// CAASchAppSample1 - Creates a component with two connectors and an internal flow between them.
#include <iostream.h>
// This framework
#include "CAASchAppSample1.h"
#include "CAASchAppClassNames.h"
#include "CAASchAppBaseServices.h"
#include "CAASchAppErrors.h"
// CATSchPlatformInterfaces
#include "CATISchBaseFactory.h"
#include "CATISchComponent.h"
#include "CATISchCompGraphic.h"
#include "CATISchAppConnector.h"
#include "CATISchInternalFlow.h"
#include "CATISchGRRComp.h"
#include "CATISchCntrLocation.h"
#include "CATISchCompConnector.h"
#include "CATISchCompFlow.h"
#include "CATISchSession.h"
#include "CATSchListServices.h"
#include "CATISchAppObjectFactory2.h"
// ObjectModelerBase
#include "CATDocument.h"
#include "CATIContainer.h"
#include "CATIAlias.h"
#include "CATSession.h"
// System
#include "CATIUnknownList.h"
#include "IUnknown.h"
// Drafting
#include "CATIDftDocumentServices.h"
#include "CATIDrawing.h"
#include "CATISheet.h"
#include "CATI2DDetail.h"
// Constructor
:_spDetailSpec (NULL_var),
_pSchDoc (NULL),
_piSchComp (NULL),
_piUKAppRef (NULL),
_piBaseFact (NULL),
_piUK (NULL),
_piLUK (NULL),
_piSpecSchComp (NULL),
_piSchAppObjFact (NULL)
cout << "CAASchAppSample1::CAASchAppSample1()" << endl;
// Destructor
cout << "CAASchAppSample1::~CAASchAppSample1()" << endl;
_pSchDoc = NULL;
if ( NULL != _piBaseFact ) { _piBaseFact->Release(); _piBaseFact = NULL; }
if ( NULL != _piSchComp ) { _piSchComp->Release(); _piSchComp = NULL; }
if ( NULL != _piUKAppRef ) { _piUKAppRef->Release(); _piUKAppRef = NULL; }
if ( NULL != _piSpecSchComp ) { _piSpecSchComp->Release(); _piSpecSchComp = NULL; }
if ( NULL != _piUK ) { _piUK->Release(); _piUK = NULL; }
if ( NULL != _piLUK ) { _piLUK->Release(); _piLUK = NULL; }
if ( NULL != _piSchAppObjFact ) { _piSchAppObjFact->Release(); _piSchAppObjFact = NULL; }
// CreateComponent
int CAASchAppSample1::DoSample(const char *iFileToBeLoaded, const char *iPathToOutputFile)
cout <<"============================================================"<< endl;
cout <<"=== CAASchAppSample1::DoSample ==="<< endl;
cout <<"============================================================"<< endl;
// Interface pointer variables used below in the try section.
IUnknown *piUnknown = NULL;
CATISpecObject *piSpec = NULL;
CATISchCompConnector *piCompCtr = NULL;
CATISchCompGraphic *piCompGrr = NULL;
CATIUnknownList *pLIGRRs = NULL;
CATISchGRRComp *piGrr = NULL;
CATISchCntrLocation *piCtrLoc = NULL;
CATISchAppConnector *piAppCtr1 = NULL;
CATISchAppConnector *piAppCtr2 = NULL;
CATISchCompFlow *piCompFlow = NULL;
CATIUnknownList *pLICtrs = NULL;
CATISchInternalFlow *piInternalFlow1 = NULL;
CATISchComponent *piSchComp = NULL;
if ( (NULL_var != _spDrawing) && (NULL_var != _spDetailSheet) )
// Get Schematic Extension container created in InitEnvironment
CATIContainer_var spSchExtCont = GetSchExtContainer();
if (NULL_var == spSchExtCont)
cout << "CreateComponent:"
<< "Cannot find schematic extension container"
<< endl;
return E_FAIL;
// Get all factory interfaces
rc = spSchExtCont->QueryInterface (IID_CATISchBaseFactory,(void **)&_piBaseFact);
if (FAILED(rc) || (NULL == _piBaseFact))
cout << "CreateComponent: "
<< "Cannot find CATISchBaseFactory interface adhesion"
<< endl;
return E_FAIL;
// Get the Current Session
CATSession *pSession = CATSession::GetPtrSession();
if (NULL == pSession)
cout << "Cannot Get session" << endl;
return E_FAIL;
// QueryInterface for Schematic Session
CATISchSession* piSchSession = NULL;
if ( SUCCEEDED( pSession->QueryInterface (IID_CATISchSession,(void**)&piSchSession)))
IID_CATISchAppObjectFactory2, (void**)&_piSchAppObjFact);
piSchSession->Release(); piSchSession = NULL;
cout << "Cannot get schematic session" << endl;
return E_FAIL;
// Find the application component reference
if (NULL != _piSchAppObjFact)
if (SUCCEEDED(_piSchAppObjFact->AppCreateCompRef (SCHEDUClass_Part,NULL,
cout << "Successfully retrieved the application reference component "
<< endl;
cout << "Component: "
<< "Fail to find application object"
<< endl;
return E_FAIL;
cout << "Cannot get Schematic Application Object Factory" << endl;
return E_FAIL;
// Get graphical representation
if (NULL_var == _spDetailSpec)
cout << "CreateComponent: "
<< "Cannot find component graphical representation (detail)"
<< endl;
return E_FAIL;
// _piUK, _piLUK and _piSpecSchComp have not be used up to here
CATSchListServices SchList;
rc = SchList.CreateCATIUnknownList(&_piLUK);
if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
if (NULL != _piLUK)
if (SUCCEEDED (_spDetailSpec->QueryInterface (IID_IUnknown,(void **) &_piUK)) )
_piLUK->Add(0,_piUK); // This list will only have 1 graphical representation
// Create schematic object
rc = _piBaseFact->CreateSchComponent (_piUKAppRef, _piLUK, &_piSchComp);
if (SUCCEEDED(rc) )
if ( NULL != _piSchComp)
rc = _piSchComp->QueryInterface (IID_CATISpecObject,(void **) &_piSpecSchComp);
if ( NULL == _piSchComp ) return E_FAIL;
// We will now add two connectors and an internal flow between them.
// Find CATISchCompConnector interface
rc = _piSchComp->QueryInterface (IID_CATISchCompConnector,(void **) &piCompCtr);
if ( FAILED(rc) || (NULL == piCompCtr) )
cout << "CreateComponent: "
<< "QI Failed for IID_CATISchCompConnector"
<< endl;
return E_FAIL;
// Find CATISchCompGraphic interface
rc = _piSchComp->QueryInterface (IID_CATISchCompGraphic,(void **) &piCompGrr);
if ( FAILED(rc) || (NULL == piCompGrr) )
cout << "CreateComponent: "
<< "QI Failed for IID_CATISchCompGraphic"
<< endl;
return E_FAIL;
// Find Grrs
rc = piCompGrr->ListGraphicalRepresentations (&pLIGRRs);
if ( NULL == pLIGRRs ) return E_FAIL;
rc = pLIGRRs->Item (0,&piUnknown); // We know this component has only 1 graphical rep (since we created it with one, above)
if ( NULL == piUnknown ) return E_FAIL;
rc = piUnknown->QueryInterface (IID_CATISchGRRComp,(void **) &piGrr);
if ( FAILED(rc) || (NULL == piGrr) )
cout << "CreateComponent: "
<< "QI Failed for IID_CATISchGRRComp"
<< endl;
return E_FAIL;
// Remove dummy instance from the doc
rc = CAASchAppBaseServices::RemoveAppObjInstByClass (SCHEDUClass_Part,_pSchDoc);
// Create connectors
// Connector 1
double ctr1Loc[2] = { -30.0, 0.0 };
double vector1[2] = { -1.0, 0.0 };
rc = piCompCtr->AddConnector (SCHEDUClass_Connector, piGrr, ctr1Loc, &piAppCtr1);
if ( FAILED(rc) || (NULL == piAppCtr1) )
cout << "CreateComponent: "
<< "Add Connector 1 Failed"
<< endl;
return E_FAIL;
rc = piAppCtr1->QueryInterface (IID_CATISchCntrLocation,(void **) &piCtrLoc);
if (SUCCEEDED (rc) && (NULL != piCtrLoc) )
piCtrLoc->SetAlignVector(NULL, vector1);
piCtrLoc->Release(); piCtrLoc = NULL;
rc = piAppCtr1->QueryInterface (IID_CATISpecObject,(void **) &piSpec);
if (SUCCEEDED (rc) && (NULL != piSpec) )
piSpec->Release(); piSpec = NULL;
// Connector 2
double ctr2Loc[2] = { 30.0, 0.0 };
double vector2[2] = { 1.0, 0.0 };
rc = piCompCtr->AddConnector (SCHEDUClass_Connector, piGrr, ctr2Loc, &piAppCtr2);
if ( FAILED(rc) || (NULL == piAppCtr2) )
cout << "CreateComponent: "
<< "Add Connector 2 Failed"
<< endl;
return E_FAIL;
rc = piAppCtr2->QueryInterface (IID_CATISchCntrLocation,(void **) &piCtrLoc);
if (SUCCEEDED (rc) && (NULL != piCtrLoc) )
piCtrLoc->SetAlignVector(NULL, vector2);
piCtrLoc->Release(); piCtrLoc = NULL;
rc = piAppCtr2->QueryInterface (IID_CATISpecObject,(void **) &piSpec);
if (SUCCEEDED (rc) && (NULL != piSpec) )
piSpec->Release(); piSpec = NULL;
// Now add flow between the two connectors created above.
// First get the CATISchCompFlow interface from our reference object, so
// that we can use it's methods to create a flow.
rc = _piSchComp->QueryInterface (IID_CATISchCompFlow, (void **) &piCompFlow);
if ( FAILED(rc) || (NULL == piCompFlow) )
cout << "CreateComponent: "
<< "QI Failed for IID_CATISchCompFlow"
<< endl;
return E_FAIL;
// We are going to use the CATISchCompFlow::AddInternalFlow method, which takes two arguments:
// 1. a list of unknown pointers to the connector pairs.
// 2. an output internal flow interface pointer to the internal flow created.
CATSchListServices aList;
aList.CreateCATIUnknownList(&pLICtrs); // Create a list of unknowns
rc = piAppCtr1->QueryInterface (IID_IUnknown, (void **) &piUnknown);
if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && (NULL != piUnknown) && (NULL != pLICtrs))
rc = pLICtrs->Add(0,piUnknown);
piUnknown->Release(); piUnknown = NULL;
rc = piAppCtr2->QueryInterface (IID_IUnknown, (void **) &piUnknown);
if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && (NULL != piUnknown) && (NULL != pLICtrs))
rc = pLICtrs->Add(1,piUnknown);
piUnknown->Release(); piUnknown = NULL;
rc = piCompFlow->AddInternalFlow(pLICtrs, &piInternalFlow1);
if ( FAILED(rc) || (NULL == piInternalFlow1) )
cout << "CreateComponent: "
<< "AddInternalFlow failed"
<< endl;
return E_FAIL;
rc = (piInternalFlow1)->QueryInterface (IID_CATISpecObject,(void **) &piSpec);
if (SUCCEEDED (rc) && (NULL != piSpec))
piSpec->Release(); piSpec = NULL;
// Now Instanciate the reference...
// Create component instance from reference
// First set the main sheet
double aDb6Axis[6] = {1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,50.0,100.0};
rc = _piSchComp->PlaceInSpace (NULL, aDb6Axis, &piSchComp);
if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
CATISpecObject *piSpecObjInst = NULL;
CATISpecObject *piSchCompInst = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED (piSchComp->QueryInterface(IID_CATISpecObject,(void **) &piSpecObjInst)))
if (SUCCEEDED (piSchComp->QueryInterface (IID_CATISpecObject,(void **) &piSchCompInst)))
if ( NULL != piSchCompInst ) { piSchCompInst->Release(); piSchCompInst = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piSpecObjInst ) { piSpecObjInst->Release(); piSpecObjInst = NULL; }
CATCatch (CATError, error)
if ( NULL != piSchCompInst ) { piSchCompInst->Release(); piSchCompInst = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piSpecObjInst ) { piSpecObjInst->Release(); piSpecObjInst = NULL; }
cout << "Fail in PlaceInSpace for creating first instance "
<< "from the reference"
<< endl;
} // end CATTry
if ( NULL != piUnknown ) { piUnknown->Release(); piUnknown = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piSpec ) { piSpec->Release(); piSpec = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piCompCtr ) { piCompCtr->Release(); piCompCtr = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piCompGrr ) { piCompGrr->Release(); piCompGrr = NULL; }
if ( NULL != pLIGRRs ) { pLIGRRs->Release(); pLIGRRs = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piGrr ) { piGrr->Release(); piGrr = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piCtrLoc ) { piCtrLoc->Release(); piCtrLoc = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piAppCtr1 ) { piAppCtr1->Release(); piAppCtr1 = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piAppCtr2 ) { piAppCtr2->Release(); piAppCtr2 = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piCompFlow ) { piCompFlow->Release(); piCompFlow = NULL; }
if ( NULL != pLICtrs ) { pLICtrs->Release(); pLICtrs = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piInternalFlow1 ) { piInternalFlow1->Release(); piInternalFlow1 = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piSchComp ) { piSchComp->Release(); piSchComp = NULL; }
if (NULL != iPathToOutputFile)
cout << "Document saved as : " << iPathToOutputFile << endl;
SaveDocument (iPathToOutputFile);
CATCatch (CATError, error)
if ( NULL != piUnknown ) { piUnknown->Release(); piUnknown = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piSpec ) { piSpec->Release(); piSpec = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piCompCtr ) { piCompCtr->Release(); piCompCtr = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piCompGrr ) { piCompGrr->Release(); piCompGrr = NULL; }
if ( NULL != pLIGRRs ) { pLIGRRs->Release(); pLIGRRs = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piGrr ) { piGrr->Release(); piGrr = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piCtrLoc ) { piCtrLoc->Release(); piCtrLoc = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piAppCtr1 ) { piAppCtr1->Release(); piAppCtr1 = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piAppCtr2 ) { piAppCtr2->Release(); piAppCtr2 = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piCompFlow ) { piCompFlow->Release(); piCompFlow = NULL; }
if ( NULL != pLICtrs ) { pLICtrs->Release(); pLICtrs = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piInternalFlow1 ) { piInternalFlow1->Release(); piInternalFlow1 = NULL; }
if ( NULL != piSchComp ) { piSchComp->Release(); piSchComp = NULL; }
cout << "CAASchAppSample1::DoSample *** CATRethrow" << endl;
return 0 ;
// Initialize the environment for testing objects.
void CAASchAppSample1::InitEnvironment (const char *iFileToBeLoaded)
CreateCATProductEnv (iFileToBeLoaded);
_pSchDoc = GetDocument();
GetDraftingObjects ();
CATCatch (CATError, error)
cout << "CAASchAppSample1::InitEnvironment *** CATRethrow"
<< endl;
// Get drafting objects
void CAASchAppSample1::GetDraftingObjects ()
if (NULL == _pSchDoc)
cout << "CAASchAppSample1::Cannot find DOCUMENT " << endl;
CATIDftDocumentServices *piService = NULL;
rc = _pSchDoc->QueryInterface (IID_CATIDftDocumentServices,(void**)&piService);
if (FAILED(rc)) return;
CATIDrawing* piDrawing = NULL;
rc = piService->GetDrawing (IID_CATIDrawing,(void**)&piDrawing);
piService = NULL;
if (FAILED(rc)) return;
_spDrawing = piDrawing;
CATLISTV(CATISpecObject_var) LSheet = piDrawing->GetSheetList();
piDrawing = NULL;
int SizeOfLSheet = LSheet.Size();
int SizeOfLView = 0;
_spDetailSpec = NULL_var;
cout << "Size of sheet list = " << SizeOfLSheet << endl;
for (int iSheet = 1; (iSheet <= SizeOfLSheet) && (NULL_var == _spDetailSpec); iSheet++)
CATISheet_var spSheet = LSheet[iSheet];
CATIAlias_var spShAlias = spSheet;
cout << "Member sheet: " << iSheet << "is "
<< (spShAlias->GetAlias()).CastToCharPtr() << endl;
boolean BYes = FALSE;
if (BYes == TRUE)
cout << "detail sheet" << endl;
_spDetailSheet = spSheet;
CATLISTV(CATISpecObject_var) LView = spSheet->GetViewList();
CATISpecObject_var spSpecView;
SizeOfLView = LView.Size();
cout << "Size of view list = " << SizeOfLView << endl;
if (SizeOfLView < 3)
for (int iView = 3; (iView <= SizeOfLView) && (NULL_var == _spDetailSpec); iView++)
spSpecView = LView[iView];
if (!!spSpecView)
CATI2DDetail *piDetail = NULL;
rc = spSpecView->QueryInterface (IID_CATI2DDetail,(void **) &piDetail);
cout << "Member " << iView << endl;
if (NULL != piDetail)
cout << "Got CATI2DDetail pointer " << endl;
piDetail = NULL;
CATISpecObject *piDtlSpec = NULL;
rc = spSpecView->QueryInterface (IID_CATISpecObject,(void **) &piDtlSpec);
if (NULL != piDtlSpec)
_spDetailSpec = piDtlSpec;
cout << "Got CATISpecObject pointer " << endl;
piDtlSpec = NULL;
} // if (!!spSpecView)
} // end for each view
} // end if IsDetail
cout << "not detail sheet" << endl;
}// end for each sheet
} // end CATTry
CATCatch (CATError, error)
cout << "CAASchAppSample1::GetDraftingObjects *** CATRethrow"
<< endl;