

作者: 锦囊喵 | 来源:发表于2020-08-05 09:53 被阅读0次

    CATIA CAA:常用文件操作

     * @quickreview vso jsk 08:02:07
    #include "CAASchAppFeatureSUServices.h"
    #include "CAASchAppBaseServices.h"
    #include "CAASchAppClassNames.h"
    #include "CATISchAppRoute.h"
    #include "CATISchAppConnectable.h"
    // ApplicationFrame
    #include "CATFrmEditor.h"
    #include "CATDocument.h"
    // Product Structure
    #include "CATIProduct.h"
    // ObjectModelerBase
    #include "CATInit.h"
    #include "CATSessionServices.h"
    #include "CATIProperty.h"
    #include "CATIUserId.h"
    // ObjectSpecsModeler
    #include "CATISpecAttrAccess.h"
    #include "CATLISTV_CATISpecAttrKey.h"
    #include "CATLISTV_CATISpecAttribute.h"
    #include "CATCatalogFactoryServices.h"   // Access Catalog global functions
    #include "CATICatalog.h"
    // System
    #include "IUnknown.h"
    #include "CATIEditor.h"
    #include "CATLib.h"
    #include "CATLISTV_CATBaseUnknown.h"
    #include "CATIDocRoots.h"
    #include "CATGetEnvValue.h"
    //  Find a document in session.
    CATDocument * CAASchAppBaseServices::GetDocInSession (const char *iDocType)
       CATDocument *pDoc = NULL;
       CATFrmEditor *pFrmEditor = CATFrmEditor::GetCurrentEditor();
       if (NULL != pFrmEditor) 
          pDoc = pFrmEditor->GetDocument();
       // There are times when the CATFrmEditor is not yet activated (e.g.
       // during document creation time or that we are running an ODT,
       // therefore pDoc is NULL. In those
       // cases, we try to find the pDoc from the session
       if (NULL == pDoc)
         CATString SDocType ("CATProduct");
         if (NULL != iDocType) SDocType = iDocType;
         const CATLISTP(CATDocument)* LDoc = ListDocuments();
         if (NULL != LDoc)
            int SizeOfLDoc = LDoc->Size();
            CATDocument *pDocMem;
            for (int iDoc=1; iDoc <= SizeOfLDoc; iDoc++)
               pDocMem = (*LDoc)[iDoc];         
               if ( NULL != pDocMem && pDocMem->IsAKindOf(SDocType.CastToCharPtr()))
                  pDoc = pDocMem;
       return pDoc;
    //  Find an feature object in a container by a specific name
    CATISpecObject_var CAASchAppBaseServices::FindFeatureByName (
       const char *iObjectName, const CATIContainer_var &iCont)
       CATISpecObject_var spObjFound = NULL_var;
       CATUnicodeString UObjectName (iObjectName);
       // @CSC-Filter VIOI vso(04-04-01)
       SEQUENCE (CATBaseUnknown_ptr) L0Obj = iCont->
       int SizeOfL0Obj = L0Obj.length();
       CATISpecObject *piSpec = NULL;
       for (int iObj=0; iObj<SizeOfL0Obj; iObj++)
            piSpec = (CATISpecObject *) L0Obj[iObj];
            if (NULL != piSpec) 
            if (piSpec->GetName()== UObjectName)
              spObjFound = piSpec;
            piSpec->Release(); piSpec = NULL;
       return spObjFound;
    //  Find a route reference in a container by a specific class type
    CATISpecObject_var CAASchAppBaseServices::FindRouteRefByClass (
       const CATUnicodeString &iUClass, const CATIContainer_var &iCont)
       HRESULT RC = S_OK;
       CATISpecObject_var spObjFound = NULL_var;
       CATUnicodeString ClassType;
       int MatchPos;
       CATISchAppRoute *piSchRoute = NULL;
       // @CSC-Filter VIOI vso(04-04-01)
       SEQUENCE (CATBaseUnknown_ptr) L0Obj = iCont->
       int SizeOfL0Obj = L0Obj.length();
       CATISpecObject *piSpec = NULL;
       int iObj;
       for (iObj=0; iObj<SizeOfL0Obj; iObj++)
            piSpec = (CATISpecObject *) L0Obj[iObj];
            if (NULL != piSpec) 
            ClassType = piSpec->GetType();
            MatchPos = ClassType.SearchSubString(iUClass);
            if (MatchPos >= 0)
               RC = piSpec->QueryInterface(IID_CATISchAppRoute,
                                  (void **) &piSchRoute);
               if ( SUCCEEDED (RC) && piSchRoute )
                 spObjFound = piSpec;
                 piSchRoute->Release(); piSchRoute = NULL;
       } // for 
       // clean up
       for (iObj=0; iObj<SizeOfL0Obj; iObj++)
         if (L0Obj[iObj])
            L0Obj[iObj] = NULL;
       return spObjFound;
    //  Get the product root object
    CATIProduct_var CAASchAppBaseServices::GetProductRootObject (
       CATDocument *iDoc)
       CATDocument *pDoc = NULL;
       CATIProduct_var spRootPrd = NULL_var;
       CATISpecObject_var spRootSpec = NULL_var;
       if (NULL != iDoc)
          pDoc = iDoc;
          pDoc = CAASchAppBaseServices::GetDocInSession();
       // Should have done this if there is a CATProduct document
       if ( NULL != pDoc && pDoc->IsAKindOf ("CATProduct"))
          spRootPrd = GetSchematicRoot(pDoc);  
       return spRootPrd;
    //  Create/Get product structure application sub-Container
    //  create one if not exists, otherwise return existing one
    CATIContainer_var CAASchAppBaseServices::GetAppObjContainer (
       CATDocument *iDoc)
       CATIContainer_var spSubCont = NULL_var;
       CATInit_var spInit = iDoc;
       if (NULL_var != spInit)
         CATIContainer *piCont = (CATIContainer *)spInit->GetRootContainer (CATIContainer::ClassName());
         spSubCont = piCont;
         if (piCont) { piCont->Release(); piCont = NULL; }     
       return spSubCont;
    //  Get the schematic root object.
    CATISpecObject_var CAASchAppBaseServices::GetSchematicRoot (CATDocument *iDoc)
       CATISpecObject_var spSchRoot = NULL_var;
       CATDocument *pDoc  = NULL;
       if (NULL == iDoc)
          pDoc = CAASchAppBaseServices::GetDocInSession();
          pDoc = iDoc;
       CATIDocRoots_var spDocRoot = pDoc;
       CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var) *pLBUK = NULL;
       if (NULL_var != spDocRoot) pLBUK = spDocRoot->GiveDocRoots();
       if (NULL != pLBUK) 
          if (pLBUK->Size()) spSchRoot = (*pLBUK)[1];
          delete pLBUK; pLBUK = NULL;
       return spSchRoot;
    //  Find an application object in a container by a specific class type
    CATISpecObject_var CAASchAppBaseServices::FindAppObjByClass (
       const CATUnicodeString &iUClass, const CATIContainer_var &iCont)
       HRESULT RC = S_OK;
       CATISpecObject_var spObjFound = NULL_var;
       CATUnicodeString ClassType;
       int MatchPos;
       CATISchAppConnectable *piSchAppCntbl = NULL;
       // @CSC-Filter VIOI vso(04-04-01)
       SEQUENCE (CATBaseUnknown_ptr) L0Obj = iCont->
       int SizeOfL0Obj = L0Obj.length();
       CATISpecObject *piSpec;
       for (int iObj=0; iObj<SizeOfL0Obj; iObj++)
            piSpec = (CATISpecObject *) L0Obj[iObj];
            if (NULL != piSpec) 
            if (!spObjFound)
              ClassType = piSpec->GetType();
              MatchPos = ClassType.SearchSubString(iUClass);
              if (MatchPos >= 0)
                spObjFound = piSpec;
            piSpec = NULL;
       return spObjFound;
    //  Find an application object in a container by a specific class type
    HRESULT CAASchAppBaseServices::FindAppObjByClass (
       const CATUnicodeString &iUClass, const CATIContainer_var &iCont,
       CATListValCATISpecObject_var &oLAppObjects)
       HRESULT RC = S_OK;
       CATISpecObject_var spObjFound = NULL_var;
       CATUnicodeString ClassType;
       int MatchPos;
       CATISchAppConnectable *piSchAppCntbl = NULL;
       // @CSC-Filter VIOI vso(04-04-01)
       SEQUENCE (CATBaseUnknown_ptr) L0Obj = iCont->
       int SizeOfL0Obj = L0Obj.length();
       CATISpecObject *piSpec;
       for (int iObj=0; iObj<SizeOfL0Obj; iObj++)
            piSpec = (CATISpecObject *) L0Obj[iObj];
            if (NULL != piSpec) 
            ClassType = piSpec->GetType();
            MatchPos = ClassType.SearchSubString(iUClass);
            if (MatchPos >= 0)
               spObjFound = piSpec;
            piSpec = NULL;
       return RC;
    //  Find an application object in a container by a specific class type
    HRESULT CAASchAppBaseServices::RemoveAppObjInstByClass (
       const CATUnicodeString &iUClass, CATDocument *iDoc)
       HRESULT RC = S_OK;
       CATISpecObject_var spObjFound;
       CATUnicodeString ClassType;
       int MatchPos;
       CATIContainer_var spAppCont;
       CATIProduct_var spPrdRoot;
       CATIProduct_var spPrd;
       if (iDoc) spAppCont = GetAppObjContainer(iDoc);
       if (!!spAppCont)
         spPrdRoot = GetProductRootObject(iDoc);
       if (!!spAppCont && !!spPrdRoot)
         // @CSC-Filter VIOI jsk(04-05-05)
         SEQUENCE (CATBaseUnknown_ptr) L0Obj = spAppCont->
         int SizeOfL0Obj = L0Obj.length();
         CATISpecObject *piSpec;
         for (int iObj=0; iObj<SizeOfL0Obj; iObj++)
             piSpec = (CATISpecObject *) L0Obj[iObj];
             if (NULL != piSpec) 
             ClassType = piSpec->GetType();
             MatchPos = ClassType.SearchSubString(iUClass);
             if (MatchPos >= 0)
               spObjFound = piSpec;
               // make sure this is an instance
               spPrd = spObjFound;
               if (!!spPrd) 
                 if (FAILED(spPrd->IsReference()))
                   // RemoveProduct
               } // if (!!spPrdRef) 
             piSpec = NULL;
         } // for iObj
       return RC;



