

作者: 海南说唱艺人Ahei | 来源:发表于2019-08-20 17:56 被阅读0次

"One Sword and Heart" is a game that tests the player's agility. The player who plays the sword is responsible for guarding the city and blocking the enemy's attack. The enemy will launch attacks from the ground and the air. Click on the enemy running on the ground to attack them. Click on the character itself to release the sword to attack the enemy in the air. When the character's anger value is full, click on the character and release the nirvana to kill the enemy. After understanding these operations, carefully attack the sword in the game, guarding City Pool!

If you have any questions about this game, please contact customer service.

Customer Service Phone: 13557333091

Customer Service Email: 805631370@qq.com


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