WAL(Write-ahead logging, 预写日志)是关系型数据库中利用日志来实现事务性和持久性的一种技术,即在某个操作之前先将这个事情记录下来,以便之后对数据进行回滚,重试等操作保证数据的可靠性。
The write ahead log operates in segments that are numbered and sequential, e.g. 000000, 000001, 000002, etc., and are limited to 128MB by default. A segment is written to in pages of 32KB. Only the last page of the most recent segment may be partial. A WAL record is an opaque byte slice that gets split up into sub-records should it exceed the remaining space of the current page. Records are never split across segment boundaries. If a single record exceeds the default segment size, a segment with a larger size will be created. The encoding of pages is largely borrowed from LevelDB's/RocksDB's write ahead log.
const (
DefaultSegmentSize = 128 * 1024 * 1024 // 128 MB
pageSize = 32 * 1024 // 32KB
recordHeaderSize = 7
本文是在prometheus tsdb部分源码阅读之wal.LogSeries基础上进行扩展,由于tsdb/wal.go
// WAL is a write ahead log that can log new series labels and samples.
// It must be completely read before new entries are logged.
// DEPRECATED: use wal pkg combined with the record codex instead.
type WAL interface {
Reader() WALReader
LogSeries([]RefSeries) error
LogSamples([]RefSample) error
LogDeletes([]Stone) error
Truncate(mint int64, keep func(uint64) bool) error
Close() error
Prometheus storage hierarchy
(ENV) 🍺 /Users/xsky/go/src/github.com/microyahoo/prometheus/data ☞ tree -h
│ ├── [ 96] chunks
│ │ └── [7.1K] 000001
│ ├── [ 22K] index
│ ├── [ 272] meta.json
│ └── [ 9] tombstones
├── [ 0] lock
├── [ 20K] queries.active
└── [ 256] wal
├── [ 0] 00000050
├── [ 0] 00000051
├── [ 0] 00000052
├── [ 0] 00000053
├── [ 10K] 00000054
└── [ 96] checkpoint.000049
└── [ 32K] 00000000
4 directories, 12 files
// WAL is a write ahead log that stores records in segment files.
// It must be read from start to end once before logging new data.
// If an error occurs during read, the repair procedure must be called
// before it's safe to do further writes.
// Segments are written to in pages of 32KB, with records possibly split
// across page boundaries.
// Records are never split across segments to allow full segments to be
// safely truncated. It also ensures that torn writes never corrupt records
// beyond the most recent segment.
type WAL struct {
dir string
logger log.Logger
segmentSize int
mtx sync.RWMutex
segment *Segment // Active segment.
donePages int // Pages written to the segment.
page *page // Active page.
stopc chan chan struct{}
actorc chan func()
closed bool // To allow calling Close() more than once without blocking.
compress bool
snappyBuf []byte
fsyncDuration prometheus.Summary
pageFlushes prometheus.Counter
pageCompletions prometheus.Counter
truncateFail prometheus.Counter
truncateTotal prometheus.Counter
currentSegment prometheus.Gauge
// Segment represents a segment file.
type Segment struct {
dir string
i int

Create Segment
方法传入的是默认的segment大小,即128M。加载DB时如果WAL enabled的话,则会调用NewSize
wlog, err = wal.NewSize(l, r, filepath.Join(dir, "wal"), segmentSize, opts.WALCompression)
- 首先判断段大小是否是
的整数倍。 - 如果
目录。 - 创建WAL数据结构。因为WAL是与
active segment
即为指定的segmentSize。 - 查找目前WAL中所有的segment记录。因为segment是按照数字命名并递增的,所以其名字即为索引,其内部表述为
type segmentRef struct {
name string
index int
- 上面步骤获取到last segment之后,下一个要写入的segment index即为
,创建新的segment。 - 将新创建的segment设置为WAL的active segment,同时根据segment文件大小设置WAL
设置为新创建的segment的index。 - 启动新的goroutine执行
WAL Repair
Repair attempts to repair the WAL based on the error.
It discards all data after the corruption.
// CorruptionErr is an error that's returned when corruption is encountered.
type CorruptionErr struct {
Dir string
Segment int
Offset int64
Err error
- 首先获取wal目录中所有的segments。
索引之后的所有的segments。 - 关闭WAL的
active segment
。 - 将
后缀并重命名。 - 创建一个新的segment文件,其index为
,即Corruption segment重命名之后重新创建一个新的segment文件,并将WAL的active segment指向新创建的segment。 - 将Corruption segment中的数据读到新创建的segment文件中,读到
为止。- 遍历读取corrupted segment中的records,将其写入new segment中。
- 将active page刷入file。
- 关闭corrupted segment文件,并删除。
- 创建一个新的segment文件,其index为
的index+1,并将active segment指向新创建的segment。
// 打开corrupted segment文件并读取其中的records。
r := NewReader(bufio.NewReader(f))
// 下面WAL Reader部分有详细解释
for r.Next() {
// Add records only up to the where the error was.
// 读取到出错的地方为止。
if r.Offset() >= cerr.Offset {
// 下面着重介绍此方法
if err := w.Log(r.Record()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "insert record")
// We expect an error here from r.Err(), so nothing to handle.
// We need to pad to the end of the last page in the repaired segment
if err := w.flushPage(true); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "flush page in repair")
// We explicitly close even when there is a defer for Windows to be
// able to delete it. The defer is in place to close it in-case there
// are errors above.
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "close corrupted file")
// 删除.repair文件
if err := os.Remove(tmpfn); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "delete corrupted segment")
// Explicitly close the segment we just repaired to avoid issues with Windows.
// We always want to start writing to a new Segment rather than an existing
// Segment, which is handled by NewSize, but earlier in Repair we're deleting
// all segments that come after the corrupted Segment. Recreate a new Segment here.
// 创建新的segment file,并将active segment指向此新创建的segment file
s, err = CreateSegment(w.dir, cerr.Segment+1)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := w.setSegment(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil
Repair的核心就是将corrupted segment文件中的数据写入新的segment中,然后删除corrupted segment文件。下面着重介绍其写入过程,主要是调用WAL的log
// log writes rec to the log and forces a flush of the current page if:
// - the final record of a batch
// - the record is bigger than the page size
// - the current page is full.
func (w *WAL) log(rec []byte, final bool) error {
// When the last page flush failed the page will remain full.
// When the page is full, need to flush it before trying to add more records to it.
// 如果WAL的active page已满,则flush到file,并重置此page
if w.page.full() {
if err := w.flushPage(true); err != nil {
return err
// If the record is too big to fit within the active page in the current
// segment, terminate the active segment and advance to the next one.
// This ensures that records do not cross segment boundaries.
left := w.page.remaining() - recordHeaderSize // Free space in the active page.
left += (pageSize - recordHeaderSize) * (w.pagesPerSegment() - w.donePages - 1) // Free pages in the active segment.
// 如果record的长度大于active segment的剩余可用空间,则创建新的segment
if len(rec) > left {
// 1. 如果active page已分配大小不为0,则flush page到file。
// 2. 创建新的segment file。
// 3. 将上一个segment file的数据fsync到磁盘。
if err := w.nextSegment(); err != nil {
return err
compressed := false
if w.compress && len(rec) > 0 {
// The snappy library uses `len` to calculate if we need a new buffer.
// In order to allocate as few buffers as possible make the length
// equal to the capacity.
// 如果WAL compress enabled,则将record数据编码为snappyBuf,
// 将rec指向压缩后的snappyBuf数据记录。
w.snappyBuf = w.snappyBuf[:cap(w.snappyBuf)]
w.snappyBuf = snappy.Encode(w.snappyBuf, rec)
if len(w.snappyBuf) < len(rec) {
rec = w.snappyBuf
compressed = true
// Populate as many pages as necessary to fit the record.
// Be careful to always do one pass to ensure we write zero-length records.
for i := 0; i == 0 || len(rec) > 0; i++ {
p := w.page
// Find how much of the record we can fit into the page.
var (
l = min(len(rec), (pageSize-p.alloc)-recordHeaderSize)
part = rec[:l]
// buf指向page.buf的offset为page.alloc
buf = p.buf[p.alloc:]
typ recType
switch {
case i == 0 && len(part) == len(rec):
typ = recFull
case len(part) == len(rec):
typ = recLast
case i == 0:
typ = recFirst
typ = recMiddle
if compressed {
typ |= snappyMask
// 判断record的type和是否compress,并将其写入buf的第一个字节。
// 接着写入2字节的长度为min(len(record), (pageSize-p.alloc)-recordHeaderSize),
// 也就是说有可能record的长度大于active page所能分配的最大长度,
// 这样record就会跨page,但是不能跨segment。
// 然后写入4个字节的CRC
buf[0] = byte(typ)
crc := crc32.Checksum(part, castagnoliTable)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf[1:], uint16(len(part)))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[3:], crc)
// 紧接着header写入record数据记录,可能是一部分。
copy(buf[recordHeaderSize:], part)
p.alloc += len(part) + recordHeaderSize
// 如果page已满,则flush到file中。
if w.page.full() {
if err := w.flushPage(true); err != nil {
return err
rec = rec[l:]
// If it's the final record of the batch and the page is not empty, flush it.
if final && w.page.alloc > 0 {
if err := w.flushPage(false); err != nil {
return err
return nil
WAL Reader
// Reader reads WAL records from an io.Reader.
type Reader struct {
rdr io.Reader
err error
rec []byte
snappyBuf []byte
// buf为长度pageSize的字节数组
buf [pageSize]byte
total int64 // Total bytes processed.
curRecTyp recType // Used for checking that the last record is not torn.
| ≤ Reader.buf |
| hdr | buf |
| type <1b> | len <2b> | CRC32 <4b> | data <bytes> |
the record fragment
is encoded as:
| type <1b> | len <2b> | CRC32 <4b> | data <bytes> |
The type flag has the following states:
: rest of page will be empty -
: a full record encoded in a single fragment -
: first fragment of a record -
: middle fragment of a record -
: final fragment of a record
其中type占用一个byte,由于type flag只有五种状态,3 bits就可以表示了。前4个 bit未分配,第5个bit表示是否压缩
,最后三个bit表示record type
| 4 bits unallocated | 1 bit snappy compression flag | 3 bit record type |
// Next advances the reader to the next records and returns true if it exists.
// It must not be called again after it returned false.
func (r *Reader) Next() bool {
err := r.next()
if errors.Cause(err) == io.EOF {
// The last WAL segment record shouldn't be torn(should be full or last).
// The last record would be torn after a crash just before
// the last record part could be persisted to disk.
if r.curRecTyp == recFirst || r.curRecTyp == recMiddle {
r.err = errors.New("last record is torn")
return false
r.err = err
return r.err == nil
func (r *Reader) next() (err error) {
// We have to use r.buf since allocating byte arrays here fails escape
// analysis and ends up on the heap, even though it seemingly should not.
// 前面7个byte代表header,后面的为data
hdr := r.buf[:recordHeaderSize]
buf := r.buf[recordHeaderSize:]
r.rec = r.rec[:0]
r.snappyBuf = r.snappyBuf[:0]
i := 0
for {
// 首先从rdr中读取一个字节
if _, err = io.ReadFull(r.rdr, hdr[:1]); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "read first header byte")
// 获取record type,并判断是否压缩
r.curRecTyp = recTypeFromHeader(hdr[0])
compressed := hdr[0]&snappyMask != 0
// Gobble up zero bytes.
// 如果record type为recPageTerm,代表后面page剩余数据全部为0填充。即第一个byte为type,后面全是0。
if r.curRecTyp == recPageTerm {
// recPageTerm is a single byte that indicates the rest of the page is padded.
// If it's the first byte in a page, buf is too small and
// needs to be resized to fit pageSize-1 bytes.
buf = r.buf[1:]
// We are pedantic and check whether the zeros are actually up
// to a page boundary.
// It's not strictly necessary but may catch sketchy state early.
k := pageSize - (r.total % pageSize)
if k == pageSize {
continue // Initial 0 byte was last page byte.
n, err := io.ReadFull(r.rdr, buf[:k])
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "read remaining zeros")
r.total += int64(n)
for _, c := range buf[:k] {
if c != 0 {
return errors.New("unexpected non-zero byte in padded page")
// 读取剩余的6个byte,分别代表length和crc
n, err := io.ReadFull(r.rdr, hdr[1:])
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "read remaining header")
r.total += int64(n)
var (
length = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(hdr[1:])
crc = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(hdr[3:])
if length > pageSize-recordHeaderSize {
return errors.Errorf("invalid record size %d", length)
// 读取长度为length的数据,并计算其crc值是否与header中的crc相等。
n, err = io.ReadFull(r.rdr, buf[:length])
if err != nil {
return err
r.total += int64(n)
if n != int(length) {
return errors.Errorf("invalid size: expected %d, got %d", length, n)
if c := crc32.Checksum(buf[:length], castagnoliTable); c != crc {
return errors.Errorf("unexpected checksum %x, expected %x", c, crc)
// 如果为压缩数据,则将其存放在snappyBuf中,后面读取完成后进行decode。
if compressed {
r.snappyBuf = append(r.snappyBuf, buf[:length]...)
} else {
r.rec = append(r.rec, buf[:length]...)
if err := validateRecord(r.curRecTyp, i); err != nil {
return err
if r.curRecTyp == recLast || r.curRecTyp == recFull {
if compressed && len(r.snappyBuf) > 0 {
// The snappy library uses `len` to calculate if we need a new buffer.
// In order to allocate as few buffers as possible make the length
// equal to the capacity.
// 将压缩的数据进行解码。
r.rec = r.rec[:cap(r.rec)]
r.rec, err = snappy.Decode(r.rec, r.snappyBuf)
return err
return nil
// Only increment i for non-zero records since we use it
// to determine valid content record sequences.
- 为什么需要
类型,这样是不是浪费了一整个page大小的空间? -
代表什么? - 为什么
? - record的大小会大于segment吗?