
Fans of a popular Chinese video blogger who called herself "Your Highness Qiao Biluo" have been left stunned after a technical glitch during one of her live-streams revealed her to be a middle-aged woman and not the young glamorous girl they thought her to be.

“乔碧萝殿下”的大名是“Your Highness Qiao Biluo”, 殿下对应的是Highness.
技术事故technical glitch
Most commentators said her followers were gullible, superficial and deserved to be "tricked" into parting with their cash gifts without first verifying her identity.

gullible 易被骗的
Deserve 活该
Verify one’s identity 核实身份
Qiao Biluo has since suspended her platform according to Weibo users, who are debating the impact of what happened.

Suspend one’s platform 销号,注销平台账号
Some users are saying it's good riddance to her for conning people out of their money.
Good riddance 总算拜托了
Con people out of their money 骗钱
But others question the IQ of the men throwing money at her.

怀疑某人智商 question the IQ of someone
扔钱throw money
Some users are more sympathetic, asking people not to judge her by her appearance, noting that her popularity came from her voice, and that she might have to seek therapy after the backlash.

有同情心的 sympathetic
以貌取人 judge someone by one’s appearance
寻求治疗 seek therapy
巨大的打击 backlash
And some are praising the other live-streamer, Qingzi, who showed no reaction to Qiao Biluo's face being revealed.
主播 live-streamer
保持淡定,没有反应 show no reaction to sth.
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