国际惯例,LET‘S GO!
Global climate change has a profound impact on the existence and development of mankind, and is a major challenge facing all countries. Climate change is an issue arising in the course of humandevelopment. It is associated with both natural factors and human activities.It is an environmental issue, but also, and more importantly, a development issue, as it is closely connected with the development stage, way of life, size of population and resource endowment of different countries and their places in the international division of labor.
1. 全球气候变化深刻影响着人类生存和发展,是各国共同面临的重大挑战。
Global climate change has a profound impact on the existence and development of mankind, and is a major challenge facing all countries.
2. 气候变化是人类发展进程中出现的问题,既受自然因素影响,也受人类活动影响,既是环境问题,更是发展问题,同各国发展阶段、生活方式、人口规模、资源禀赋以及国际产业分工等因素密切相关。
Climate change is an issue arising in the course of human development. It is associated with both natural factors and human activities. It is an environmental issue, but also, and more importantly,a development issue, as it is closely connected with the development stage, way of life, size of population and resource endowment of different countries and their places in the international division of labor.
首先,气候变化是不是问题?当然是问题,所以第一句的表述可以直接一些。“受…影响”译成be associated with精准吗?为什么不直接说be affected by或者under the influence of呢?此处用静态的表述更自然一些。
“既是…..又是”译成“but also, and more importantly”不感觉累吗?能直接说话的时候就是要多说话,多费时间和力气啊!
Climate change, which has a deep impact on the existence and development of humanity,is a major challenge facing all countries. A problem that arises in the process of human development, it is affected by both natural factors and human activities. Climate change is more than an environmental issue; it is a development issue, which is closely linked to the development stage,lifestyle, population size, resource endowment of the countries, along with the international division of labor.
In the final analysis, we should and can only advance efforts to address climate change in the course of development and meet the challenge through common development. China has adopted and is implementing the National Climate Change Program, which includes mandatory national targets for reducing energy intensity and the discharge of major pollutants, and increasing forest coverage and the share of renewable energy for the period of 2005 through 2010.
1. 归根到底,应对气候变化问题应该也只能在发展过程中推进,应该也只能靠共同发展来解决。
In the final analysis, we should and can only advance efforts to address climate change in the course of developmentand meet the challenge through common development.
2. 中国已经制定和实施了《应对气候变化国家方案》,明确提出2005年到2010年降低单位国内生产总值能耗和主要污染物排放、提高森林覆盖率和可再生能源比重等有约束力的国家指标。
China has adopted and is implementing the National Climate Change Program, which includes mandatory national targets for reducing energy intensity and the discharge of major pollutants, and increasing forest coverage and the share of renewable energy for the period of 2005 through 2010.
这句话中,“明确提出”译成 include可以,换成define或者establish也没问题,主要在于后面的宾语是index或者target。
“单位国内生产总值能耗”专有名词,直译energy consumption per unit of GDP。简单点,就是原文的energy intensity。无论是考翻译MA还是MTI,不会这个词基本上就可以回家洗洗睡了。
“主要污染物排放”emissions of major pollutants。“排放”多数都是用emission,为啥用discharge 呢?能用常见的词语,就不要再换其它词语。当然,emission是可数名词,要加S!
当我看到“for the period of 2005 through 2010.”的时候,我呆了。这种用法太高深,实在少见。“2005年到2010年”译成 between 2005 and 2010,或者for the period of 2005-2010不更简单一些吗?
China has rolled out the National Climate Change Program, which establishes mandatory national targets of reducing energy consumption per unit of GDP and emissions of major pollutants, and increasing forest coverage and the proportion of renewable energy sources between 2005 and 2010.
“科学发展”,不要译成Scientific development! 不要译成Scientific development!
不要译成Scientific development!!!
“以人为本”动词词组是to put people first,形容词呢?people-centered。“建设生态文明”的文明怎么译,谁译成civilization谁就可以回家喝糊涂了。后面的两个“坚持”可以合并,千万不要死心眼都硬出来。
“重大战略任务”怎么译?important strategic task?呵呵,洗洗睡吧。既然是战略性的,肯定是重要的或者重大的,否则谈不上战略性的。所以直接就是strategic task。
至于后面的三个“型”,赤裸裸的英文转译过来的。But,创新型国家怎么译?呵呵,innovation-driven country。
China places a high priority on achieving sound and sustainable development that is people-centered, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable. It has defined strategic tasks of making ecological progress,and highlighted its commitment to the basic state policies of energy conservation,environment protection and sustainable development. It will contribute to the efforts against climate change as it works to build an energy-saving,environment-friendly and innovation-driven country.
注:“高度重视和积极推动”有语义重复的嫌疑,积极推动的前提肯定是高度重视,因为高度重视才会积极推动。但为了保留原文的强调意味,译成 place a high priority on achieving...
In the years ahead, China will further integrate actions on climate change into its economic and social development plan and take the following measures:First, we will intensify effort to conserve energy and improve energy efficiency. We will endeavor to cut carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by a notable margin by 2020 from the 2005 level. Second, we will vigorously develop renewable energy and nuclear energy. Third, we will energetically increase forest carbon sink. Fourth, we will step up effort to develop green economy, low-carbon economy and circular economy, and enhance research,development and dissemination of climate-friendly technologies.
In the years ahead, China will further integrate actions on climate change into its economic and social development plan and take the following measures:
首先,一个will就足以代表将来时,所以in the years ahead完全可以删除。或者,换一个不那么明显的时间词。比如,逼格满满的Going forward!
“应对气候变化”其实指的是“应对气候变化的措施或者行动”,直接就是climate change measures/actions。令人疑惑的是,“并继续采取强有力的措施”总感觉后面缺点什么似的。是的,它后面的1234才是措施的内容。
2. 一是加强节能、提高能效工作,争取到2020年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年有显著下降。
First,we will intensify effort to conserve energy and improve energy efficiency. We will endeavor to cut carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by a notable margin by 2020 from the 2005 level.
3. 二是大力发展可再生能源和核能。
Second,we will vigorously develop renewable energy and nuclear energy.
4. 三是大力增加森林碳汇。
Third,we will energetically increase forest carbon sink.
一个细节, forest carbon sink的sink是可数名词,此处要加S!
5. 四是大力发展绿色经济,积极发展低碳经济和循环经济,研发和推广气候友好技术。
Fourth,we will step up effort to develop green economy, low-carbon economy and circular economy, and enhance research, development and dissemination of climate-friendly technologies.
看,又又又叕是“大力”。每一句都在转换着说法,但没感觉译出来有啥实质意义。何况 step up effort 的effort要不要变成复数呢?
重要的是,green economy, low-carbon economy and circular economy前面是不是少个东西呢?a还是the?三个economy一起出现,中国经济发展的任务真重啊。有没有变通的方法,让这句话流畅一些的同时不改变意思?
Going forward, China will further integrate climate change measures into its economic and social development plans, and continue to take strong measures as follows. First,it will further improve energy efficiency to reduce energy consumption and ensure that carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will be significantly reduced by 2020, compared to the 2005 level. Second, it will develop renewable energy sources and nuclear energy. Third, it will increase forest carbon sinks. Fourth, it will foster a green, low-carbon and circular economy by developing and deploying climate-friendly technologies.
这样就可以了吗?有没有发现1234都是句子,读起来it will是不是有些难受啊!毕竟出现的频率太高了。怎么办?试试这样……
Going forward, China will further integrate climate change measures into its economic and social development plans. It will also continue to take strong measures,including 1) increasing energy efficiency to reduce energy consumption and to ensure that carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will be significantly reduced by 2020, compared to the 2005 level; 2) developing renewable energy sources and nuclear energy; 3) increasing forest carbon sinks; and 4) fostering a green, low-carbon and circulare conomy with the development and deployment of climate-friendly technologies.
遇到不会的翻译怎么办?用最简单的单词解释。又如“实现中华民族的伟大复兴” 译成make China great again,也是相当棒的哟!现代化呢?build a modern China.