1. 贸易战 trade war
商务部发言人 Ministry of Commerce spokesperson
违反世贸规则 violates the World Trade Organization rules
产业链和价值链 industry and value chains
经济复苏 economic recovery
市场动荡 market turmoil
普通消费者 ordinary consumers
国家核心利益 core national interests
深化改革 deepen reform
扩大开放 expand opening-up
保护企业家精神 protect entrepreneurship
强化产权保护strengthen protection of intellectual property rights
采取对策 take countermeasures
切实行动 tangible action
全球金融体系 global financial system
保护主义 protectionism
2. 垃圾计量收费garbage charged by weight
《关于创新和完善促进绿色发展价格机制的意见》guidelines on innovating and improving the price mechanism aimed at promoting green development
固体废物处理收费机制 solid waste disposal charging mechanism
垃圾分类 garbage classification
城镇生活垃圾处理urban domestic garbage disposal
危险废物处置 hazardous waste disposal
可持续发展 sustainable development
自然资源短缺 shortages of natural resources
遏制环境破坏 curb environmental damage
垃圾无害化处理 harmless disposal of garbage
垃圾循环利用 recycling of garbage
3. 无人岛 uninhabited/unpopulated island
审批流程 approval procedures
评估报告、论证报告appraisal reports
监测站(点) monitoring stations
水产养殖用途 aquaculture uses
公益事业 public welfare
《海岛保护法》Island Protection Law of the People's Republic of China
近海岛屿 offshore island
开发利用 development and utilization
海洋生态 ocean ecology
专属经济区 exclusive economic zone
4. 自动驾驶巴士 self-driving bus
AI开发者大会artificial intelligence developer conference
超高度自动驾驶highly automated driving
廉价商品cheap commodities
人工干预 manual intervention
自动变道 auto lane change
避障 obstacles avoidance
找车位 hunt for a parking spot
5. 3D录取通知书3D admission/acceptance letter
准考证 exam attendance docket
报志愿 college application
高考状元 gaokao top scorer
学生手册 student guidebook
新生报到 registration for freshmen