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Groovy基础语法 - 数字类型

Groovy基础语法 - 数字类型

作者: CXY_XZL | 来源:发表于2022-09-28 10:54 被阅读0次



    整型文字类型与 Java 中的相同:

    • byte
    • char
    • short
    • int
    • long
    • java.math.BigInteger


    // primitive types
    byte  b = 1
    char  c = 2
    short s = 3
    int   i = 4
    long  l = 5
    // infinite precision
    BigInteger bi =  6



    def a = 1
    assert a instanceof Integer  //true
    // Integer.MAX_VALUE
    def b = 2147483647
    assert b instanceof Integer   //true
    // Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1
    def c = 2147483648
    assert c instanceof Long   //true
    // Long.MAX_VALUE
    def d = 9223372036854775807
    assert d instanceof Long   //true
    // Long.MAX_VALUE + 1
    def e = 9223372036854775808
    assert e instanceof BigInteger   //true


    def na = -1
    assert na instanceof Integer  //true
    // Integer.MIN_VALUE
    def nb = -2147483648
    assert nb instanceof Integer  //true
    // Integer.MIN_VALUE - 1
    def nc = -2147483649
    assert nc instanceof Long   //true
    // Long.MIN_VALUE
    def nd = -9223372036854775808
    assert nd instanceof Long  //true
    // Long.MIN_VALUE - 1
    def ne = -9223372036854775809
    assert ne instanceof BigInteger  //true




    int xInt = 0b10101111
    assert xInt == 175     //true
    short xShort = 0b11001001
    assert xShort == 201 as short  //true
    byte xByte = 0b11
    assert xByte == 3 as byte   //true
    long xLong = 0b101101101101
    assert xLong == 2925l    //true
    BigInteger xBigInteger = 0b111100100001
    assert xBigInteger == 3873g    //true
    int xNegativeInt = -0b10101111
    assert xNegativeInt == -175    //true



    int xInt = 077
    assert xInt == 63   //true
    short xShort = 011
    assert xShort == 9 as short //true
    byte xByte = 032
    assert xByte == 26 as byte   //true
    long xLong = 0246
    assert xLong == 166l   //true
    BigInteger xBigInteger = 01111
    assert xBigInteger == 585g   //true
    int xNegativeInt = -077
    assert xNegativeInt == -63    //true



    int xInt = 0x77
    assert xInt == 119
    short xShort = 0xaa
    assert xShort == 170 as short
    byte xByte = 0x3a
    assert xByte == 58 as byte
    long xLong = 0xffff
    assert xLong == 65535l
    BigInteger xBigInteger = 0xaaaa
    assert xBigInteger == 43690g
    Double xDouble = new Double('0x1.0p0')
    assert xDouble == 1.0d
    int xNegativeInt = -0x77
    assert xNegativeInt == -119


    十进制文字类型与 Java 中的相同:

    • float
    • double
    • java.math.BigDecimal
    // primitive types
    float  f = 1.234
    double d = 2.345
    // infinite precision
    BigDecimal bd =  3.456


    assert 1e3  ==  1000.0  //true
    assert 2E4  == 20000.0  //true
    assert 3e+1 ==     30.0   //true
    assert 4E-2 ==      0.04  //true
    assert 5e-1 ==      0.5   //true

    为了方便精确地计算十进制数,Groovy 选择java.math.BigDecimal作为其十进制数类型。此外,floatdouble两者都受支持,但需要显式类型声明、类型强制或后缀。即使 java.math.BigDecimal是十进制数的默认值,此类文本在采用floatdouble作为参数类型的方法或闭包中也被接受。



    long creditCardNumber = 1234_5678_9012_3456L
    long socialSecurityNumbers = 999_99_9999L
    double monetaryAmount = 12_345_132.12
    long hexBytes = 0xFF_EC_DE_5E
    long hexWords = 0xFFEC_DE5E
    long maxLong = 0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffffL
    long alsoMaxLong = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807L
    long bytes = 0b11010010_01101001_10010100_10010010



    类型 后缀
    BigInteger G or g
    Long L or l
    Integer I or i
    BigDecimal G or g
    Double D or d
    Float F or f


    assert 42I == Integer.valueOf('42')    //true
    assert 42i == Integer.valueOf('42') // lowercase i more readable    //true
    assert 123L == Long.valueOf("123") // uppercase L more readable    //true
    assert 2147483648 == Long.valueOf('2147483648') // Long type used, value too large for an Integer    //true
    assert 456G == new BigInteger('456')   //true
    assert 456g == new BigInteger('456')    //true
    assert 123.45 == new BigDecimal('123.45') // default BigDecimal type used   //true
    assert .321 == new BigDecimal('.321')   //true
    assert 1.200065D == Double.valueOf('1.200065')   //true
    assert 1.234F == Float.valueOf('1.234')  //true
    assert 1.23E23D == Double.valueOf('1.23E23')  //true
    assert 0b1111L.class == Long // binary  //true
    assert 0xFFi.class == Integer // hexadecimal  //true
    assert 034G.class == BigInteger // octal  //true


    • bytecharshortint这四种类型和int类型之间的二进制运算的数据类型是int
    • bytecharshortintlong这五种类型和long类型之间的二进制运算的数据类型是long
    • BigInteger类型和其他整数类型运算的数据类型是BigInteger
    • bytecharshortintlongBigIntegerBigDecimal这七种类型和BigDecimal类型之间的二进制运算的数据类型是BigDecimal
    • floatdoubleBigDecimal这三种类型之间的二进制运算的数据类型是double

    由于 Groovy 的运算符重载,通常的算术运算符也可以与BigIntegerBigDecimal一起使用,这与 Java 中不同,在 Java 中,您必须使用显式方法来操作这些数字


    除法运算符/(以及/=除法和赋值)如果任一操作数是 floator doubleBigDecimal,则产生double结果,否则产生BigDecimal结果(当两个操作数都是整数类型bytecharshortintlongBigIntegerBigDecimal 的任意组合)。


    Groovy 的指数操作使用以下规则来确定结果类型:

    • 如果指数是十进制值
      • 如果结果可以表示为 Integer,则返回Integer
      • 否则,如果结果可以表示为 Long,则返回Long
      • 否则返回Double
    • 如果指数是整数值
      • 如果指数严格为负数,则返回 一个IntegerLong ,或者Double,如果结果值适合该类型
      • 如果指数为正数或零
        • 如果基数为 BigDecimal,则返回结果值BigDecimal
        • 如果基数为 BigDecimal,则返回结果值BigInteger
        • 如果基数是 Integer,则返回 Integer,如果结果值适合它,否则BigInteger
        • 如果基数是 Long,则返回 Long,如果结果值适合它,否则 BigInteger
    // base and exponent are ints and the result can be represented by an Integer
    assert    2    **   3    instanceof Integer    //  8
    assert   10    **   9    instanceof Integer    //  1_000_000_000
    // the base is a long, so fit the result in a Long
    // (although it could have fit in an Integer)
    assert    5L   **   2    instanceof Long       //  25
    // the result can't be represented as an Integer or Long, so return a BigInteger
    assert  100    **  10    instanceof BigInteger //  10e20
    assert 1234    ** 123    instanceof BigInteger //  170515806212727042875...
    // the base is a BigDecimal and the exponent a negative int
    // but the result can be represented as an Integer
    assert    0.5  **  -2    instanceof Integer    //  4
    // the base is an int, and the exponent a negative float
    // but again, the result can be represented as an Integer
    assert    1    **  -0.3f instanceof Integer    //  1
    // the base is an int, and the exponent a negative int
    // but the result will be calculated as a Double
    // (both base and exponent are actually converted to doubles)
    assert   10    **  -1    instanceof Double     //  0.1
    // the base is a BigDecimal, and the exponent is an int, so return a BigDecimal
    assert    1.2  **  10    instanceof BigDecimal //  6.1917364224
    // the base is a float or double, and the exponent is an int
    // but the result can only be represented as a Double value
    assert    3.4f **   5    instanceof Double     //  454.35430372146965
    assert    5.6d **   2    instanceof Double     //  31.359999999999996
    // the exponent is a decimal value
    // and the result can only be represented as a Double value
    assert    7.8  **   1.9  instanceof Double     //  49.542708423868476
    assert    2    **   0.1f instanceof Double     //  1.0717734636432956



        本文标题:Groovy基础语法 - 数字类型
