1.命令模式 (press Esc to enable)
- F: find and replace
- Ctrl-Shift-P: open the command palette
- Enter: enter edit mode
- Shift-Enter: run cell, select below
- Ctrl-Enter: run selected cells
- Alt-Enter: run cell, insert below
- Y: to code
- M: to markdown
- R: to raw
- 1: to heading 1
- 2: to heading 2
- 3: to heading 3
- 4: to heading 4
- 5: to heading 5
- 6: to heading 6
- K: select cell above
- Up: select cell above
- Down: select cell below
- J: select cell below
- Shift-K: extend selected cells above
- Shift-Up: extend selected cells above
- Shift-Down: extend selected cells below
- Shift-J: extend selected cells below
- A: insert cell above
- B: insert cell below
- X: cut selected cells
- C: copy selected cells
- Shift-V: paste cells above
- V: paste cells below
- Z: undo cell deletion
- D,D: delete selected cells
- Shift-M: merge selected cells, or current cell with cell below if only one cell selected
- Ctrl-S: Save and Checkpoint
- S: Save and Checkpoint
- L: toggle line numbers
- O: toggle output of selected cells
- Shift-O: toggle output scrolling of selected cells
- H: show keyboard shortcuts
- I,I: interrupt kernel
- 0,0: restart the kernel (with dialog)
- Esc: close the pager
- Q: close the pager
- Shift-Space: scroll notebook up
- Space: scroll notebook down
2.编辑模式 (press Enter to enable)
- Tab: code completion or indent
- Shift-Tab: tooltip
- Ctrl-]: indent
- Ctrl-[: dedent
- Ctrl-A: select all
- Ctrl-Z: undo
- Ctrl-Shift-Z: redo
- Ctrl-Y: redo
- Ctrl-Home: go to cell start
- Ctrl-Up: go to cell start
- Ctrl-End: go to cell end
- Ctrl-Down: go to cell end
- Ctrl-Left: go one word left
- Ctrl-Right: go one word right
- Ctrl-Backspace: delete word before
- Ctrl-Delete: delete word after
- Ctrl-M: command mode
- Ctrl-Shift-P: open the command palette
- Esc: command mode
- Shift-Enter: run cell, select below
- Ctrl-Enter: run selected cells
- Alt-Enter: run cell, insert below
- Ctrl-Shift-Minus: split cell
- Ctrl-S: Save and Checkpoint
- Down: move cursor down
- Up: move cursor up
3. 重要插件安装
- pip install jupyter_nbextensions_configurator jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
- jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
- jupyter nbextensions_configurator enable --user