

作者: yanmai707277 | 来源:发表于2019-07-26 17:38 被阅读0次

1 there is an activity held in June of London called a naked ride.

2 that year i was 21 ,i lived in an old woman's house as an exchange student.

3 There is another girl calling sally,not this group sally.  who is coming from zhejiang .

i come from hongkong.

4 we are sharing a partment together living with that kindly woman.

5 she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.and she got an excellent performance in her school. we are at the same age.she does everything better than me in all aspects.

she has always been an good example for me to learn.

6 One day she rushed in telling me that she would attend a naked ride of this year.

i asked her why.

she answered that her grandmother onced told her that in dream . the elder granny had passed away for A year.

and she missed her grandmother very much.

7  To commemorate the special relative ,she 's going to intrigue herself once via attending a activity of naked ride to make herself  braver.

Her grandmother once said that if she wants to break through herself, she need to do something unexpected.

8 The naked ride is a chance to hitting the soul.

9 I said :"there is no point to do this. the real life has been tough already,

Why are we ashamed of youself?

10 she said stutbornly "I want to make sure how the feeling of shame does work to people”

11 I said :you are stupid, You're going to lose too much, it's not worth it.if you insist on it, i would tell it to your parents.

12 she said she didn't care.

she slammed the door and left me alone.

13 I didn't go to see the activity on the day of the ride. i stayed at home to mow the lawn for the elder owner of the apartment.

but later i saw her riding on a bike naked online.

14There's no doubt she's really beautiful, especially when she's naked.

15 she had lived in the apartment for 2 years like one of my relatives.

i can't bear she is hurt by anyone.

I found the men who sent this article by trying every all means.

i asked them stop to spread the naked picture anymore.

i spent 10000 yuan to take this post off .


To my surprise, this afternoon, the grandmother told me that she came back with low mood.

17 She told the granny she 

almost be  A celebrity all over the country.

but that post was suddenly deleted by media.

18 my god , what I have done ? I spent 10,000 yuan on it and brought her an unhappy mood. it was unexpected.


remember i am straight.


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