I cannot help scanning one video after another.I'm very much expecting their lifestyle.People are just like that,something you cannot find in real life you seek in visual reality.that's why films video games and pop singer are so popular.

But you should keep a cold mind, occasion al recreation from visual world is not a big problem but you cannot indulge yourself there.

After you've got to get moving.this life cart is on you to drive,if you stop by the midway obstacles like rocks,nobody or your own laziness and lack of Self-dessipline, then you move very slowly and lag far behind others.

keep moving, concentrate on one thing,that is to improve youself,  there is only one goal,that is to reach the peak.only if you are on the peak then can you be nearer to the people and the things you love,or you are just daydreaming.


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