- send sb. sth/send sth to sb.
- send me a card / send card to me
- spoil
- 轻微的损坏
- 感情破坏/损害 English study spoils my holidays.
- 娇惯 spoil the child 惯孩子
- server 服务员
- lend 借给(出去)
- lend sth to sb./lend sb. sth
- Can you lend five bucks to me?
- Can you lend/give me a hand. 能帮个忙吗
- borrow 借进来
- borrow sth from sb.
- Can I borrow five bucks from you?
- decision n.
- make a decision
- decide v.
- decide to do sth
- decide on sth 对sth做决定
- single adj.
- 单一的,唯一的
- single bad/single room/single ticket(return ticket)
- 单身的
- teach-taught-taught
- thing about 思考,考虑,反复想
- think 不及物动词
- think of 想到
- I will think about your advice.
- You make me think of an old friend.
- spend 花费
- sb. spend sth
- spend on + n
- sb. spend sth in doing
- 双宾语
- He sent me a card. 受人与物(人物)
- He sent a card to me. 受物与人(物介人)
- me 间接宾语,card 直接宾语
- lend、send、pass、find、buy、give、teach、bring