岗位:UI设计 要求:2年以上网站设计工作经验;熟练掌握Photoshop,Illustrato,Flash,dreamweaver等相关软件;有丰富的设计理论知识和对流行趋势敏锐的洞察力;良好的网页布局规则,交互界面设计规范,有良好的用户体验设计经验。
举例:拼多多 说明:1.用户通过微信群、微信朋友圈等社交关系,将商品拼团信息分享出去,好友通过点击链接,与用户拼团,以低价完成商品购买。2.打假,品控团队 3..品牌商品入驻 3.APP内的活动,多数以现金优惠券形式存在,近期拼多多APP独家赞助了第二季《中国新歌声》,应用内也上线了签到功能,用户通过在拼多多APP内签到,领取现金红包。
.阅读一篇以上Cross-border e-Commerce 相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容
Cross Border e-commerce- Selling to Canada and USA
主旨:Cross-border e-commerce is going to become the next growth driver for the e-commerce industry.And online fraud, non-payment, language barriers, multi-currency, international shipping overheads are just to name a few.First, selling to Canada-Your product portfolio.Than the NAFTA compliance origin of the producen.Nest,Choosing a Shipping Company to ship to Canada.When selling to USA ,Checking the eligibility of the product you want to sell.International selling for Omni-Channel Sellers can be overwhelming.
关键词:eligibility 适任,合格;被选举资格 shipment 装货;装载的货物 multi-currency多种货币 overhead n. 企业的日常管理费用;杂项开支;一般费用 facilitate 促进;帮助;使容易 categories 类别(category的复数);分类 destination 目的地,终点 collaboration 合作;勾结;通敌
.阅读一篇以上ARPU 相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容
Opinion ARPU is Dead,long live ARPA!
主旨:ARPU was borne from a wireless age when voice, post-paid, and subscriptions were the dominant drivers of success.Furthermore, assuming the operator has the customer’s permission, these insights can be shared with third parties to provide a richer user experience inside and outside the operator’s network, as well as enabling another source of revenue for the operator.Additionally, having visibility of a customer’s devices, location, mobility habits, and usage patterns, can help operators to better tailor the services and offers available to that customer.
关键词:wireless无线的;无线电的 aggregate n. 合计;集合体;总计 constructive. 建设性的;推定的;构造上的;有助益的 infrastructure . 基础设施;公共建设;下部构造 mobility 流动性;移动性; 流动;机动性 revenue n. 税收,国家的收入;收益 precise 精确的;明确的;严格的