上一篇说过,导入程序 RFBISA00
不适用于 S/4 Hana,因为 SAP 并没有提供 BAPI 导入会计科目主数据,所以需要用其它办法。之前我在 1610 版本中写过一支 BDC 导入的程序,可作为 S/4 Hana 版本导入的参考。
*& Report ZBDC G/L upload
*& for S/4 1610
*& Developed by Stone Wang
*& on 2017.6.7
*& 使用说明
*& 1) 如果导入中文科目,请在中文环境下操作
*& 2) FS00界面中,不显示左边的navigation tree
report zbdc_gl_upload message-id zstone.
* For ALV display
type-pools: slis.
data: gt_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line,
gs_layout type slis_layout_alv.
* 处理Tab分割符
class cl_abap_char_utilities definition load.
constants: c_tab type c value cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.
ska1, skb1, skat.
data: gt_bdcdata like bdcdata occurs 0 with header line, " 用于储存操作信息
gt_bdcmsgcoll like bdcmsgcoll occurs 0 with header line. " 存储返回信息
* 上传的文件结构须与此内表相同
data: begin of itab occurs 0,
saknr(010), " G/L account
bukrs(004), " Company code
glaccount_type(001), " G/L account type
ktoks(004), " Account group
txt20(020), " Short text
txt50(050), " Lont text
waers(005), " Account currency
xsalh(001), " Only balances in local currency
mwskz(002), " Tax category
xmwno(001), " Allow posting without tax code
mitkz(001), " Recon account type
xopvw(001), " Open item management
KATYP(002), " Cost element type
zuawa(003), " Sort key
fstag(004), " Field status group
xintb(001), " System posting only
txt20en(020), " short text English
txt50en(050), " long text English
end of itab.
* 日志信息
data: begin of gt_log occurs 0,
saknr(010), " G/L account number
type(1), " messange type
txt100(100), " message text
end of gt_log.
selection-screen begin of block blk1 with frame title text01.
* Parameter for file name
parameters: p_file type localfile obligatory default 'D:\会计科目主数据模板BDC.txt'.
selection-screen end of block blk1.
selection-screen begin of block blk2 with frame title text02.
* Parameters for update mode
parameters: mode_a radiobutton group rad type c, " Display All
mode_n radiobutton group rad type c, " Display nothing
moed_e radiobutton group rad type c. " Display error only
selection-screen end of block blk2.
text01 = '导入文件'.
text02 = '更新模式'.
at selection-screen on value-request for p_file.
* Get file full name using dialog
call function 'KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4'
mask = p_file
static = ' '
file_name = p_file.
* upload file to internal table itab
perform upload_file using p_file changing itab[].
perform check_data.
if gt_log[] is initial.
perform upload_data.
perform alv_show.
perform alv_show.
*& Form write_Log_err
* Write error message to log internal table
* -->SAKNR text
* -->MESS_TYPE text
* -->MESSAGE text
form write_log_err using saknr message.
clear gt_log.
gt_log-saknr = saknr.
gt_log-type = 'E'.
gt_log-txt100 = message.
append gt_log.
endform. "write_Log_err
*& Form check_data
* 执行数据检查
* 不用检查科目主数据在COA level或者company code是否存在,由系统检查
form check_data.
data: l_ktopl like ska1-ktopl. " chart of account
data: message type string.
* Delete lines where G/L Account is blank
delete itab where saknr = space.
loop at itab.
* Add leading zeros for g/l account
input = itab-saknr
output = itab-saknr
others = 1.
* Company code cannot be blank
if itab-bukrs = space .
concatenate itab-saknr '公司代码未维护.' into message.
perform write_log_err using itab-saknr message.
* Get chart of account from company code
select single ktopl into l_ktopl
from t001
where bukrs = itab-bukrs.
if itab-txt20 = space .
concatenate itab-saknr '短文本未维护.' into message.
perform write_log_err using itab-saknr message.
if itab-txt50 = space .
concatenate itab-saknr '长文本未维护.' into message.
perform write_log_err using itab-saknr message.
if itab-waers = space .
concatenate itab-saknr '币别未维护.' into message.
perform write_log_err using itab-saknr message.
if itab-fstag eq space .
concatenate itab-saknr '字段状态组未维护.' into message.
perform write_log_err using itab-saknr message.
endform. "check_data
*& Form upload_data
* text
form upload_data.
data: l_mode.
data: l_errorinfo type char100.
* Determine Mode
if mode_a = 'X'. " Display All
l_mode = 'A'.
elseif mode_n = 'X'. " Display Nothing
l_mode = 'N'.
l_mode = 'E'. " Display errors
loop at itab.
clear gt_bdcdata.
refresh gt_bdcdata.
* Enter int the new screen
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLGL_ACCOUNT_MASTER_MAINTAIN' '2001'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=ACC_CRE'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_KEY-BUKRS' .
* G/L account number
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_KEY-SAKNR' itab-saknr.
* Company code
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_KEY-BUKRS' itab-bukrs.
* Screen
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLGL_ACCOUNT_MASTER_MAINTAIN' '2001'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=2102_GROUP'.
* Account group
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA-KTOKS'.
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA-KTOKS' itab-ktoks.
* Account type
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA-GLACCOUNT_TYPE' itab-glaccount_type.
* Screen
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLGL_ACCOUNT_MASTER_MAINTAIN' '2001'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=TAB02'.
* TXT20 & TXT50
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA-TXT50_ML'.
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA-TXT20_ML' itab-txt20 .
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA-TXT50_ML' itab-txt50.
* Screen
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLGL_ACCOUNT_MASTER_MAINTAIN' '2001'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=TAB03'.
* Currency
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CCODE-WAERS' itab-waers.
* Only balances in local currency
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CCODE-XSALH' itab-xsalh.
* Tax category
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CCODE-MWSKZ' itab-mwskz.
* Allow posting without tax
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CCODE-XMWNO' itab-xmwno.
* Cost element type
if not itab-katyp is initial.
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CAREA-KATYP' itab-katyp .
* Sor key
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CCODE-ZUAWA' itab-zuawa.
* Reconcilation account type
if not itab-mitkz is initial.
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CCODE-MITKZ' itab-mitkz.
* Open item management
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CCODE-XOPVW' itab-xopvw.
* Sor key
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CCODE-ZUAWA' itab-zuawa.
* Screen
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLGL_ACCOUNT_MASTER_MAINTAIN' '2001'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=TAB04'.
* Field status group
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CCODE-FSTAG' itab-fstag.
* Post automatically only
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CCODE-XINTB' itab-xintb.
* Screen
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLGL_ACCOUNT_MASTER_MAINTAIN' '2001'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SAVE'.
* English text
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA-TXT20_TX(02)'.
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA-LANGU_TX(02)' 'EN'.
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA-TXT20_TX(02)' itab-txt20en.
perform bdc_field using 'GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA-TXT50_TX(02)' itab-txt50en.
* 调用FS00 tcode
clear gt_bdcmsgcoll.
call transaction 'FS00' using gt_bdcdata
mode l_mode
update 'S' " S为同步更新模式
messages into gt_bdcmsgcoll. " 消息保存
* 处理系统返回信息
* 如果处理成功,gt_bdcmsgcoll为空
if gt_bdcmsgcoll[] is initial.
clear gt_log.
gt_log-saknr = itab-saknr.
concatenate itab-saknr '科目导入成功.' into gt_log-txt100.
gt_log-type = 'S'.
append gt_log.
" print all error messages using gt_bdcmsgcoll.
loop at gt_bdcmsgcoll.
clear l_errorinfo.
call function 'MESSAGE_TEXT_BUILD'
msgid = gt_bdcmsgcoll-msgid
msgnr = gt_bdcmsgcoll-msgnr
msgv1 = gt_bdcmsgcoll-msgv1
msgv2 = gt_bdcmsgcoll-msgv2
* MSGV3 = ' '
* MSGV4 = ' '
message_text_output = l_errorinfo .
perform write_log_err using itab-saknr l_errorinfo.
clear gt_bdcmsgcoll.
endform. "upload_data
* Start new screen
form bdc_dynpro using program dynpro.
clear gt_bdcdata.
gt_bdcdata-program = program.
gt_bdcdata-dynpro = dynpro.
gt_bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.
append gt_bdcdata.
endform. "BDC_DYNPRO
* Insert field
form bdc_field using fnam fval.
clear gt_bdcdata.
gt_bdcdata-fnam = fnam. " field name
gt_bdcdata-fval = fval. " field value
append gt_bdcdata.
endform. "BDC_FIELD
*& Form upload_file
* 上传文件至内表(t_datatab)
form upload_file using in_file type localfile
changing t_datatab type standard table.
data: l_filetype type char10.
data: l_file type string.
data: l_itab type standard table of itab.
* cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload will call GUI_UPLOAD function
* in which the filename parameter is of type String
* so we need to convert
l_file = in_file.
call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
filename = l_file " upload file
filetype = 'ASC'
has_field_separator = c_tab " Has separator
data_tab = t_datatab " import to this intenal table
file_open_error = 1
file_read_error = 2
invalid_type = 3
no_batch = 4
unknown_error = 5
others = 6.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message e001 with '文件上传出错.'.
endform. "Upload_file
*& Form fieldcat_init
* text
* -->FIELD_NAME text
* -->FIELD_TEXT text
* -->FIELD_LENGTH text
form fieldcat_init using field_name
field_length type i.
data: ls_fieldcat type slis_fieldcat_alv.
clear ls_fieldcat.
ls_fieldcat-fieldname = field_name.
ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = field_text.
ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = field_text.
ls_fieldcat-seltext_s = field_text.
ls_fieldcat-outputlen = field_length.
append ls_fieldcat to gt_fieldcat.
endform. "Fieldcat_init
*& Form ALV_SHOW
* text
form alv_show.
* Populate fieldcatalog
perform fieldcat_init using : 'SAKNR' '总帐科目' 10 .
perform fieldcat_init using : 'TYPE' '类型' 4 .
perform fieldcat_init using : 'TXT100' '描述' 100.
call function 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'
i_callback_program = sy-repid
is_layout = gs_layout
it_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat[]
t_outtab = gt_log
program_error = 1
others = 2.
endform. "output