While away ffromApple, Steve Jobs had started to learn how to make the most of his strengths, and how to temper somewhat his perilous weakness.
He lived and died as he was born-half genius and half asshole.他出生就是天才和滚蛋的结合体,终其一生都是如此。
The combination, of believing that he has special and of wanting to get things just right,was a potent mix given where and when he was raised.相信自己是特别的,并且想把事情做到完美,是乔布斯从小接受到的教育。
Woz :大Jobs5岁,非常有天赋,两人展开了非常棒的商业合作。
Pixar's Edu Catmull likes to say since you can't control the luck yourself, which is bound to come your way for better and for worse, what matters is your state of preparedness to deal with it.既然你无法控制运气的好坏,唯一能做的就是随时做好准备。