

作者: 风生水起_2018 | 来源:发表于2019-06-20 16:07 被阅读0次


    // It would take more than 10^12 years to brute-force a 128 bit seed using $1B worth of computing equipment.
        public static final int DEFAULT_SEED_ENTROPY_BITS = 128;
        public static final int DEFAULT_SEED_ENTROPY_BITS_15 = 160;
     public synchronized boolean generateRandomSeed(final Context ctx, int size, String passphrase) {
            String languageCode = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
            Log.d("chendy", "default languageCode:" + languageCode);//zh
            List<String> wordList = Bip39Reader.getBip39Words(ctx, "zh-Hans");
            if (wordList.size() != Bip39Reader.WORD_LIST_SIZE) {
                BRReportsManager.reportBug(new IllegalArgumentException("the list is wrong, size: " + wordList.size()), true);
                return false;
            int entropyBits=DEFAULT_SEED_ENTROPY_BITS;
            SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
            byte[] randomSeed = sr.generateSeed(size);
            if (randomSeed.length != size)
                throw new NullPointerException("failed to create the seed, seed length is not " +entropyBits+":"+ randomSeed.length);
            List<String> mnemonicCode ;
                DeterministicSeed seed = new DeterministicSeed(sr,entropyBits,passphrase);
                mnemonicCode = seed.getMnemonicCode();
                Log.d("chendy", "a MnemonicCode:" + mnemonicCode);//zh
                randomSeed = BRCoreMasterPubKey.getEntropy(new SecureRandom(),entropyBits);
                try {
                    mnemonicCode = BRCoreMasterPubKey.toMnemonic(wordList,randomSeed);
                    Log.d("chendy", "b MnemonicCode" );//zh
                } catch (MnemonicException.MnemonicLengthException e) {
                    // cannot happen
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
            String mnemonic = org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.SPACE_JOINER.join(mnemonicCode);
            Log.d("chendy", size+"位:" + mnemonic);//zh
            if (mnemonicCode == null || mnemonicCode.size() == 0) {
                BRReportsManager.reportBug(new NullPointerException("failed to encodeSeed"), true);
                return false;
            if (mnemonicCode.size() != size) {
                BRReportsManager.reportBug(new NullPointerException("phrase does not have " +size+ " words:" +mnemonicCode.size() + ", lang: " + languageCode), true);
                return false;
            return true;
         * Convert entropy data to mnemonic word list.
        public static List<String> toMnemonic(List<String> wordList, byte[] entropy) throws MnemonicException.MnemonicLengthException {
            if (entropy.length % 4 > 0)
                throw new MnemonicException.MnemonicLengthException("Entropy length not multiple of 32 bits.");
            if (entropy.length == 0)
                throw new MnemonicException.MnemonicLengthException("Entropy is empty.");
            // We take initial entropy of ENT bits and compute its
            // checksum by taking first ENT / 32 bits of its SHA256 hash.
            byte[] hash = Sha256Hash.hash(entropy);
            boolean[] hashBits = bytesToBits(hash);
            boolean[] entropyBits = bytesToBits(entropy);
            int checksumLengthBits = entropyBits.length / 32;
            // We append these bits to the end of the initial entropy.
            boolean[] concatBits = new boolean[entropyBits.length + checksumLengthBits];
            System.arraycopy(entropyBits, 0, concatBits, 0, entropyBits.length);
            System.arraycopy(hashBits, 0, concatBits, entropyBits.length, checksumLengthBits);
            // Next we take these concatenated bits and split them into
            // groups of 11 bits. Each group encodes number from 0-2047
            // which is a position in a wordlist.  We convert numbers into
            // words and use joined words as mnemonic sentence.
            ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<>();
            int nwords = concatBits.length / 11;
            for (int i = 0; i < nwords; ++i) {
                int index = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < 11; ++j) {
                    index <<= 1;
                    if (concatBits[(i * 11) + j])
                        index |= 0x1;
            return words;
        private static boolean[] bytesToBits(byte[] data) {
            boolean[] bits = new boolean[data.length * 8];
            for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
                    bits[(i * 8) + j] = (data[i] & (1 << (7 - j))) != 0;
            return bits;
        public static byte[] getEntropy(SecureRandom random, int bits) {
            checkArgument(bits <= MAX_SEED_ENTROPY_BITS, "requested entropy size too large");
            byte[] seed = new byte[bits / 8];
            return seed;



