Develop the ability to focus quickly,the ability of accepting single information is not suitable for the needs of modern society,focusing quickly in a noisy environment is the ability which is important.Multi-tasking in a variety of information,dealing with a wide range of information,and achieve the goal is skill we need to learn.
Will you often be interfered and feel distracted?You had a lot of things to do but did not do anything important in a day.Can not be quickly concentrated in a noisy environment,do not have efficiency in doing things.
In the age of information explosion,especially for the sensitive people,and emotional people,they can not accept complex information interference.When you wanted to do something seriously,suddenly came the phone ring,there were all kinds of mails waiting to deal with,different infomation appeared in your chat window.All the world of infomation,you need to search and find,deal with so much variety of infomation and get things done.
Large cities are busy and with high rised buildings,crowded people and vehicles,if it is difficult to deal with large infomation and changes,you will be in the state of anxiety for large of the cities.
The pomodoro technique keep you stay focused and improve the efficiency of doing things.The so-called pomodoro technique is to choose a task,set the timer for 25 minutes,during this time only focus on things related to it,until the alarm clock rings,and then have a short break (5-10 minutes),every 4 interval time can have a rest for longer time,then continue to another interval time,continue the task,keep circulating until task is completed.
I just start a try of pomodoro technique and did not get used to it at first,but it did improve my efficiency,and can get focused to finish one thing.For example,it was difficult to calm down reading a book,writing an article previously,now it is not a trouble for me.Just ask yourself to adapt and become your habit,self-discipline to complete the task every day,so a lot of things done unconsciously and obtain a lot each day,it is indeed a good way.You may try it now.
3 5分钟静思冥想呼吸法
In a noisy environment,our mood is always impetuous,you can have meditation and take breathing first for 5 minutes,observe the breathing state,rhythm and speed,have deep breathing and pour out the bad emotion out of your mind,let yourself relax and calm.
You can practice yoga,have tea,go swimming,have enough sleep,do some sports etc in daily time.When your body stay relax,when your mind is not in too much distractions,it will not difficult to focus your attention.
For example,you can list what you want to do and what is more important thing to do,focus on doing these important things at first.Make daily notes,weekly notes,monthly notes,yearly notes,and have personal summary in different interval time.
Sometimes your idea in your mind is flashing,doing a good note can remind you from time to time,follow how it is going on,and make you have a sense of urgency,you can have review after practice,urge yourself to complete within a specified time,and avoid the delay.
When you are doing things,set the phone in silent mode,do not listen to any songs,do not brush friends circle on WeChat,less attention to the things nothing to do with the task.
Sometimes different points bring our attention,no matter how,we should pay attention to complete around certain thing,so even we are multi-task we can complete the task.
For example,when you play a song, sometimes you should use hands,feet and mouth, if you can use properly at the same time, you can play a good song.
If you are going to do a deep study in a particular area,it will be hard to distract you because your heart is already into it,and you are going naturaly to the study,which is already attractive enough to you,so it will not able to stop you.
Deep study makes you better achievements,today my boss got a large order,100 containers of export quantity,I was shocked.It is because of her deep research,overcome the difficulties,be the most professional one.Nothing is impossible,only you are not focus enough!
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