作者: Katie_Pan | 来源:发表于2022-05-19 11:58 被阅读0次

    <The Green Mile> 035

    Release date: 1999-12-6


    Running time: 188 mins

    Recommendation Rate: ★★★★★

    Four questions:

    1、What’s the main idea and the message or value of the movie that the director is going to convey?

    The power of belief. God show miracles. Evil person will definitely be punished. Redemption and be saved.

    2、Find three points that most touching or what you think is the most important details(conversation、picture or plot).

    A/ When comes the last moment of life, even the evil person felt sorry about what they did, but it's too late. I've ever touched by one sentence, it goes, life will finally pass away like a movie in front of you, please make sure that it worth watching. It means do wonderful things, be brave to take risk, be passionate to pursue your dream. In that case, when comes the end of your life, you don't have regret and even proud of yourself. Anyway, never do wicked things.

    B/ John Coffey saved  Hal's wife who got cancer and was going to die. But this couple are all good person, Paul and his colleagues took risk to drive John Coffey to Hal's home and his wife was saved. It was magical the lady said she dreamed of John, they were looking for each other. This is another miracle. God has unlimited power to save human beings. He can feel all the pains and sufferings for all the people alive. Godfather save the universe.

    C/ Evil person finally died and got sick. I was happy when the plot went to Percy shot that bad guy who raped two little girls and killed them by making use of their love to each other. Really crucial. And Percy never show mercy to those guys who are sentenced to death, he even tortured a criminal by not soaked the sponge with water, so that criminal burned to death. Toatally shocked by the died body. They deserve it.

    3、What did you learn from the movie?

    All that you do can be seen by God. Do right things or make things right. Belief has power, believe in God, my godfather.

    4、The background of the story.

    In a jail, the floor is green. The prisoners will live their last days there. Some miracles happened.



