Preparing youths to be financially savvy before they embark upon their next great chapter in life – going to university and beyond – and potentially taking on debt in the form of student loans or credit card debt, becomes essential to ensure they enjoy good economic standing.

Worldwide, YaleGlobal notes that student debt has been rising. For instance, the federal student loan debt stands at US$1.5 trillion in the US. While numerous factors are at play for this figure, such as the high cost of tuition fees and low or stagnant wages of graduates upon graduation, a solid grasp of financial literacy can help prepare students for the world they will soon be stepping into.

One American study found that nearly one third of young adults “were found to be ‘financially precarious’ because they had poor financial literacy and lacked money management skills and income stability”. Conversely, “22 percent of the 18- to 24-year-olds in the study sample were deemed to be financially stable, according to lead author Gaurav Sinha, a graduate student in social work at the University of Illinois. “These individuals were better at planning and managing their finances, had checking or savings accounts in mainstream banks and were less likely to use costly alternative financial services such as payday lenders.”
一项美国研究发现,近三分之一的年轻人 “ 被发现 ' 财务不稳定 ',因为他们缺乏财务知识,理财技能和收入稳定 ”。然而,“根据研究报告的主要撰写人,伊利诺伊大学社会工作专业研究生高拉夫·辛哈介绍,在18岁至24岁的受访者中,有22%人被认为是经济情况稳定的。”“ 这些人更善于规划和管理他们的财务,在主流银行拥有支票或储蓄账户,并且不太可能使用高利贷等成本昂贵的替代金融服务。”

Low financial literacy among youths warrants concern as it can lead to problems such as high debt and poor economic stability, both now and in the future. This makes financial literacy classes an important topic to be exposed to while still in school, before the student heads off to college or university.
年轻人的金融知识水平低是值得关注的,因为它可能导致现在或是将来的高债务和经济稳定性差等问题。 这使得金融知识课程成为一个学生在进入学院或大学之前在学校里就应该接触的课程。

Over in the US, a growing number of schools are making financial literary courses a requirement. According to a 2017 report by the Center for Financial Literacy at Champlain College, the state of Arkansaw has “passed a law that will require more substantive personal finance education in high school, beginning with the class of 2021.” Meanwhile, Utah requires high school students to take a half-year general financial literacy course as a graduation requirement. The results are promising, with the state to obtaining an A+ in the Champlain College’s report. MarketWatch reports that North Carolina may potentially become the 20th state to mandate financial literacy instruction for high schoolers. With more states set to follow suit, one hopes that the trend will continue across other schools in the world to ensure students understand personal finance before leaving high school.
在美国,越来越多的学校要求开设金融知识课程。根据普兰学院(Champlain College)金融知识中心(Center for Financial Literacy)2017年的一份报告,阿肯色州 “ 通过了一项法律,要求从2021届开始,在高中阶段开展更加实质性的个人理财教育。” 与此同时,犹他州要求高中生参加为期半年的金融知识课程作为毕业要求。结果是可观的,在尚普兰学院的报告中,该州将获得A+的成绩。据《市场观察》报道,北卡罗来纳州有可能成为第20个强制要求高中生进行金融知识教育的州。随着越来越多的州开始效仿,人们希望这种趋势能够在世界上其他学校继续发展,以确保学生在高中毕业前就了解个人理财。

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